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Who the f*** is in charge of PR in Liverpool?


So many pictures could be posted in reply to this question.


I know, had so many in mind decided to leave it to the rest to come up with their conclusions.


Thats my guess anyway:



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Who the f*** is in charge of PR in Liverpool?


It's quite entertaining how bad they are, can't wait for them to release their ltd edition "Lets Kick It Out" Gollywog in the club shop. Seriously though how much deeper do they want to dig themselves before they release they have massivley fucked up on this whole issue. Absolute shambles from start to finish, god only knows how their black players feel playing for an organisation that has gone out of it's way to support a player who has used racist language.



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It's beyond obvious that their lack of apology has paid lip service to the idiots, baffles me that anyone could even argue against it.


everyone has lost their minds over this whole thing, including the anti-liverpool brigade imo


all sense of perspective went out the window ages back on both sides


Don't really see how that relates to what I'm saying unless you're proposing I've lost my mind?


maybe i've lost my mind

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Brings to mind the last campaign for "justice" by Liverpool fans - where the "victim" was Michael Shields, the man found guilty in a court of law of attempted murder - a verdict that has never been overturned, and the "liar" was the waiter who suffered brain damage and undeniably, one way or another, had been scarred for life by a Liverpool supporter smashing his head in with a paving slab. That sorry episode was well reported on here:




The "Free Michael" campaign was supported by Carra, the Kop, Rafa - all hitting the same tone as the Suarez campaign, even though Shields' innocence is still far from certain and he remains guilty in the eyes of Bulgarian law. Journalist Carole Malone commented "I'm sorry, but this whole thing strinks of subterfuge, incompetence and political wheeler-dealing." and the above article suggests this is accurate.


I find it astonishing that the "Justice for scumbag" campaign has managed to hit the same unsavoury heights twice in recent times, and has twice received the seemingly unconditional backing of both club officials and supporters.


It reflects poorly on the "Justice for the 96" campaigners who I do feel have a real grievance and an objective worth pursuing in getting all information about the disaster released. Unfortunately for them, they will always be tainted by the "always the victims, never your fault" jibes. But its not hard to see why those taunts are aimed at what appears to be in many ways, an utterly repulsive football club.



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Hadn't heard about that story. Seems really strange for the club to have gotten involved, because whether Shields was innocent or not, it looks as though at least one Liverpool fan has almost killed someone.


This paragraph also leaves a nasty taste:


Whatever the truth, the case is an unedifying one and reflects poorly on Liverpool's football supporters. Mr Unsworth summed up the unsavoury feeling about the whole affair. He sympathised with his friend left in prison, he said, but had little pity for Mr Georgiev. "I felt sorry for him at first, but by insisting it was Michael that attacked him he is just trying to get his compensation money. Anyway, he only came out of the fish-and-chip shop to help out the Germans who were out there."


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Anyway, have liverpool not made 5-5 with claiming a league cup final place.


And knocking their rivals out the cup?


I think so, a point for Liverpool seems about right for what's happened football-wise in the last week........

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Scouser on Facebook pissed off because they've "Not even signed a ball-boy" and sarcastically saying that they're going to win the World Cup.  They've spent over £100m in the last two windows and over the last five years only Man City have spent more on players, gross.  How the fuck do they need more players?  Oh, that's right, because they got a £50m windfall and gave it to a scottish drunk who spent most of it on Andy Carroll and didn't even have enough left over to cover the fee of Downing or Henderson.

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It's the deadline day drama effect. You get the impression some fans would be happier with signing one decent player on the 31st every six months rather than sign 5 decent to great ones throughout the Summer.

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