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Said it before but bringing back an increasingly paranoid and twisted Dalglish has been a disaster for Liverpool. A better more intelligent man could have handled the Suarez affair with a bit of dignity and the business could have been done with. All Kenny has done and hilariously, is still doing, is pouring diesel on the flames with his paranoia and victim complex.


His results have been pretty shit too. :lol:

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If they win 2 cups people won't be saying it's been a disaster like.


They've a great chance of winning the League Cup but the clubs public image has never been lower and KD is largely responsible for that.


The money he has wasted on dross. Bloody hell, he's up there with Souness in terms of squandered millions.

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Just think of Mick Lowes commentary when we beat Liverpool (PLEASE!!!) and finish above the red b******s...


Maggie Thatcher ... Winston Churchill ... Kenny Dalglish ..... Andy Carroll .... Jose Enriquez .... Craig Bellamy ..... Michael Owen .... Alan Kennedy .... Didi Hamann. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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The money he has wasted on dross. Bloody hell, he's up there with Souness in terms of squandered millions.


(From Otter above)


It must have been put on here many, many times. The hypocrisy of the football world (press and ignorant fans) towards the way that the miserable Glaswegian git is revered when he comes back to Liverpool (after how many years?) compared to the ridicule for the Toon bringing back KK, just staggers me.


Dalglish ripped a wonderful team (NUFC) to shreds, buying (mainly) crap. And is doing a fairly poor job this time round again in thiefland. And as for Sourness. Back in the pub after the Villa game, trying to remember when we last had 2 real centre forwards ... oh yes, when that other Scottish arse***e sold Craig, Craig Bellamy because he wanted to show he was harder!


Complete tossers. The two of them.

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Anyone else and there would be serious questions bring asked about the money he has wasted. Enrique was a good buy, Suarez is talented although by no means a great goal grabber and Bellamy was a good bit of business. However, Carroll, Henderson, Downing and Adam were all brought in for huge sums and I'm not convinced any of that foursome are anything other than standard Premier League players.

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Anyone else and there would be serious questions bring asked about the money he has wasted. Enrique was a good buy, Suarez is talented although by no means a great goal grabber and Bellamy was a good bit of business. However, Carroll, Henderson, Downing and Adam were all brought in for huge sums and I'm not convinced any of that foursome are anything other than standard Premier League players.

Suarez, has what league five goals?


He's lucky to have Carroll and Kuyt there to make him look productive.

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Guest Chubby Jason

Well Liverpool fans are all to happy to sweep it under the rug, yet they milk Hillsbrough for all it's worth.



The comment was ridiculously irrelevant and had nothing to do with what the bloke was tweeting him about. He's obviously trying to make it impossible for him to find a new job. He's on "Keys and Grey" tomorrow morning so maybe he'll end up at talkSHITE.
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Struck me watching their game the other night what an ugly bunch of bastards Liverpool have playing for them - Kuyt, Suarez, Bellamy, Skrtel, Spearing, Gerrard, Adam all in the same team ffs.


Seems Kenny really is trying to create a side in his own image.

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Because i am.


I think i'm worn out with this crap, with more to come this weekend. I feel like i am constantly battling against an insane world were common sense no longer exists, just a constant stream of idiotic views that continue to spew into the open, on tv, online, radio, newspapers, day in day out.


After trying to clear my head and act in some sort of educational manner with the Suarez situation with people i know and online, the whole thing has come back again. After all the crap the last few years, the incessant dirge we put up with the media in every aspect of the game, the hype, the cheating, the hypocrisy just continues to kick me in the gut until i can honestly say i'm ready to turn my back on football for good. Its beyond what i feel for this club, but i'm hanging on by my fingernails as the resentment for the game grows daily.


I hate it, detest everything about it currently. I cant even enjoy watching the reds play regardless of performance without some sort of media dig or controversy rearing it's head. The game has been ruined by a multitude of people who should know better. I'm honestly exhausted with the crap i dont even feel like watching saturday as it may tip me over the precipice.






What a fucking nonce.

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