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We can't finish eighth


Come on, I know it was pretty difficult last year but I think he's putting them down a bit.  With new manager syndrome at the start of the season I reckon they can be top half, and even top eight.

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Guest firetotheworks

Nah, they shouldn't anymore. They're a relic. Around 6th is pretty much their par. Any higher and they've had a very good season iyam.

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He's just saying Liverpool should expect better and to be fair, they should.


Why? They have a very average squad.



I agree, but it shouldn't be. I think that comment from Gerrard was about letting fans know that he and the squad recognises they had a poor season, they are a big name, that have spent a lot of money on players, so he has a point when he says that LFC should finish higher.

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He's just saying Liverpool should expect better and to be fair, they should.


Why? They have a very average squad.



I agree, but it shouldn't be. I think that comment from Gerrard was about letting fans know that he and the squad recognises they had a poor season, they are a big name, that have spent a lot of money on players, so he has a point when he says that LFC should finish higher.

the expectation of finishing near the top without fail is whats hurting Liverpool at the moment, they've sacked their last 3 managers 2 after a relatively short period of time and given a legend for the club like Daglish was sacked for not being in the Champions League after winning 1 trophy and getting to the final of the other then unless Rogers is up there straight away he's screwed. The lack of a long term plan will only hurt them as no one has a chance to put any foundations down before the next guy is in with a completely different idea on football leaving some expensive aqusitions from the previous manager looking surplus to requirements and not wanted (Carroll the most glaring example here)

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One of the most harmful things was Dagliesh's failure to find his best 11 really, bad squad but it needed to be settled. I suppose he's never going to be in want of midfield subs...Unless Boroni turns out to be amazing he's going to struggle to find much threat there.

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Think that's quality of him though. If he's got a long-term plan for how he intends to sort that club out, then that's great news for Liverpool fans. I'd much sooner hire the guy who submits a 180-page dossier detailing exactly what he intends to do over the next X-amount of years than the manager who talks in vague soundbites (Redknapp). Hope it gets leaked too, would be a fascinating read.

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Guest Craig-NUFC

I've read Sahin is off on loan to a premier league club not sure i'd put him into the superstar category but he'd be a solid signing


Arsenal was the rumoured club doing the rounds last week.

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