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The Liverpool Thread


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Sorry if Giggs, in the Liverpool documentary, there is a segment in Rodgers house, where it flashes to a giant self portrait of himself on the wall of his house. What a knob head!



jees what a c***.


Must be somewhere near this



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What was up with Shelvey and Sir Alex? I saw he tweeted an apology and mentioned 'grass' in reference to Fergie but I have no idea what that means.


Grass = snitch.


Its plastered all over the walls in some housing estates in pool.

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Just watched that doc yesterday, can't believe that picture of himself on the wall. He's completely up his own arse at this stage of his career, and what exactly has he actually achieved?! Seems like a twat to me and doubt he will last very long at them.

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Guest firetotheworks

This is an art attack. This is an art attack. This. IS. Art Attack.


As he hoys his own shit around the house willy nilly.

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