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The other games today - 2010/11


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I can't see us letting in six at Old Trafford so that's us pretty much guaranteed not to be bottom after the first round of games. Even if it's on alphabetical order, I'm happy about that. :lol:

Dave man!

Thought the same.  :sadnod:

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Thank god O'Neill has gone, if it means we play like we did today a bit more often.


West Ham were shite (and I'm tempted to lump on them going down) but we played better football than we have for at least two years at VP today.

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Guest ObiChrisKenobi

Incidentally. why the fuck didnt MON use Albrighton more last season?


Absolutely superb today, as those of us who watch the reserves a bit knew he would be.


This is the same MON who turned a young Heskey from an OK winger, to a bulky pointless striker.

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Thank god O'Neill has gone, if it means we play like we did today a bit more often.


West Ham were shite (and I'm tempted to lump on them going down) but we played better football than we have for at least two years at VP today.


Let's hope you've got a new bloke in charge this time next week then. :lol:

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Guest firetotheworks

You were good, but I think that was mainly because of how unbelievably bad West Ham were. Like you said yourself, they were terrible.

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Guest ObiChrisKenobi

Watching Villa v West Ham on Football First, and West Ham are certainly shitter than Villa are good. Robert Green looks like he's still waiting for the ground to open up and swallow him.

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I can't see us letting in six at Old Trafford so that's us pretty much guaranteed not to be bottom after the first round of games. Even if it's on alphabetical order, I'm happy about that. :lol:



Wigan's 2nd game as at home to Chelsea, which gives us even more breathing space.  :celb:


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