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Hatem Ben Arfa

Guest sicko2ndbest

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He is more like messi for me because he is a team player,robben only passes because he can't do it by himself or when he is trying to play a 1 -2 and despite being older and more experience he doesn't seem like changing with his selfish ways and spoilt child behaviour and don't forget his diving soon as he meets an opponent who can match him for pace and defends him very well.


Robben is a much better scorer and has more pace but he isn't the best of dribbler,he is more like giggs of the early 90s,changes directions very quickly which makes it very difficult for the defenders to deal with him.


Ben arfa is more skill and has more of a footballing brain for me,his dribbling are almost messi like and his vision and passing are also better than robben .


If what you're trying to say is Ben Arfa > Robben you must be off your rocker...




"More like Messi"  - love it.


Seriously though, with expectations like this people are bound to be disappointed, whether he signs in the end or not...

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Il devait rejoindre Newcastle  jeudi et espérait jouer la première journée de Premier League, contre Manchester United samedi. Puis l’étonnante évolution du dossier Niang a chamboulé les plans de Hatem Ben Arfa, envers qui l’OM ne sait plus se positionner. L’Olympique de Marseille pourrait en effet avoir bien besoin des services de son feu follet.


Mais voilà qu’un nouveau rebondissement vient tout remettre en cause. Alors que tout semblait réglé entre l’OM et Newcastle, l’entraîneur des Magpies, Chris Hughton, a jeté un pavé dans la mare sur Skysports. « Il n’y a rien. Nous sommes au courant des spéculations au sujet d’un éventuel prêt de Ben Arfa mais il est un joueur de Marseille. Il n’y a eu aucun contact direct », a-t-il lâché. Pourtant, des émissaires du club anglais s’étaient bien rendus à la Commanderie ces derniers jours pour finaliser l’opération…


Que faut-il conclure du démenti livré par Hughton ? Soit Marseille a finalement refusé l’offre de prêt des Magpies et ces derniers se retirent ainsi avec fierté du dossier. Soit l’OM s’est servi de Newcastle comme d’un leurre pour attirer d’autres courtisans. Au regard des dernières informations, la première solution semble la plus plausible. Face au probable départ de Niang, le club phocéen a tout intérêt de conserver Ben Arfa, condition exigée par Deschamps, selon L’Équipe, au terme de la réunion de lundi. Déjà hypothétique, la participation de Ben Arfa au premier match de Premier League semble s’éloigner définitivement.


My free translation result...(not sure there's owt new in here)



Marseilles in fact could have well need of the services of his flighty fire.


The trainer of the Magpies, Chris Hughton, threw a paved one in the pond on Skysports.


Is the OM used Newcastle as of one deludes to attract other sycophants?


Already hypothetical, the participation of Ben Arfa to the first game of Premier League seems to move away itself definitively.










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Guest zinaldo1982

Ben arfa just has to make it clear to them to see it from is point of view that the manager would be happy if it was him who was leaving and there is nothing that assures him that he is going to start or even play games whereas at newcastle we are crying out for players like him.


Just let them know that he doesn't want to be there anymore and that at his age he needs to be playing from the start and not having to settle for 20 minutes near the end of matches.

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