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Aston Villa appoint Alex McLeish as new manager

Fenham Mag

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Pretty good appointment IMO.




That was my worry, but luckily it seems like half the fans haven already decided he's not good enough and want him out, which will probably lessen the chance of success under him.


Having to come out and defend the appointment before you've even announced it doesn't bode well.

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Could turn out well for them, but they have some interesting fixtures coming up, all winnable games but some quite difficult. They have Stoke away on monday, just feel if he doesn't get off to a good start then it could be a difficult season for Villa.

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Guest MrBrown

Couldn't stand any american being a Prem manager.


"He's a great right side defenseman, if we go into overtime I know I can count on him to step up to the plate"


Alright dude, anyone who American who knows enough about soccerball doesn't speak like that.


Except for "Upper 90," everyone says that, hate that s***.


Tbh, I coach middle school soccer/ football over here and I find myself constantly having to rephrase my positional instructions. They don't know what a winger is. You have to say right or left midfielder.

You have players from West Africa, South America, Central Europe, etc. You have managers from all over the European continent. These people grew up speaking a plethora of different languages who have had to learn English, are in the process of learning it, or can't speak the language. It really is baffling to me that you think there would be a problem because the Americans speak a slightly different dialect.


Americans shouldn't commentate the sport, though. Ever.


Until you have personal experience of a situation, perhaps you should lay off the pontification. 'It really is baffling to me' that you don't see a problem when, telling someone to play full-back, they settle into a position in the center of defence. Of course, since you are speaking from a purely theoretical position atop your high horse, I shouldn't be surprised. It's not a massive issue, nor was I making it out to be one. I was just pointing out the modifications in what I have to say due to a 'slightly different dialect.' The fact that I do change my vocabulary after the initial confusion demonstrates that it's really not the 'problem' you're claiming I made it out to be. Anyway. Stay baffled.

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Excellent appoinment for villa, IMO.


He's experienced, knowledgable. He's managed in the premiership and did all right, he has an abundance of knowledge regarding young players, he's not afraid to venture outside the English market and his Lyon team played good football and played well in Europe.


He's a cut above o'neill and the likes of redknapp and moyes so if Lerner is patient, houllier, age and health related issues permitting, will be very good for them.


As much as he's a massive twat, I wouldn't say he's a cut above Redknapp.

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He's pretty similar to O'Neill based on his time at Liverpool. Dull defensive counter attack football at home with a pacy striker to hoof it over the top to and a shitload of overpriced donkeys from the same country.


Can't see Villa fans giving him as long as they did O'Neill before they start complaining.

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He's pretty similar to O'Neill based on his time at Liverpool. Dull defensive counter attack football at home with a pacy striker to hoof it over the top to and a shitload of overpriced donkeys from the same country.


Can't see Villa fans giving him as long as they did O'Neill before they start complaining.


I agree, the expectation is naturally higher now. It was like us being pissed at finishing 5th in Robson's last season. How times change :(

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Excellent appoinment for villa, IMO.


He's experienced, knowledgable. He's managed in the premiership and did all right, he has an abundance of knowledge regarding young players, he's not afraid to venture outside the English market and his Lyon team played good football and played well in Europe.


He's a cut above o'neill and the likes of redknapp and moyes so if Lerner is patient, houllier, age and health related issues permitting, will be very good for them.


Is he fuck :lol:


Must be one of the most wasteful managers I can ever remember in the transfer market for a start.

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