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Cheick Tioté (1986-2017)


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Manchester United have earmarked Cheik Tiote as the right man to beef up their midfield.


Sir Alex Ferguson is reportedly keen to add more steel to the centre of his midfield, especially now that Owen Hargreaves has been released by the club. None of the club’s current midfield options are considered out and out defensive midfielders with the likes of Anderson, Michael Carrick and Darren Fletcher all being considered players that play more of a role moving the ball forwards.


Chelsea were expected to renew their interest in the Ivory Coast international following the injury to Essien in pre-season training that has sidelined him for six months but instead it is United that are showing the strongest interest.


Given the uncertainty that appears to surround Newcastle United and the reported unhappiness displayed by a number of the club’s squad at the manner in which Mike Ashley is running the club, perhaps a move to Man United would tempt Cheik Tiote?


The Ivorian cost Newcastle United just £3.5m a year ago and an offer four times that amount may also tempt Ashley for he is clearly not immune to the idea of selling a player for financial gain even if it upsets the St James’ Park masses.


Alan Pardew has been given precious little of the £35m the club received from Liverpool for Andy Carroll and has had to pick up freebie bargains or cheap talents such as Demba Ba, Yohan Cabaye and Sylvain Marveaux. The Magpies have lost captain Kevin Nolan and Jose Enrique and there is still a chance that Joey Barton will also be on his way after his twitter tirade.


Ferguson is apparently a fan of the former FC Twente man and could do with some added steel in his midfield so an offer for Tiote would make sense, not least because in his debut season in the Premier League the 25 year old impressed greatly.


caughtoffside have never been right about anything have they?

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Should just fax them this...








We should respond to all our emails with rage comic faces tbf.


Knowing Mike Ashley, this is probably what he already does.

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14m, 40m, means nothing to the fans if its not spent on the team.  Hope we can hold on to him until January.


Be interesting to see the excuse machine if he does go, wasn't one of the reasons the Carroll money vanished because it was supposedly to pay for new deals for Enrique and Tiote?

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Should just fax them this...








We should respond to all our emails with rage comic faces tbf.


Knowing Mike Ashley, this is probably what he already does.



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This is from caughtoffside originally yeah?


Complete bollocks then.


Aye, that's one of my biggest moans about an organisation as reputable as the BBC giving wank websites like that the time of day. Someone else reads it on the BBC and suddenly there's more substance to it, then that gets quoted etc etc.

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14m, 40m, means nothing to the fans if its not spent on the team.  Hope we can hold on to him until January.


Be interesting to see the excuse machine if he does go, wasn't one of the reasons the Carroll money vanished because it was supposedly to pay for new deals for Enrique and Tiote?


As shambolic as it was back then, if we sell Tiote for a massive profit like that, I highly doubt that it won't be spent purely on bringing in players. Since the Carroll money was needed to beef up contracts for new players and existing ones, I reckon a big sale like that, especially in this window will be spent even before it is received (a la Liverpool with selling Torres and buying Carroll).

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