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Shola Ameobi


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Gives me no pleasure to say he's playing some of the poorest football of his career. He knows he's got a great opportunity given that our main strikers are in Africa, yet is turning in desperately lethargic performances and offering zero goal threat. When Ba and Cisse return, he really should be a long way from getting game time.

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When I see players like him and Obertan (just another example, chillax, there is still time for him.) on this level, I'm thinking; "The f***? So there really is hope for everyone." Then I think how sad it is that they get paid good money, plays for 50k every week, living the dream 'n stuff blablabla, and yet they have no skill, literary none. On top of that they're not interested or/and capable of putting in a minimum of effort to look like football players or at the very least athletes. f*** sake.



What's even worse is that, despite how appalling he has been described on this thread, he's still 100000x the footballer any of us will ever be :(




So true :lol:


The absolute worst player to ever play Premiership football could probably run circles around all of us.


Nah, there's Alan Smith.


At what point does Pards look at the match videos, and then look past options like Lovenkrands and Vuckic, and past Phil Airey and Adam Campbell and Dan Taylor, and look at Alan Smith and think "He might be an option, rather than Shola"...?


And how would we feel to see Smith selected instead of Ameobi...?





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I've played with some lads who've been discarded at youth level over here (and these are shit K-League teams we're talking about), and in my experience anyone who's been professionally trained for any extended period of time is just on a different level from even the best of hobby footballers.


If you threw Alan Smith up against a defense of average joes he'd probably look like Messi.

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Bit late in the day, but for someone supposedly 'fighting for their place' he has been utter wank for the last two games.  Embarrassing , poor excuse of a footballer.


He's hardly a young hungry prospect though, he's a veteran one-club striker who seems to love the comfortable life of a NUFC squad player.

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