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Jonás Gutiérrez (now managing Club Almagro)

Crumpy Gunt

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think i'd still like a 'specialist' left back with jonas on the left of a midfield 3, means we still get his 'ball carrying' and the odd screamer :D ... doing a decent job at left back but would definitely rather see him in his normal role. 

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Nee way we'll keep jonas there, he's not nearly good enough defensively (in a positional sense). His main asset defensively when he's a winger is his willingness to track back and take the ball off the opposition winger/double up before they've had a chance to get a ball in.


I don't think this attribute really works when he's the one that's being taken on.

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his positioning during first half against bellamy was a disaster. Would much rather have a left back who were more sound defensively and push jonas to that CM spot or left winger spot. The sad thing about this new formation is that Jonas best position is scrapped away but he is a professional and quite versitile player so should be playing quite good in either of the three positions.

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Guest BlacknWhiteArmy

What are the chances, that Jonas stay in the full back position. He actually plays there pretty well and understands what to do in that position perfectly for the team. If he could settles in that position i would like to see him in the left back of 4-3-3. Adds quite a bit going forward and holding on to possession as well. Maybe then, we dont have to spend on the left back position in the summer.


Disagree, he's very poor as a defensive full back.

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I think long term hes perfect in a midfield 3 with a destroyer and a creator (Tiote & Cabaye). His engine, leadership, close control, ball retention and decent defensive ability make him fit for that role. I think he and Tiote behind Cabaye is excellent. 


I know some would like to upgrade on midfield if we have a 3 in there, but to me, his skill-set and leadership make him an almost must-starter for me.  Which I know may be unpopular.

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I think long term hes perfect in a midfield 3 with a destroyer and a creator (Tiote & Cabaye). His engine, leadership, close control, ball retention and decent defensive ability make him fit for that role. I think he and Tiote behind Cabaye is excellent. 


I know some would like to upgrade on midfield if we have a 3 in there, but to me, his skill-set and leadership make him an almost must-starter for me.  Which I know may be unpopular.


Agree with you there.  If we play a 3 man midfield of Tiote, Cabaye and someone else, Jonas is a very good candidate for that role.  His ball carrying and forward drive would make a huge difference.  Without Tiote, Cabaye and Guthrie in the midfield 3, you definitely miss out on that.

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Aye i think we need to stop chucking him about all over the place. I can see the logic in putting him at left-back, but i think we need to get him fully embedded into this central role. Would save us having to make serious investment in that position next season, if we're going to stick with this delightful 4-3-3.

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What are the chances, that Jonas stay in the full back position. He actually plays there pretty well and understands what to do in that position perfectly for the team. If he could settles in that position i would like to see him in the left back of 4-3-3. Adds quite a bit going forward and holding on to possession as well. Maybe then, we dont have to spend on the left back position in the summer.



Disagree, he's very poor as a defensive full back.


I think Jonas has the potential to be a great left back for us. He just needs a few games to get used to the role. Dont judge him by the liverpool game, tough situation...  Like him in the central midfield 3 aswell. Fantastic player to have for us.

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Assuming Guthrie is injured, I hope Jonas shifts back to midfield and we bring Santon or Ferguson in.  Not sure I'd want Gosling or Vuckic in the midfield 3? 


Will probably end up with Raylor at left back......  That would be horrendous though, no cover from Jonas and he'd be fucked.

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Assuming Guthrie is injured, I hope Jonas shifts back to midfield and we bring Santon or Ferguson in.  Not sure I'd want Gosling or Vuckic in the midfield 3? 


Will probably end up with Raylor at left back......  That would be horrendous though, no cover from Jonas and he'd be fucked.


Would prefer Jonas in there but I'd also be fine with Vuckic playing too.

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Vuckic in a midfield three, you say? Hmmm, yeah, can actually see that going well. Hopefully we'll see him out there at some point in our run-in (be it a substitute appearance or a starting place, I don't mind). If not, then I hope to see it happening next season (via a few runouts here and there).


In the short and medium term though, Jonas is my first choice for CM (along with Cabaye and Tiote) - that's if we stick with the 4-3-3, of course.

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I reckon Vuckic can look very good in the furthest forward of a midfield 3 infact i reckon it will fit him like a glove.


Not sure he has the engine, positioning or discipline for it.

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Guest andrew

I'd rather have Gosling in a mdifield 3 than Vuckic. Just think he might pop up with a goal and yeah, a little bit more disciplined in his defensive duties (i think he is more experienced in covering and sio on)

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I'd rather have Gosling in a mdifield 3 than Vuckic. Just think he might pop up with a goal and yeah, a little bit more disciplined in his defensive duties (i think he is more experienced in covering and sio on)


Playing as the most advanced of the three, I'd fancy Vuckic to bag a goal more so than I would Gosling.

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I'd rather have Gosling in a mdifield 3 than Vuckic. Just think he might pop up with a goal and yeah, a little bit more disciplined in his defensive duties (i think he is more experienced in covering and sio on)


Playing as the most advanced of the three, I'd fancy Vuckic to bag a goal more so than I would Gosling.


Reckon we could be completely over run in midfield.

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Guest VaVaVoom

I definitley see Vuckic in a midfield 3 rather than a 442, so I wouldn't be against playing him there in the future.


I think he could suit that role.

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