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Things are about to get a bit Messi


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Give the poor lad a break man FFS.


Hey, nobody forced him to say what he did  :dontknow: If you can't take the banter, don't make statements like 'I'll drink my own piss...'




Obviously I didn't expect the forum to turn into a bunch of raving homosexuals and get so excited at the thought of a tongue in cheek comment, but it has been good craic all the same.

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Guest toonlass

Awww man, the forum now smells like the post office on a Monday morning!


That the day you go down to cash your giro?


You should know, I'm always right behind you in the queue.

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He will be on toontastic moaning about the place with Leazes and Stevie.


Well, no.  Funnily enough I just got on with everyday life.  A concept clearly lost on a sad, alcoholic bore such as yourself.


Who pissed on your chips!

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This whole nonsense is embarassing.




you don't like any thread, do you?


Sorry, who are you? [/Otter]


Otter is the internet forum version of a repressed angry homosexual, he will happily post on here but slag off everything about the place to hide his true feelings.


"You fucking gay internet forum, yeah take this up the arse you gay internet forum, you like that don't you, you fucking queer!"

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