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Don't know about everyone else, but this is the most I've liked a Newcastle team I can remember. And that's from starting supporting them when I was 6 in 1990. We've probably had better teams, but for me, this is the team ive been most excited about, the team I'm most proud of. Throw most of the current team in some of our past teams an they would probably be my favorite player. Just love seeing this team do well and succeed. It seems to mean so much more than it did 5 years ago, the way they've developed since relegation and the togetherness. Its great to see. I'm even learning to love Shola now!!!


Its just great to support Newcastle at the moment! I've slavered a bit, and I'm 27 and going on about favorite players an shit, but I'm so proud of our team at the moment, even before Sunday. Plus, I was at the game, but when I watched the highlights it was fuckin brilliant to hear the Sky mics struggle to cope with the noise of the crowd. Fuckin class!!!

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I said something along these lines another thread mate, completely feel the same way. Was too young to truly appreciate the Keegan years, but this team is up there with Sir Bobby's team at it's peak for me. Just so many likeable characters, fantastic man as manager, everything's so positive. It's a team you HAVE to get behind, there's no other choice, they're too great a bunch of guys not to. For once I don't think this is a false dawn, I feel we can genuinely push on. And I love it.

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To be honest with you, I really liked the team at the end of 2007-2008. Had quite a few nice players and were putting the talent to good use. That was for a short period of time, though. This will be a short period of time though as well. It's easy to love a team when they've crushed Sunderland in the derby. but the hatred will seep in if we lose more easy points at home and slide down the table. It's all about results.

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I think we love them more because it's mostly players who are wanting to be here.  They have all worked very fucking hard to do get us back up and perform pretty decent at times back in the top league.  Before our team has been full of players on massive top 4 wages but we still end up way down the league compared to what the money should be getting us.

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I think this team is a long way from the likes of shearer, speed, robert, dyer and co. But i'm actually more proud of the current side because they're short on star players. We're a team in the true sense of the word and it's long time since we've had one of those.

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Not only do I like this team more than any other I've seen bar the SBR era but in the likes of Krul, Forster, Saylor, Colo, Jose, Tiote, Barton, Barfa and Carroll we have the foundations of a good team should Ashley ever get round to spending a little.

Obviously whether he ever will spend is a completely different matter entirely.

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think its the best team spirit i can remember (1st game 1971).

obviously keegan teams were the best times for me.

but really like hughton, and this bunch of players. we even have a villian chairman as well just for laughs.

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Can't agree with you there Baba. Even if this team faulters and slips down the table, the only reason I won't love them is if they give up. The reason I love them is just how hard they're trying. Even when we havn't played well, even when we've lost, that desire is still there, the togetherness. We've had some disappointing results already mixed in with the emphatic ones, and my love for the team still didn't wane.


Can't say I had love for the players in 07/08 even during the good patch. It was a team of players playing well below their ability and I just saw it as the least they could've done. The love for Keegan, yes, the players? No.

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To be honest with you, I really liked the team at the end of 2007-2008. Had quite a few nice players and were putting the talent to good use. That was for a short period of time, though. This will be a short period of time though as well. It's easy to love a team when they've crushed Sunderland in the derby. but the hatred will seep in if we lose more easy points at home and slide down the table. It's all about results.


I liked that same team a lot as well, but for completely different reasons than this current squad. That team was fun because we were showing our potential, and doing it in style. It was a good few months at the end of the season. The current team, on the other hand is likable for their spirit, and how much they care bout it. Seeing a huge pile up after the first goal of a match is great, seeing everybody enjoying success and putting their heart into it is something we haven't seen in a while. Whether we stay or go down, it's blatantly obvious how much this group of guys care, and that's all it takes for me to like them.

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probably the most likeable squad we've had. in our champion's league days under robson there was always a bit of discontent and sourness at the wankers in the squad. now we've a lot of players who stuck with us after we dropped down a division and a couple of new players who won't be on the mammoth wages that attracted players like owen.

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Despite it's success on the field, Bobbys side was very much a divided camp. The established senior pros led by Shearer and Dyers Bling Brigade never really were best of friends.

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The way this team celebrates goals is awesome. We either get great group celebrations, pile ups or players going crazy wherever they are. It's great to see. Everyone seems genuinely pleased for whoever gets the goal.


Great team spirit all round. And probably the best we've had in almost 20 years.

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When i see the likes of colo and enrique going absolutely wild when we score i feel good for whatever reason, I feel as though they really enjoy and understand every goal like any of us fans would, No divisions (Excluding andy and staylor), No clique's, They are a team. How often in the past have we had a bunch of lads really enjoying their football here?

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KK and Bobby eras were on a par for me but if I had to pick a favourite season it would be the one where we finished third and had the CL adventure.


This season has a canny feel to it. I'd become so accustomed to seeing lily livered tossers pulling on the shirt, it's great to see pride back in the side. Hughton takes a lot of the credit but the likes of Nolan and the Three Amigoes have displayed first class attitudes considering they don't have the benefit of being raised as Toon fans.


We'll all get frustrated with someone like Nolan. He's not the most gifted player but I think he'd genuinely run through a brick wall for his side. Not many players these days show such committment.

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Our first Premiership season,aside from Pedro,we had no household names,but the football we played that season was astounding.

Bobby Lee,Andy Cole,Steve Howey and Lee Clarke all became Internationals from that side,and all had great seasons.Loved Scotty Sellars too.

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For me it's also the turnaround that makes it special. Quite a number of these players were involved in our darkest period but they've worked hard and redeemed themselves... not fucked off when the going got tough.


Just shows that we often judge players and their ability too quickly, and vastly underestimate the effect of psychology, motivation and team spirit.


We need to protect that as we look to improve the squad too.

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KK and Bobby eras were on a par for me but if I had to pick a favourite season it would be the one where we finished third and had the CL adventure.


This season has a canny feel to it. I'd become so accustomed to seeing lily livered tossers pulling on the shirt, it's great to see pride back in the side. Hughton takes a lot of the credit but the likes of Nolan and the Three Amigoes have displayed first class attitudes considering they don't have the benefit of being raised as Toon fans.


We'll all get frustrated with someone like Nolan. He's not the most gifted player but I think he'd genuinely run through a brick wall for his side. Not many players these days show such committment.

Absolutely spot on. I'm sure most will agree that's how they feel as well.  :thup:

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Guest firetotheworks

The team that came up with Keegan had the same feeling about them too. For the Nolan, Jonas, Jose, Coloccini players you have Pedro, Venison, Bez, Albert, Lee etc etc. I loved the way SBR's team played, but of those players the only players I never, ever doubted were Given, Hughes, Speed and Shearer.

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