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Newcastle United vs Blackburn Rovers 19:45 10/11/10 Pre-Match thread


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`its cold inside here, resisting putting heating on too soon.`


i use a sleeping bag to sit in while online in winter.  only have the heating on 2 hrs a day.  Except wheni have a bath (normally weds)  then put it on for 3 hrs.  dec-march i do put heating on if there is snow on the ground or its below zero outside.....i am such a hedonist in that way!


likw am tempted to buy the reeindeer stakes on sale at lidl atmo.

scruffy cunt

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`its cold inside here, resisting putting heating on too soon.`


i use a sleeping bag to sit in while online in winter.  only have the heating on 2 hrs a day.  Except wheni have a bath (normally weds)  then put it on for 3 hrs.  dec-march i do put heating on if there is snow on the ground or its below zero outside.....i am such a hedonist in that way!


likw am tempted to buy the reeindeer stakes on sale at lidl atmo.

wind up surely ?


It's for these moments I'm beginning to love womblemaster, despite the amount of shite he talks :lol:

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