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Alan Pardew


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Shocking tactics from Pardew yesterday. The amount of times the defenders simply passed it back to Krul just for Tim to hoof it forward and hope for the best was very worrying indeed. It meant that Ba wasn't much of an influence upfront (apart from his part in Cissé's goal) and it also meant that Cabaye couldn't really do much either (what with the ball bypassing midfield).


We weren't great in the first half mind but I also really thought Wolves were no better so when the second goal went in, I really thought we would go on and win comfortably. However, there was that element of complacency from the players in the second half. It seemed as if they (and probably Pardew) thought the game was won at 2-0 and that all was needed was to see the game out. Well, that didn't happen did it, Alan? Wolves had more urgency about them while we were just simply pissing about, giving the ball away and playing it long. Negative tactics all round, we simply had no answer to Wolves' attacking nor an answer to how we could win the game (a plan B if you will). Tbf though, the way I saw it, think Pardew brought Guthrie and Ben Arfa on and tried switching it to a 4-3-3 so that we could get that third goal but ultimately that plan went out the window when Wolves scored the equaliser. Overall it was a very poor showing and one that left a very bitter taste in my mouth. Having seen Pardew's post-match comments too, got to say things aren't exactly looking too rosy (footballing performance-wise) atm. My view of Pardew's handling of Ben Arfa is slowly changing too, really not sure why Alan's going about it the way he has (I really don't see it as a situation that is comparable to the Tevez/Mascherano situation at West Ham) - it is completely the wrong thing to do imo. If he had started Hatem, it would have been seen as a positive attacking threat - starting Raylor at RM was, in my eyes, a conservative view and one which isn't exactly a positive attacking sign.


Having said all that though, I still have faith in Pardew to do the right thing. We are still in a great position in the league and Pardew does indeed deserve credit for that - for the first few months of the season, he got us playing in a way that made us very hard to beat and that in itself is quite an achievement. Unfortunately, ever since the Chelsea game (a game where we did not deserve to lose 3-0), we haven't been performing to the heights that has got us into such a great position in the league (Man U at St. James' aside). This is very worrying but, at the same time, we have been getting the right results as well and football is a results-based game after all. Yes, I understand that with the players we have, we should be performing better but it could (still) be the case that Pardew is "playing it safe". That is, he's sticking to these tactics because the situation in the table (our aim of European football aspirations and all that) is quite precarious. Hopefully though, after seeing yesterday's showing, Pardew will now think twice and actually change some things around instead of sticking to his usual way of doing things on the pitch. Managers get criticised accordingly - if the team does well, Pardew receives praise but if the team does badly, Pardew deserves all the criticism he gets. If we finish in the top 6/7, that is massive progress for us as a club and Pardew will deservedly receive the plaudits for that (considering where we were two or so years ago).

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I am not going to argue, I have stated what I think of him plenty of times getting showdown, but I must say it f***ing sucks to be right on this subject since I want the best for the club, but it also shows many on here are blind and know nothing of the sport.

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I am not going to argue, I have stated what I think of him plenty of times getting showdown, but I must say it f***ing sucks to be right on this subject since I want the best for the club, but it also shows many on here are blind and no nothing of the sport.


:lol: :lol: :lol:

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I am not going to argue, I have stated what I think of him plenty of times getting showdown, but I must say it f***ing sucks to be right on this subject since I want the best for the club, but it also shows many on here are blind and no nothing of the sport.


And you wonder why people do? :lol:

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I am not going to argue, I have stated what I think of him plenty of times getting showdown, but I must say it f***ing sucks to be right on this subject since I want the best for the club, but it also shows many on here are blind and no nothing of the sport.


And you wonder why people do? :lol:




Honestly though parky has been getting my sentiments across nice and gently, in a whole new thread.  :smitten:


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I am not going to argue, I have stated what I think of him plenty of times getting showdown, but I must say it f***ing sucks to be right on this subject since I want the best for the club, but it also shows many on here are blind and no nothing of the sport.


:lol: :lol: :lol:



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Guest hatem garrincha

All my congrats to that board/forum for the very good level of football knowledge and critical mind (even if we're 6th at 3 points from CL  :lol:)

Some very good posts on this thread since yesterday.

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Everybody is entitled to their opinion, but the fact 12% of the forum believe Pardew is performing poorly while 32% feel he is merely doing alright is staggering in my view. Yes we’ve had some below par results of late but the season as a whole has gone brilliantly and the manager has to take credit.


Yesterday was up there with West Brom in terms of sheer disappointment as far as a single result is concerned. It was a shocking day at the office. Williamson made Doyle look like Messi, Simpson was dreadful and Pardew deserves criticism for a performance laced with complacency. The tactics were wrong, the substitutions came too late and Wolves thoroughly deserved their point.


Having said that, I’ve maintained all season Pardew is an average manager doing a very good job and I’d stick with that. Currently we’re sitting sixth, four points ahead of Liverpool , eight ahead of Norwich and just three behind Arsenal and Chelsea. While performances have been mixed we’ve got a hard working, well organized unit together who have made a habit of kicking results regardless of how they play. This can be largely attributed Pardew’s meticulous preparation and pre-match research. While there are certain areas of Pardew’s managerial ability are certainly open to criticism (certain aspects of the team selection, his reaction time and general substitution making) the fact he’s even got us mixing it in amongst the top six speaks for itself.


It’s all a question of progress, the fact we were relegated two seasons ago is entirely relevant for me. Some aspects of the squad are still Championship standard, especially in respect to the lads who fill in, it’s inevitable we’re still going to turn in poor results.  Last season we comfortably avoided relegation and I stated I’d be happy with a resounding top half finish this year given the progress it would represent. Having seen how the season has progressed, to finish outside the top seven would be disappointing, but if we maintain that position it will show very good progress in our post-promotion evolution.

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Everybody is entitled to their opinion, but the fact 12% of the forum believe Pardew is performing poorly while 32% feel he is merely doing alright is staggering in my view. Yes we’ve had some below par results of late but the season as a whole has gone brilliantly and the manager has to take credit.


Yesterday was up there with West Brom in terms of sheer disappointment as far as a single result is concerned. It was a shocking day at the office. Williamson made Doyle look like Messi, Simpson was dreadful and Pardew deserves criticism for a performance laced with complacency. The tactics were wrong, the substitutions came too late and Wolves thoroughly deserved their point.


Having said that, I’ve maintained all season Pardew is an average manager doing a very good job and I’d stick with that. Currently we’re sitting sixth, four points ahead of Liverpool , eight ahead of Norwich and just three behind Arsenal and Chelsea. While performances have been mixed we’ve got a hard working, well organized unit together who have made a habit of kicking results regardless of how they play. This can be largely attributed Pardew’s meticulous preparation and pre-match research. While there are certain areas of Pardew’s managerial ability are certainly open to criticism (certain aspects of the team selection, his reaction time and general substitution making) the fact he’s even got us mixing it in amongst the top six speaks for itself.


It’s all a question of progress, the fact we were relegated two seasons ago is entirely relevant for me. Some aspects of the squad are still Championship standard, especially in respect to the lads who fill in, it’s inevitable we’re still going to turn in poor results. Last season we comfortably avoided relegation and I stated I’d be happy with a resounding top half finish this year given the progress it would represent. Having seen how the season has progressed, to finish outside the top seven would be disappointing, but if we maintain that position it will show very good progress in our post-promotion evolution.


I get where you're coming from but that bit in bold in pretty inexcusable now.


I mean we've had plenty of opportunities to improve on the squad players and replace the likes of Simpson and Raylor from a starting XI but cost has come above team.


Williamson, for all I've been a big supporter of his in the past, should have been on the bench yesterday with the kid from Watford getting a game.


To have had to start Longball Simpson each and every game this season is ok if we're scraping the bottom 5 but given we're pushing top 5 surely Pardew has to have the argument with Ashley over replacing the Cunt?


And, as for starting Raylor ahead of HBA, when we're playing the 'Dog and Duck'.....................he needs his fucking head reading.


I'll reiterate what I kneejerked yesterday, the guy needs to grow a pair of bollocks and show some confidence in our players instead of worrying about the opposition and what Prozone is telling him.


If football was played on a computer we'd all be applying for his job.




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Guest michaelfoster

Everybody is entitled to their opinion, but the fact 12% of the forum believe Pardew is performing poorly while 32% feel he is merely doing alright is staggering in my view. Yes we’ve had some below par results of late but the season as a whole has gone brilliantly and the manager has to take credit.


Yesterday was up there with West Brom in terms of sheer disappointment as far as a single result is concerned. It was a shocking day at the office. Williamson made Doyle look like Messi, Simpson was dreadful and Pardew deserves criticism for a performance laced with complacency. The tactics were wrong, the substitutions came too late and Wolves thoroughly deserved their point.


Having said that, I’ve maintained all season Pardew is an average manager doing a very good job and I’d stick with that. Currently we’re sitting sixth, four points ahead of Liverpool , eight ahead of Norwich and just three behind Arsenal and Chelsea. While performances have been mixed we’ve got a hard working, well organized unit together who have made a habit of kicking results regardless of how they play. This can be largely attributed Pardew’s meticulous preparation and pre-match research. While there are certain areas of Pardew’s managerial ability are certainly open to criticism (certain aspects of the team selection, his reaction time and general substitution making) the fact he’s even got us mixing it in amongst the top six speaks for itself.


It’s all a question of progress, the fact we were relegated two seasons ago is entirely relevant for me. Some aspects of the squad are still Championship standard, especially in respect to the lads who fill in, it’s inevitable we’re still going to turn in poor results.  Last season we comfortably avoided relegation and I stated I’d be happy with a resounding top half finish this year given the progress it would represent. Having seen how the season has progressed, to finish outside the top seven would be disappointing, but if we maintain that position it will show very good progress in our post-promotion evolution.


great post

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I disagree. There have been some underlying tactical flaws that have been prevalent within our game throughout the season. I don't perceive pardew to responsible for our current standing. Our margins have been small and we have been fortunate, there can be no denial of that. Benefited by the brilliance of a ba and the astuteness of carr, that has masked our inability to develop any style of sorts, and a tactical game plan in which our best players can come to the fore.

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Can't understand how anyone can say we're overachieving when we're 6th and Norwich are 8th. :lol:


I'm with Minhosa.


Aye, I made a long post disagreeing on many points Prophet came up with, but felt I might not even bother.

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