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Alan Pardew


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Kaka - the guy has absolutely no gravitas or integrity so people who have doubts are going to air them when those doubts are reinforced.


Get over it.


I'm completely fine. It's funny to me how petty this is all getting. I don't need to get over anything. I'm not the one having a pop at the guy over every single petty thing am I?



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Kaka - the guy has absolutely no gravitas or integrity so people who have doubts are going to air them when those doubts are reinforced.


Get over it.


I'm completely fine. It's funny to me how petty this is all getting. I don't need to get over anything. I'm not the one having a pop at the guy over every single petty thing am I?




Your whining about people venting opinions on a guy after the worst result in recent history. What's petty about saying he fucked up tonight?

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Trust me, I'm not a Pardew defender per se. I've not said anything in his credit tonight other than saying the players need to really look at their efforts. I just want to see the guy given a fair crack of the whip.


People have been waiting for something like this to happen so they could dive in. It's just the way it is. You won't be able to change that. If Best hadn't lit up West Ham it would have been the same thing then, as people were baying for blood when he didn't start Ranger. Your talking a lot of sense, but unfortunately your kind of wasting your time. Don't let it ruin your night.


it is not fair, and to be totally honest, very silly. BUT I am not going to give Pardew any time no matter and I stand for it. He should´t be here at all and no matter what is the story why he is, he is not worthy it.


I will take every opportunity to blame him, and to be true, he is to be blamed cause he is not any good manager.

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Anyone who thinks this loss wasn't solely down to Pardew's ridiculous line up needs their head checking. We were back to the year 2010 B.C. (Before Cheick).We all knew what happens when you pair Smith and Nolan in central midfield, and it was compounded by the loss of Enrique and Jonas who gave us what little running we had. Not only has Pardew cost us the FA cup run, he's probably cost us the derby game as well by chucking on Tiote. 


We might know but clearly Pardew didn't which is understandable. It's not like he's been picking them consistently for the first team. He wanted to give some players a rest, and understandably so, but unfortunately for him he thought he could rely on Nolan and Smith agains a league 2 side. Again, you could see why he might expect them to cope. However, they are both shockingly poor players, who have proved they aren't even up to League 2 standard in the middle of the pitch.

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"There's a few in there that need to understand what this game's about. The Premier League is all well and good but a few young boys got caught out tonight by the passion and the physical side of Stevenage. They bossed patches of the game through their sheer endeavour and enthusiasm. We've got to match that and we didn't do that."


What a load of rubbish, there were hardly any "young boys" playing for a start.


You're the one that couldn't motivate the lads to be as passionate as the Stevenage players.


The likes of Smith and his dreadful tactics from the off lost us this game. Not the "young boys."


I'm already starting to get fed up with his comments to the press.


I'm fully aware Hughton was far from the most dynamic when talking to the press, but I much preferred his style of PR to Pardew's.

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You don't have to hate Pardew to criticise his team selection, which was fucking abysmal. He's our manager so I want him to do well, but the side he put out today displayed Souness  levels of cluelessness.

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Anyone who thinks this loss wasn't solely down to Pardew's ridiculous line up needs their head checking. We were back to the year 2010 B.C. (Before Cheick).We all knew what happens when you pair Smith and Nolan in central midfield, and it was compounded by the loss of Enrique and Jonas who gave us what little running we had. Not only has Pardew cost us the FA cup run, he's probably cost us the derby game as well by chucking on Tiote.  



We might know but clearly Pardew didn't which is understandable. It's not like he's been picking them consistently for the first team. He wanted to give some players a rest, and understandably so, but unfortunately for him he thought he could rely on Nolan and Smith agains a league 2 side. Again, you could see why he might expect them to cope. However, they are both shockingly poor players, who have proved they aren't even up to League 2 standard in the middle of the pitch.


Doesn't he talk to Steve Stone? Doesn't he discuss this option with the rest of the staff?

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Anyone who thinks this loss wasn't solely down to Pardew's ridiculous line up needs their head checking. We were back to the year 2010 B.C. (Before Cheick).We all knew what happens when you pair Smith and Nolan in central midfield, and it was compounded by the loss of Enrique and Jonas who gave us what little running we had. Not only has Pardew cost us the FA cup run, he's probably cost us the derby game as well by chucking on Tiote. 



We might know but clearly Pardew didn't which is understandable. It's not like he's been picking them consistently for the first team. He wanted to give some players a rest, and understandably so, but unfortunately for him he thought he could rely on Nolan and Smith agains a league 2 side. Again, you could see why he might expect them to cope. However, they are both shockingly poor players, who have proved they aren't even up to League 2 standard in the middle of the pitch.


Doesn't he talk to Steve Stone? Doesn't he discuss this option with the rest of the staff?


Doesn't he watch training or dvds? He clearly sees things different to the rest of us as he seemed to think it was the youngsters who let us down today despite the fact they weren't even on the pitch.

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Kaka - the guy has absolutely no gravitas or integrity so people who have doubts are going to air them when those doubts are reinforced.


Get over it.


I'm completely fine. It's funny to me how petty this is all getting. I don't need to get over anything. I'm not the one having a pop at the guy over every single petty thing am I?




Your whining about people venting opinions on a guy after the worst result in recent history. What's petty about saying he f***ed up tonight?


People have been having a go about his press conferences, about talking about transfers, about not playing Ranger, about playing Lovenkrands, about playing Best ... it just goes on and on, and it's all so over the top. His selection today was bad, but it's the first time he has paired Nolan and Smith together and so I can somewhat understand him not appreciating how badly it works. I doubt he will ever do it again, if so then there will be real cause for concern. This team has a big problem,because we really can't afford to be without Tiote which is ridiculous. We need an alternative fo rwhen he is out. That is the real problem here.

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Trust me, I'm not a Pardew defender per se. I've not said anything in his credit tonight other than saying the players need to really look at their efforts. I just want to see the guy given a fair crack of the whip.


People have been waiting for something like this to happen so they could dive in. It's just the way it is. You won't be able to change that. If Best hadn't lit up West Ham it would have been the same thing then, as people were baying for blood when he didn't start Ranger. Your talking a lot of sense, but unfortunately your kind of wasting your time. Don't let it ruin your night.


it is not fair, and to be totally honest, very silly. BUT I am not going to give Pardew any time no matter and I stand for it. He should´t be here at all and no matter what is the story why he is, he is not worthy it.


I will take every opportunity to blame him, and to be true, he is to be blamed cause he is not any good manager.


At least you're honest.

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Guest BooBoo


Trust me, I'm not a Pardew defender per se. I've not said anything in his credit tonight other than saying the players need to really look at their efforts. I just want to see the guy given a fair crack of the whip.


People have been waiting for something like this to happen so they could dive in. It's just the way it is. You won't be able to change that. If Best hadn't lit up West Ham it would have been the same thing then, as people were baying for blood when he didn't start Ranger. Your talking a lot of sense, but unfortunately your kind of wasting your time. Don't let it ruin your night.


it is not fair, and to be totally honest, very silly. BUT I am not going to give Pardew any time no matter and I stand for it. He should´t be here at all and no matter what is the story why he is, he is not worthy it.


I will take every opportunity to blame him, and to be true, he is to be blamed cause he is not any good manager.


Do you have any idea how ridiculous that makes you sound?

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Kaka - the guy has absolutely no gravitas or integrity so people who have doubts are going to air them when those doubts are reinforced.


Get over it.


I'm completely fine. It's funny to me how petty this is all getting. I don't need to get over anything. I'm not the one having a pop at the guy over every single petty thing am I?




Your whining about people venting opinions on a guy after the worst result in recent history. What's petty about saying he f***ed up tonight?


People have been having a go about his press conferences, about talking about transfers, about not playing Ranger, about playing Lovenkrands, about playing Best ... it just goes on and on, and it's all so over the top. His selection today was bad, but it's the first time he has paired Nolan and Smith together and so I can somewhat understand him not appreciating how badly it works. I doubt he will ever do it again, if so then there will be real cause for concern. This team has a big problem,because we really can't afford to be without Tiote which is ridiculous. We need an alternative fo rwhen he is out. That is the real problem here.


Every manager has had the same treatment, Hughton before him was no exception - people questioned him for all sorts and rightly so.


I think the truth is that even the Pards Bummers know he's got a huge amount to prove and doesn't have the integrity for a club like ours. Oh, that and the fact he's Ashleys man.


Perhaps that why everyone's a bit touchy on the criticism - hits a nerve.


All of those things you listed are absolutely valid question marks by the way, so there should be no issue with discussing how he's handling them.


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Hughton played Smith and Nolan in CM against Bolton this season as well


I know, and he did this despite having been with the two of them for over a year. Against a Bolton team who are very strong attacking wise, and who were flying at the time. We subsequently got hammered 5-1 and also had a red card in that game to boot.

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Guest neesy111

Managers seeing something in Smith is like that in Butt.  Just see a good professional which blinds them from the fact they are liability's to the team.

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Managers seeing something in Smith is like that in Butt.  Just see a good professional which blinds them from the fact they are liability's to the team.


At least Butt was an honest player. Smith is far from it.

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My point is that its daft to say:


We win- "Well we won because it was because we beat a s*** a team. No credit to Pardew."

We lose- "f***ing c***, get the w***** Pardew out now!"



But is that not just the opposite as your constant stance?


We win - "Credit to pards"

We lose - "It's not Pards' fault"


To your credit..you're consistent. But as far as I can see...when we beat WHU everyone (apart from die-hard haters) gave credit to our manager. He played it well and was given the credit he deserved for his contribution to the victory.


He's taking his share of the blame today...it's fair and you don't get fairer ???


The only people who aren't open-minded or fair in their appraisals of Pardew are the likes of yourself who just see it as win win for everything he does. That's the way it's coming across as you continue to blow smoke up his arse after a terrible loss. You've taken the position of defender or 'Pards' and even when he makes mistakes you refuse to accept.


When he helps NUFC beat the scum next week (please!!!) he will rightly be credited. But he's a manager of a football club and he needs to take both the credit where credit's due and the criticism where it's due. Today was woeful...all round.


Trust me, I'm not a Pardew defender per se. I've not said anything in his credit tonight other than saying the players need to really look at their efforts. I just want to see the guy given a fair crack of the whip.


I do too...and I think most do (the way he was appointed is what sticks in most people's throats - not his fault, I guess). But you don't have to like someone to get behind them as the club's manager. If he's to be our next long term manager...then so be it. As long as we're progressing.


But he'll be given flack when he's had a bad one, as much a credited after a good performance. Doesn't mean bias is present...tbf.





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Well Pardew, you have well and truly set your early credit rating back to zero after yesterday.

Anyone on here could have told you that putting Smith and Nolan together as the engine room at the heart of your midfield was waving the white flag before a ball was kicked.

To do it for such a high profile potential banana skin tie like this where we are going to be made to suffer with re runs for decades to come was the height of folly.

We all know we have the players to have battered them yesterday but chose to leave them out and let them make history instead.


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By Christ does he (and the players) have a fuckload to answer for this week. Blaming injuries is the single worst thing he could have said... is that what actually happened?


Graeme Pardew.


hahahaha, did he blame injuries? who was injured that wasnt for west ham alan? steven fucking taylor?


Jose and Jonas.


they were actually injured or rested?

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Guest BlacknWhiteArmy

The thing is, we know Smith and Nolan doesn't work- But it should work against League Two opposition.

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