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Alan Pardew


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Guest Roger Kint

Meh. I know it's not going to happen, but it's a bit of a shame for him to completely write it off. Not even a 'we'll see what happens' kind of comment. Just pure 'not going to happen'.


Douglas on Twitter seems to think this is his "public safe view". Talking up the possibility behind-closed-doors.


Sensible, I think.


Exactly, not like he is telling the players not to win too many in case we get there.

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He did say pre-WBA that the Norwich game was just 'get the win' and that we could use the ball better against West Brom. We certainly did that, an excellent performance and the win was well defended at the end, another useful cameo from Shola.


Spot on Pards

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Re: Ian's post about commentary, I've watched the last two away games in my local with Danish commentary (because he couldn't get English, not because i'm in Denmark) and it's a much more enjoyable way to see the game. You just tune it out and enjoy the game and atmosphere without getting yourself het up over some mug talking shit.

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Very Well done for WBA. I have been one of his vocal detractors since November, principally because of how the players were being used and certain selections of his. This was a much more positive, much more expressive way to play and it played to our strengths. Keep it up Pards, everyone wants us to succeed and most people want to succeed with you here. Just keep it positive and on the ground

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Very Well done for WBA. I have been one of his vocal detractors since November, principally because of how the players were being used and certain selections of his. This was a much more positive, much more expressive way to play and it played to our strengths. Keep it up Pards, everyone wants us to succeed and most people want to succeed with you here. Just keep it positive and on the ground



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Very Well done for WBA. I have been one of his vocal detractors since November, principally because of how the players were being used and certain selections of his. This was a much more positive, much more expressive way to play and it played to our strengths. Keep it up Pards, everyone wants us to succeed and most people want to succeed with you here. Just keep it positive and on the ground


Seconded. I've had a few pops at him, but if he continues like this then everything is back on the table. ;)

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Personally I have no problem with constructive criticism, but the abuse is just pathetic. Very prominent members of this forum have said some disgraceful things about him recently. Hopefully it stops here, but it won't.


Been reading this forum more than posting over the last few years. I'd just about agree with this, although I'd go further and say that while there has been a swell of genuine constructive criticism recently, there is a small minority who have been itching to leap on the manager's back for the entire season. Heres one of them:


The QPR performance was as poor as anything Allardyce, Souness or Roeder through up. Our football under Pardew has, in the main, been turgid s***. We are relying on hard work, team spirit and a reasonably settled and solid defence. We need far more to advance. Pardew may know what he needs to do but I'm not too sure he has the ability to put together such a side much less get it playing well. His substitutions and decisions from the dugout suggest that and worry me a lot.



And we need some clarity, why is he a c***?


He's a proven liar, dishonest and someone I'd class as a snide. He's a bull shiter in short and a bit of a c*** as a result. Just my opinion of course but hey that's how I see him, as a bit of a c***.



He's f***ing useless. s*** lineup, s*** tactics, s*** subs, s*** management. Vukic for f*** sake.


Its as if all the things the Hammers fan client of ours said about him is becoming true. I spat my drink out when I saw that Vukic was starting. That to me shows the man has no clear idea what team to go with and at this stage of the season, given how long he has worked with these players, that is f***ing scary. I'll hang my head on the line here and now and say we will not finish in the top 10 this season because of this clown. I hope he's replaced in jan with someone who has a clue because we have a decent core here, a core that needs direction not f***ing tinkered with and f***ed about with anal tactics. Ba is not a target man but he deployed him as one and threw the ball long time and time again. I'm not an expert but that tactic and use of Ba borders on f***ing retartded.


(beat Man United 3-0 a few days after this post)



Disgraceful attitude towards a manager doing a fantastic job. Can only guess what the motivation is, but I can't see what keeping up a constant stream of vitriolic hatred towards Pardew is supposed to achieve.



I do remember that at the start of the season the above viewpoints weren't the isolated voices they are now. People didn't like Pardew for their own reasons, not all of them to do with results.


They wrote about it on forums and in fanzines, the media picked up on it, and we were left with the ridiculous situation where the Journal and other newspapers were calling the 2nd game of the season a "must win" game for Pardew, piling the pressure on a manager who was unbeaten in 4 or 5 and just one game into a new season.


I really thought that all that would have been left behind by the unbeaten run he went on after that. But theres an extremely vocal, very small minority on here who it seems will always have it in for him.


I'm not sure how they think this will help, but whenever we next have a blip they'll all be out in force regardless of the circumstances, making us all look like pricks. Good to know.


Always easy to support a manager after a win but a particularly articulate post :thup: seems the current regime really are making a point of throwing people's snap-judgements back into their faces, it's brilliant :)

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The swingometer has exploded while trying to track the opinion on Pardew. If we play badly against Liverpool will people be saying he's s*** again?


I was a staunch supporter of Pardew up until around Christmas. I have always said that if he gives me signs that he will change things , just give me positive signs about his mentality, I would be all over them. Yesterday he done that, for me there was a clear(and unexpected, there was nothing objective to suggest it, sticking your head in the sand and blind faith doesn't change that) change in his mentality to a decent degree. Having been shown be these positive signs I will give him plenty of time to implement them again and hopefully build on them.


If we play s*** at Liverpool, but with the same positive mentality, he will certainly be excused by me, Colos absence is huge . 


Additionally: if anything my feelings now rather that before are knee-jerk, thats part and parcel of being a fan though, you want your team to succeed, contrary to what some have implied.


I'll ask too, were any of the thinly veiled, or obvious " I was right and you were wrongs" aimed at me? If so please state accurately what you were right about and what I was wrong about. Because  I called for more play on the ground,  more playing out from the back, and specifically the formation we played yesterday. If indeed any of those remarks were aimed at me, it would seem that they are simply crazy. If anything it should be me saying those things, but it's not my nature.

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Honestly man, you cry out for our players to be deployed in a system and with intent that suits them, and when it happens and we blow a team away and we're all happy people make posts alluding to us being fickle and changing our minds  :lol:



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The swingometer has exploded while trying to track the opinion on Pardew. If we play badly against Liverpool will people be saying he's shit again?


Against Liverpool he'll get a free pass from me. I think it's unfair to judge a team harshly when your entire central defence is missing and you are playing a right back there. As to swingometers I really don't think Newcastle fans are that dumb. For me it's always been about seeing the players set up in the right way to make the most of their talent and yesterday was just that. We looked like a quality football team playing modern day football intelligently. Results can go either way but if the team is well organised that's all you can ask of a manager.

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I was never against Pardew, i was against the crock of shite we were being fed each weekend knowing full well we could perform much much better.


If we gain results and with a style of football thats pleasing like yesterday then hes golden in my book.

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The swingometer has exploded while trying to track the opinion on Pardew. If we play badly against Liverpool will people be saying he's shit again?


Against Liverpool he'll get a free pass from me. I think it's unfair to judge a team harshly when your entire central defence is missing and you are playing a right back there. As to swingometers I really don't think Newcastle fans are that dumb. For me it's always been about seeing the players set up in the right way to make the most of their talent and yesterday was just that. We looked like a quality football team playing modern day football intelligently. Results can go either way but if the team is well organised that's all you can ask of a manager.


Yep, credit was given for the first 15 mins against Norwich and criticism for the rest, credit is given for the whole game yesterday. It's not about swinging from one extreme from the next, it's being consistent in what you expect to see from the team i.e. a coherent game plan that suits our players and the way we need to approach the game.

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The swingometer has exploded while trying to track the opinion on Pardew. If we play badly against Liverpool will people be saying he's shit again?


Against Liverpool he'll get a free pass from me. I think it's unfair to judge a team harshly when your entire central defence is missing and you are playing a right back there. As to swingometers I really don't think Newcastle fans are that dumb. For me it's always been about seeing the players set up in the right way to make the most of their talent and yesterday was just that. We looked like a quality football team playing modern day football intelligently. Results can go either way but if the team is well organised that's all you can ask of a manager.


Yep, credit was given for the first 15 mins against Norwich and criticism for the rest, credit is given for the whole game yesterday. It's not about swinging from one extreme from the next, it's being consistent in what you expect to see from the team i.e. a coherent game plan that suits our players and the way we need to approach the game.



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Got to be manager of the season.


Probably going to give it to Lambert or Rogers.


Can't decide if it's Newcastle bias that I feel he should get it over them. They've clearly done fantastic jobs at their clubs, and impressed everyone with their own ability in the process. But considering where everyone thought we were as a club, the quality of our squad, if we can stay 6th or higher I'd say he's well worth winning it. If we drop down to 7th I'd say it'd be open to more debate.

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