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Alan Pardew


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That said, he isn't royally screwing it up, and we could do with a bit of stability right now and a couple of seasons challenging in and around 6th I think is exactly what we need.



Yep.  Beats relegation and finishing 13th-14th in the prem.

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The issue wasn't only what was happening on the pitch. The issue was also what he was saying and conveying to the fans before and after matches.


That is still an issue, IMO.


He was spot on before WBA tbf. Said the Norwich game was strictly 'just get a win' and that it'd give us the platform to use the ball better at the Hawthorns.

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Guest ToonZA

I think the Pardew bashing was totally understandable tbh.


Calling our manager - who's done a bloody good job - a c*** is understandable?


I think I have called many a Newcastle manager a c**** with the exception of Sir Bobby, more so KK and perhaps Hughton. Most of the time I believe they deserved it. Think Pardew got a couple during the Norwich game (a), the Swansea game (h) and Norwich (h) for closing shop and then taking HBA off. I think under the circumstances they were quite understandable. He wont be getting any more if we continue WBA style or if the circumstances dictate a more subdued and conservative approach.


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Yep I wasn't happy with the man's apparent ability, and to be honest it has still taken him this long to attempt what to most of us seems a very obvious square pegs to square holes solution. That he chose to do this in an away game was a bit baffling, but hey I'm a lot happier now that he has seemed to have grown a pair in finally taking that decision. This is a new side to Alan Pardew and I'm happy to see how he develops, he's showing something now that he hasn't shown before.


I honestly think he or someone close to him reads what is written about him, because I've noticed several times when a few people are chiming with the same chords on here, there seems to be a reaction on the pitch. For what it's worth, I still don't think based on evidence so far that he's going to be as successful as Sir Bobby or KK; he is limited and is being flattered by the personal available to him. That said, he isn't royally screwing it up, and we could do with a bit of stability right now and a couple of seasons challenging in and around 6th I think is exactly what we need.


Happy to bide time with him and see what happens, if this new side to Alan Pardew progresses.




He's nae Mourinho but in the summer he pointedly came out and said that he wanted to introduce his new style of football which is why he'd started bringing in the players he did. That we started the campaign with a couple of key players (a LB, HBA, another attacker) not available for selection somewhat forced him to continue with the existing methodology - make the team hard to break down and exploit the attacking situations. It was effective, not exactly free-flowing football.


We came unstuck with the trio of difficult matches co-inciding with Colo's first injury and Saylor going down - two major losses and it told on the pitch as we dropped points in the three games after Man U/Man C/Chelsea.


Some people saw this as a sign of Pards' "luck" running out (many of these didn't/don't trust the man). Some saw it as a flaw in his managerial accumen, as he wasn't able to change things when we'd been "worked out". Some rode out the rough after so much (relative) smooth. We also had the distraction of a not fully fit HBA having to be integrated back into the side with the vast majority pinpointing him as our real flair player who would at least be exciting, if not match-winning.


We then lost Ba and Cabaye for a few matches (along with new signing Cisse) but stuck to the older methodology to grind out wins and points. We get howked off Fulham experimenting with the 4-3-3 (using Best and Shola instead of the first choice pair who were unavailable) - although the match isn't a total write-off as we were very good for 30-45mins at the start.


With the full squad almost back and more than enough points on the board to surpass this season's expectations, Pards can now begin to 'experiment' with his chosen formation and the best players playing (injury permitting). The last 60mins of Wolves was a shambles, but every team has it's off day and there were extenuating circumstances (to some extent) and we battered the mackems for 45minutes before losing to a last gasp Arsenal goal at the Emirates.


In any league, going without a win for 4/5 games is tough, so that's why the emphasis was placed on securing the 3pts against Norwich. The press have stopped dropping our name into Champs League talk (thankfully) and it looks as though Europa League is going to be out of our hands - all we can do is use the last 8 games to find our 'best' set-up and get as many points as possible so we set the standard for next season, but without having any real pressure on us.


I don't see this as a new side to Pardew, I see this as him doing what he originally set out to do: get enough points to secure safety (done by Xmas really), then kick on from there after seeing out the Jan transfer window. If anything, he's encouraging the development of our football at a quicker rate than he probably envisaged with us having the 'comfort' of such an expectation-surpassing opening 30 games. His critics/detractors will call this revisionist, but I he's either the luckiest man in the world or he's got half a brain.

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Yep I wasn't happy with the man's apparent ability, and to be honest it has still taken him this long to attempt what to most of us seems a very obvious square pegs to square holes solution. That he chose to do this in an away game was a bit baffling, but hey I'm a lot happier now that he has seemed to have grown a pair in finally taking that decision. This is a new side to Alan Pardew and I'm happy to see how he develops, he's showing something now that he hasn't shown before.


I honestly think he or someone close to him reads what is written about him, because I've noticed several times when a few people are chiming with the same chords on here, there seems to be a reaction on the pitch. For what it's worth, I still don't think based on evidence so far that he's going to be as successful as Sir Bobby or KK; he is limited and is being flattered by the personal available to him. That said, he isn't royally screwing it up, and we could do with a bit of stability right now and a couple of seasons challenging in and around 6th I think is exactly what we need.


Happy to bide time with him and see what happens, if this new side to Alan Pardew progresses.




He's nae Mourinho but in the summer he pointedly came out and said that he wanted to introduce his new style of football which is why he'd started bringing in the players he did. That we started the campaign with a couple of key players (a LB, HBA, another attacker) not available for selection somewhat forced him to continue with the existing methodology - make the team hard to break down and exploit the attacking situations. It was effective, not exactly free-flowing football.


We came unstuck with the trio of difficult matches co-inciding with Colo's first injury and Saylor going down - two major losses and it told on the pitch as we dropped points in the three games after Man U/Man C/Chelsea.


Some people saw this as a sign of Pards' "luck" running out (many of these didn't/don't trust the man). Some saw it as a flaw in his managerial accumen, as he wasn't able to change things when we'd been "worked out". Some rode out the rough after so much (relative) smooth. We also had the distraction of a not fully fit HBA having to be integrated back into the side with the vast majority pinpointing him as our real flair player who would at least be exciting, if not match-winning.


We then lost Ba and Cabaye for a few matches (along with new signing Cisse) but stuck to the older methodology to grind out wins and points. We get howked off Fulham experimenting with the 4-3-3 (using Best and Shola instead of the first choice pair who were unavailable) - although the match isn't a total write-off as we were very good for 30-45mins at the start.


With the full squad almost back and more than enough points on the board to surpass this season's expectations, Pards can now begin to 'experiment' with his chosen formation and the best players playing (injury permitting). The last 60mins of Wolves was a shambles, but every team has it's off day and there were extenuating circumstances (to some extent) and we battered the mackems for 45minutes before losing to a last gasp Arsenal goal at the Emirates.


In any league, going without a win for 4/5 games is tough, so that's why the emphasis was placed on securing the 3pts against Norwich. The press have stopped dropping our name into Champs League talk (thankfully) and it looks as though Europa League is going to be out of our hands - all we can do is use the last 8 games to find our 'best' set-up and get as many points as possible so we set the standard for next season, but without having any real pressure on us.


I don't see this as a new side to Pardew, I see this as him doing what he originally set out to do: get enough points to secure safety (done by Xmas really), then kick on from there after seeing out the Jan transfer window. If anything, he's encouraging the development of our football at a quicker rate than he probably envisaged with us having the 'comfort' of such an expectation-surpassing opening 30 games. His critics/detractors will call this revisionist, but I he's either the luckiest man in the world or he's got half a brain.


That hardly required a Picard did it? And in the end you basically agreed with the part you decided to embold in the quote, that you're happy for him to continue also.

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:lol: you claimed it was a "new side" - I reckon it's the same Pardew since the start of the season, he's not suddenly bowing down to fan pressure as some have suggested on the previous page :lol:
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I think the Pardew bashing was totally understandable tbh.


Calling our manager - who's done a bloody good job - a c*** is understandable?


I think I have called many a Newcastle manager a c**** with the exception of Sir Bobby, more so KK and perhaps Hughton. Most of the time I believe they deserved it. Think Pardew got a couple during the Norwich game (a), the Swansea game (h) and Norwich (h) for closing shop and then taking HBA off. I think under the circumstances they were quite understandable. He wont be getting any more if we continue WBA style or if the circumstances dictate a more subdued and conservative approach.



That really does say it all. Pathetic.



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Guest ToonZA

I think the Pardew bashing was totally understandable tbh.


Calling our manager - who's done a bloody good job - a c*** is understandable?


I think I have called many a Newcastle manager a c**** with the exception of Sir Bobby, more so KK and perhaps Hughton. Most of the time I believe they deserved it. Think Pardew got a couple during the Norwich game (a), the Swansea game (h) and Norwich (h) for closing shop and then taking HBA off. I think under the circumstances they were quite understandable. He wont be getting any more if we continue WBA style or if the circumstances dictate a more subdued and conservative approach.



That really does say it all. Pathetic.


Geez didnt think you were the sensitive type. Thousand apologies to you and Mr Pardew

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Before the Norwich game we'd won 7, drawn 5 and lost 2 (against City and Chelsea) and were in 5th place, and it's acceptable to call Pardew a cunt for taking Ben Arfa off too soon?


No better than the idiot who wrote Cabaye and Ba off as 'crap' during the Arsenal game at SJP. Thank Christ every fan isn't like that, or we'd be playing in the Conference.

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Guest ToonZA

I was referring to Norwich game (h) when he shut up shop, hoofed like hell and took HBA off. You getting all worked up by someone calling the manager a c***. Were you not upset at what was served up on the pitch that day? Because if you werent then why bother watching the matches?? might as well just buy the paper the next day to see the result and forget everything that went before it.


As I have said on more than one occassion, If Sunday was anything to go by, then I am very happy with the direction Pardew is going and give him credit for setting the team up in the manner he did. But I am not gonna be happy if we start hoofing, unless the situation and personell dictate as much.

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Guest ToonZA

Besides, only called him that word on this board once (Norwich [h]), the other times were in the comfort and privacy of my own home. Surely you can forgive me that without calling me "pathetic" ?  :blackeye:



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I was referring to Norwich game (h) when he shut up shop, hoofed like hell and took HBA off. You getting all worked up by someone calling the manager a c***. Were you not upset at what was served up on the pitch that day? Because if you werent then why bother watching the matches?? might as well just buy the paper the next day to see the result and forget everything that went before it.


As I have said on more than one occassion, If Sunday was anything to go by, then I am very happy with the direction Pardew is going and give him credit for setting the team up in the manner he did. But I am not gonna be happy if we start hoofing, unless the situation and personell dictate as much.



Being upset at winning :yao: :lol:

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I was referring to Norwich game (h) when he shut up shop, hoofed like hell and took HBA off. You getting all worked up by someone calling the manager a c***. Were you not upset at what was served up on the pitch that day? Because if you werent then why bother watching the matches?? might as well just buy the paper the next day to see the result and forget everything that went before it.


As I have said on more than one occassion, If Sunday was anything to go by, then I am very happy with the direction Pardew is going and give him credit for setting the team up in the manner he did. But I am not gonna be happy if we start hoofing, unless the situation and personell dictate as much.


I was over the moon with the Norwich result because we needed it so badly. We were a side with no confidence following two points from a possible twelve, we weren't going to suddenly turn it on without a result under our belts.

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Yep I wasn't happy with the man's apparent ability, and to be honest it has still taken him this long to attempt what to most of us seems a very obvious square pegs to square holes solution. That he chose to do this in an away game was a bit baffling, but hey I'm a lot happier now that he has seemed to have grown a pair in finally taking that decision. This is a new side to Alan Pardew and I'm happy to see how he develops, he's showing something now that he hasn't shown before.


I honestly think he or someone close to him reads what is written about him, because I've noticed several times when a few people are chiming with the same chords on here, there seems to be a reaction on the pitch. For what it's worth, I still don't think based on evidence so far that he's going to be as successful as Sir Bobby or KK; he is limited and is being flattered by the personal available to him. That said, he isn't royally screwing it up, and we could do with a bit of stability right now and a couple of seasons challenging in and around 6th I think is exactly what we need.


Happy to bide time with him and see what happens, if this new side to Alan Pardew progresses.




He's nae Mourinho but in the summer he pointedly came out and said that he wanted to introduce his new style of football which is why he'd started bringing in the players he did. That we started the campaign with a couple of key players (a LB, HBA, another attacker) not available for selection somewhat forced him to continue with the existing methodology - make the team hard to break down and exploit the attacking situations. It was effective, not exactly free-flowing football.


We came unstuck with the trio of difficult matches co-inciding with Colo's first injury and Saylor going down - two major losses and it told on the pitch as we dropped points in the three games after Man U/Man C/Chelsea.


Some people saw this as a sign of Pards' "luck" running out (many of these didn't/don't trust the man). Some saw it as a flaw in his managerial accumen, as he wasn't able to change things when we'd been "worked out". Some rode out the rough after so much (relative) smooth. We also had the distraction of a not fully fit HBA having to be integrated back into the side with the vast majority pinpointing him as our real flair player who would at least be exciting, if not match-winning.


We then lost Ba and Cabaye for a few matches (along with new signing Cisse) but stuck to the older methodology to grind out wins and points. We get howked off Fulham experimenting with the 4-3-3 (using Best and Shola instead of the first choice pair who were unavailable) - although the match isn't a total write-off as we were very good for 30-45mins at the start.


With the full squad almost back and more than enough points on the board to surpass this season's expectations, Pards can now begin to 'experiment' with his chosen formation and the best players playing (injury permitting). The last 60mins of Wolves was a shambles, but every team has it's off day and there were extenuating circumstances (to some extent) and we battered the mackems for 45minutes before losing to a last gasp Arsenal goal at the Emirates.


In any league, going without a win for 4/5 games is tough, so that's why the emphasis was placed on securing the 3pts against Norwich. The press have stopped dropping our name into Champs League talk (thankfully) and it looks as though Europa League is going to be out of our hands - all we can do is use the last 8 games to find our 'best' set-up and get as many points as possible so we set the standard for next season, but without having any real pressure on us.


I don't see this as a new side to Pardew, I see this as him doing what he originally set out to do: get enough points to secure safety (done by Xmas really), then kick on from there after seeing out the Jan transfer window. If anything, he's encouraging the development of our football at a quicker rate than he probably envisaged with us having the 'comfort' of such an expectation-surpassing opening 30 games. His critics/detractors will call this revisionist, but I he's either the luckiest man in the world or he's got half a brain.


howld on a minute here, isn't it a bit early to be assuming everything is gold?  we've had a great performance against west brom preceded by some horrible, horrible performances with the exact same players


might be worth seeing how we get on when we play liverpool and when another team comes to SJP and shuts up shop meaning the onus is on us to open them up before you start facepalming and congratulating yourself



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Yep I wasn't happy with the man's apparent ability, and to be honest it has still taken him this long to attempt what to most of us seems a very obvious square pegs to square holes solution. That he chose to do this in an away game was a bit baffling, but hey I'm a lot happier now that he has seemed to have grown a pair in finally taking that decision. This is a new side to Alan Pardew and I'm happy to see how he develops, he's showing something now that he hasn't shown before.


I honestly think he or someone close to him reads what is written about him, because I've noticed several times when a few people are chiming with the same chords on here, there seems to be a reaction on the pitch. For what it's worth, I still don't think based on evidence so far that he's going to be as successful as Sir Bobby or KK; he is limited and is being flattered by the personal available to him. That said, he isn't royally screwing it up, and we could do with a bit of stability right now and a couple of seasons challenging in and around 6th I think is exactly what we need.


Happy to bide time with him and see what happens, if this new side to Alan Pardew progresses.




He's nae Mourinho but in the summer he pointedly came out and said that he wanted to introduce his new style of football which is why he'd started bringing in the players he did. That we started the campaign with a couple of key players (a LB, HBA, another attacker) not available for selection somewhat forced him to continue with the existing methodology - make the team hard to break down and exploit the attacking situations. It was effective, not exactly free-flowing football.


We came unstuck with the trio of difficult matches co-inciding with Colo's first injury and Saylor going down - two major losses and it told on the pitch as we dropped points in the three games after Man U/Man C/Chelsea.


Some people saw this as a sign of Pards' "luck" running out (many of these didn't/don't trust the man). Some saw it as a flaw in his managerial accumen, as he wasn't able to change things when we'd been "worked out". Some rode out the rough after so much (relative) smooth. We also had the distraction of a not fully fit HBA having to be integrated back into the side with the vast majority pinpointing him as our real flair player who would at least be exciting, if not match-winning.


We then lost Ba and Cabaye for a few matches (along with new signing Cisse) but stuck to the older methodology to grind out wins and points. We get howked off Fulham experimenting with the 4-3-3 (using Best and Shola instead of the first choice pair who were unavailable) - although the match isn't a total write-off as we were very good for 30-45mins at the start.


With the full squad almost back and more than enough points on the board to surpass this season's expectations, Pards can now begin to 'experiment' with his chosen formation and the best players playing (injury permitting). The last 60mins of Wolves was a shambles, but every team has it's off day and there were extenuating circumstances (to some extent) and we battered the mackems for 45minutes before losing to a last gasp Arsenal goal at the Emirates.


In any league, going without a win for 4/5 games is tough, so that's why the emphasis was placed on securing the 3pts against Norwich. The press have stopped dropping our name into Champs League talk (thankfully) and it looks as though Europa League is going to be out of our hands - all we can do is use the last 8 games to find our 'best' set-up and get as many points as possible so we set the standard for next season, but without having any real pressure on us.


I don't see this as a new side to Pardew, I see this as him doing what he originally set out to do: get enough points to secure safety (done by Xmas really), then kick on from there after seeing out the Jan transfer window. If anything, he's encouraging the development of our football at a quicker rate than he probably envisaged with us having the 'comfort' of such an expectation-surpassing opening 30 games. His critics/detractors will call this revisionist, but I he's either the luckiest man in the world or he's got half a brain.


howld on a minute here, isn't it a bit early to be assuming everything is gold?  we've had a great performance against west brom preceded by some horrible, horrible performances with the exact same players


might be worth seeing how we get on when we play liverpool and when another team comes to SJP and shuts up shop meaning the onus is on us to open them up before you start facepalming and congratulating yourself




Not at all, I'm of the opinion that this season's target was to be comfortably in the top half (achieved, barring disaster) and start to integrate the 'new' system once the newcomers were settled and the points were on board.


That we're starting to play better football so soon is a blessing.

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