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Alan Pardew


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Pardew has agreed to do his first live interview with SSN after the press conference.


how ridiculous! agreeing to an interview after the interview. the club is shit scared. i dont give a fuck about what he has to say or the crawling drivel of the sky kiss arses.

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Guest johnson293

It's pretty clear Mike Ashley is just taking the piss now, clearly this is all 1 big practical joke and we just cannot see the funny side.


Its just like another big "**** YOU" to the fans. Can just imagine the convo behind the scenes....


Mike: "I've told Alan (Pardew) he can have a 2.5 year contract."


Dekka: "The rumour has broken, the fans aren't happy. There are threats of Boycotts and protests again!"


Mike: "Oh.... Really?........ Lets make it a 5.5 year contract then!"

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Luke now desperately trying to prove that he's not Ashley's next rent boy and is in fact still 'cool'.




Let's Get A Few Things Straight About Newcastle United

By Luke Edwards on Dec 9, 10 12:08 PM


The great thing about having a blog is you can get a few things off your chest and for once I have been annoyed by the comments left on the stories I have written about the sacking of Chris Hughton and the appointment of Alan Pardew.


It rarely bothers me if people slag me off, my job is to report information and opinions, to spark debate and to deal with the facts. Where necessary, I offer my view as well. But this time, you've managed to get a bite out of me!


So let's get a few things straight. I did not agree with the sacking of Chris Hughton and I said as much to the United hierarchy this week. I have even argued with them about it.


He was, as I've said elsewhere, a good man doing a good job. He did not need to be replaced and if he was going to be replaced it needed to be a really top class, experienced manager with a CV to match.


But it is also my job to present the argument behind the sacking, which is what I've done this week.


Alan Pardew is not the manager I expected to see in the chair as his replacement, he does not have a great CV and he is not vastly experienced.


He has a tough job ahead of him to convince supporters and media alike that he is the right man for the job.


He will also suffer because he has got the biggest job of his life in grubby circumstances, he will be slipping on a murdered man's shoes at his press conference today.


However, I also feel he has to be given a chance to prove me and the rest of you wrong. He is running uphill, as I said in the paper this morning, but does he deserve to be shoved backwards and downwards by the club's supporters as well?


I don't think so, that is my personal opinion, just as it's my personal view it was a mistake to sack Hughton.


However, Pardew is the manager now and he has enough on his hands winning round the players in the dressing room without dealing with protests against his appointment from the fans.


He will live and die by his decisions as a manager, not on accepting a job offer after a popular manager was sacked.


Even if he was talking to the club while Hughton was still in place, is that his fault or the fault of the people who are in charge?


I will judge him what he does in Newcastle interest's from here on in. That is how I have treated every single man who has filled that role in the nine years I have been covering the club.


If results and performances are good, I will say so. If they are bad, I will criticise as I have done in the past.


If Pardew fails, that is the time to take aim on the board because they will have made a horrendous error in judgement.


What is done is done, it's not a decision that is going to be reversed. If there is anger there, the fans have every right to voice it. It is their club, not Mike Ashley's after all. If there are protests, that is their right.


What I don't see is how that is helpful to the team and the players. If fans hope they are going to force Ashley to sell, they won't. He's already ridden out worse than this. He has already tried to sell, twice, and failed. He isn't going to put the club up for sale again.


So, no I don't think Pardew is a great appointment, but I will at least give him the chance to prove me wrong. He won't be condemn by me before he has taken charge of a single game.


Sorry if you don't agree with that stance, but quite frankly, I'm just as entitled to my opinions as you are.


I'm not anybody's pay roll other than The Journal's, I'm not licking anyone's behinds and I'm not scared of criticising anyone. I'm just, in my opinion, being realistic.


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have can that fat f*ck do this to us....i feel sick!


Once again he has proven to be an complete idiot!


Why gamble on this w*anker when we were doing alright and atmosphere were sky high!


what exactly does he has to offer...please tell me....

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No ther word describes this feeling better...

What a let down, what a clueless bunch of sods we have up there... Replace a manager doing well with someone with a crap track record and at the same time knock down the little faith you had built up during Hughton's tenure..

Stupid fat cockney C**T

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Shows just how stupid or clever Fat Cunt is you decide, to give a man a 5.5 year contract my thoughts are for the later just so he can piss us off cos we as a majority loved Houghton and the job he was doing on a limited budget , i personally hate Pardew before i listen too the fucker and bollocks he will spew in a press conference :knuppel2:

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I'm really close to throwing up. This whole saga is just absolutely disgraceful and has dragged this once proud club another mile through the mud. Fuck off and die Mike Ashley, you fat fucking clueless, classless waster.

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