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The low Moment: where does this rank

Guest dazzanufc1892

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Even with Kinnear, initially the belief was "interim" until a proper manager, with Pardew, we've sacked a man in complete control for a fuckwit, and this is most certainly long term.


When we are relegated in May, that'll be a hell of a lot worse than it was two years ago. We will without a doubt lose the likes of Jonas, Jose, Colo, Taylor, Tiote, Ben Arfa and probably Carroll. There will be no coming back this time.

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Even with Kinnear, initially the belief was "interim" until a proper manager, with Pardew, we've sacked a man in complete control for a fuckwit, and this is most certainly long term.


When we are relegated in May, that'll be a hell of a lot worse than it was two years ago. We will without a doubt lose the likes of Jonas, Jose, Colo, Taylor, Tiote, Ben Arfa and probably Carroll. There will be no coming back this time.


Don't man :( God, it just feels so likely atm.

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This ranks up there with the feeling I had when we were relegated. I feel angry, hurt, bemused and very helpless.


SBR being sacked the way he was and more to do with the timing was poor, if SBR had been let go in the summer and replaced by a good manager then I think a lot of us would have accepted it, but to be sacked a few games in and replace with cuntness really rankled.


Keegan's departure 1st time around was out of the blue to me, as I am in Swansea we didn't get the media coverage on the club as you do up Newcastle and I had no internet back then so it was a big shock.


Pardew, I still can't believe it!! Why Ashley Why?

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I haven't decided overall, but it feels worse than Souness so far. Just to add some perspective, I received 3 or 4 texts informing me of that masterstroke when I switched my phone on after coming out of a friend's funeral.. so it was quite a low point.

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It's a rung lower than the Keegan/Kinnear debacle. Purely because this time, you know there's no way in hell Ashley will redeem himself. By reverting to the spastic owner of his first couple of years, he's proven he's never going to change. The best way I can describe the scum is he will forever be a classless prick in my eyes.


For that reason, the fact that after the past couple of days, I know there's no light at the end of the tunnel until he goes, this ranks as my personal lowest moment.

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I simply cant see any light at the end of the tunnel. After relegation I was still fairly confident we'd make a good go of bouncing back, this time, well, I fear for the direction we're going.


It's impossible to make any sort of progress with that fat tosser in control of the club. The only way is down from here.

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The whole massive scale of this mess has begun to sink in with me. This is the lowest I've felt barring possibly Duff's OG against Villa. It just felt like Everyone involved with the club was on the same page, everyone liked and understood where each other was coming from, and that includes the fans, Chris Hughton and the players. It's almost like a family has been broken up, thts the Gutting thing.

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This is the low point for me. Even more than Souness, even more than Kinnear.


It's just a sudden realisation that we've gone from cautiously optimistic to odds-on relegation favourites IMO.

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This is the lowest for me (been a supporter since 96, obsessed with the club since 2001). Never been this devastated or sad about things. Really worried about the future and so full of anger against the board that I seriously don't know what to do with myself.


Like I said earlier, this act of his is unheard of. I've never seen or heard of anything remotely as stupid as this. The bastard has caused me enough pain now. I feel so sick I want to vomit when I think of it.

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Guest Haris Vuckic

Probably in the top four, just qualified for the champions league of lowness but needs to beat a difficult foreign lowness to get into the proper rounds - ie actually happen

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it's the lowest.


relegation was bad, all doom and gloom, everyone thought we'd 'do a leeds'....


but after all the wasters left and hughton got 'this group of lads' playing for him, each other, for the shirt  and for the fans, it felt 'right'

the manager and the players cared about the club and showed as much passion as the fans.

we came up as champions, having had any 'delusions' knocked right out of us.


we knew this season would have ups and downs but overall we were positive because we could see that we were adjusting to the premier league reasonably well and pulling out some great results too, we trusted chris and 'this group of lads' would keep us in the premier league, so we could try to build steadily and sensibly each season, we had no 'ideas above our station' talking about europe seriously etc


but ashley fires this bolt out of the blue, shattering any hope we had of building steadily and sensibly in the next coming seasons. he got rid of a manager who the players liked, who the fans liked, who was doing a good job under imposed difficult circumstances and for what reason? because he wasn't 'a big name'? because the fans had taken to him? because he wanted to stay? because he doesn't like sugar in his tea?  i don't know why


even if pardew comes in and we were to be relegated, if he were to bring the team back up as champions, would we be in this exact scenario in 24mths time?

most likely, and this is why this particular moment is the lowest.


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This is the low point for me. Even more than Souness, even more than Kinnear.


It's just a sudden realisation that we've gone from cautiously optimistic to odds-on relegation favourites IMO.


Cautiously optimistic? You spent the whole season complaining about how we'll go down with this home form and would take 17th!

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This is the low point for me. Even more than Souness, even more than Kinnear.


It's just a sudden realisation that we've gone from cautiously optimistic to odds-on relegation favourites IMO.


Cautiously optimistic? You spent the whole season complaining about how we'll go down with this home form and would take 17th!


I didn't actually think we'd go down.


I was unhappy with the home form, and I won't change my opinion on that. But the fact is, Hughton was liked and alot of the time he was getting the best out of the players.


I said I'd take 17th because of the unpredictability of the league, coupled with the poor home form. I was still cautiously optimistic we'd stay up though. 

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Rock bottom.


All the other moments you could kind of understand. This I'd just a disgrace based on a "jobs for the boys" mentality.

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The whole massive scale of this mess has begun to sink in with me. This is the lowest I've felt barring possibly Duff's OG against Villa. It just felt like Everyone involved with the club was on the same page, everyone liked and understood where each other was coming from, and that includes the fans, Chris Hughton and the players. It's almost like a family has been broken up, thts the Gutting thing.


Yeah, i tried to explain something similar in my post, don't think i managed it as well as you have

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I think what makes this the lowest of the low for me is that previously we've always had hope.


Hope that a woodgate or cole sale would be followed up by a big name replacement.


That Souness would sort out a rowdy dressing room. Hope that SBR would be replaced by somebody to move us on a stage.


Hope that Joe Fucking Kinnear was a temporary blip from a naive newcomer Owner.


Hope that CH could grow into the role and turn into our Moyes or similar.


No, this decision ends all hope under an Ashley regime. The excuses that were worthy of contemplation before are now no more and we all know what we're left with is a callous, fraudulant regime with nothing but their own interests at heart and thats what makes it the bottom of the pile for me.

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I think what makes this the lowest of the low for me is that previously we've always had hope.


Hope that a woodgate or cole sale would be followed up by a big name replacement.


That Souness would sort out a rowdy dressing room. Hope that SBR would be replaced by somebody to move us on a stage.


Hope that Joe Fucking Kinnear was a temporary blip from a naive newcomer Owner.


Hope that CH could grow into the role and turn into our Moyes or similar.


No, this decision ends all hope under an Ashley regime. The excuses that were worthy of contemplation before are now no more and we all know what we're left with is a callous, fraudulant regime with nothing but their own interests at heart and thats what makes it the bottom of the pile for me.


Closest to my feelings really, we've just seen the final confirmation that we have no chance under Ashley and no prospect of him leaving.

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