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The Sir Alex Ferguson Appreciation Thread

Optimistic Nut

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He is the best manager the game has seen if you ask me. People say he's a c*** but I remember the 5-2 (or was it 5-3 game?) a few years back when Sir Bobby was manager, and we were getting battered, he took off his top players and put on kids so as to not humiliate Sir Bobby, that's how much of a c*** he isn't. When KK left first time we apparently went after him but their board were having none of it, they even refused to inform Fergie of our interest, which he was apparently furious about as he fancied the job. Who knows. Never has a bad word to say about the club, in fact speaks highly of it and us as fans, once saying of NUFC fans "magnificent, the best". He's a true football man, plays the game the right way, puts club before anyone even star players and is all for developing young players from within. I have his autobiography and its a great read. I thi nk he's a top bloke on top of being a great great manager.


That's just a ridiculous statement! Taking off his best players after leading 5-3 had nothing to do with not wanting to humiliate SBR...you really think SAF was taking SBR's feelings into account when making subs? Its what most managers do when they think the games is won (i.e. that the other team won't be able to make a come back), they put on their young/squad players to give them playing time and experience whilst giving the first teamers some rest


I agree.... it's a load of rubbish. When they beat us 6-2 at SJP, I remember him standing on the touch line shouting to his players (Van Nistelrooy in particular) to go and get one more goal. He was despearte for it (I think he believed that goal difference was going to make a difference in the title chase that year.), he kept shouting to his players..."get one more! ONE MORE!" showing his index fingers at them. :lol:


But, to be fair to him, that's part of the reason why he is the best.

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Keane was sent off when we beat them btw.


Not that it matters like.


I think I got mixed up between Manc beatings, the game he  took Keane off for a rest was the 6-2 thrashing at SJP when Scholes got 3 on the day Dyer had said he was going to replace Scholes in the England squad.

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Hated him and Man United in the 90s - When it came to the commercialisation of football Man United led the way with their mega store, plastic supporters and a new away kit every year.  Standard stuff now though.


The way their side used to intimidate referees was disgusting and Ferguson led the way - standing on the touchline with stopwatch in hand sticks in the memory.


However since Abramovich and the Glazers came on the scene he hasnt had the massive financial advantage he did before yet he is still winning. He also claims to have mellowed a bit and he does show occassional touches of class which you can respect - such as his speech at SBR's funeral.


But when things don't go his way hes still a very bitter and sore loser - witness his claim that Alan Wiley wasnt fit and his "typical germans" comment when they got knocked out of the Champions League.


More than 24 years in any profession is an acheivement, let alone staying at one club at the top for that amount of time.


So my verdict is that you can't help but admire him although he is still a b******. But perhaps not quite as much as he was.




Well said that man! I can't see him as a classy act. His teams are always surrounding the officials and its not called Fergie Time for nothing.

He may have said the right things about SBR, but for us, "love it, just love it" came first.



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Keane was sent off when we beat them btw.


Not that it matters like.


I think I got mixed up between Manc beatings, the game he got took off for a rest was the 6-2 thrashing at SJP when Scholes got 3 on the day Dyer had said he was going to replace Scholes in the England squad.


That game was the beginning of our long decline.

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Of course he is an utter bastard.  But imagine if we had him.  He's not such a bastard that I would protest his appointment.  As far as I know, he didn't gas the Kurds...or at least he did a fantastic job in pinning it on Saddam.  With the Mancs since 1986!  How many managers in any sport last half that long?  Bobby Bowden was with the Seminoles for around 33 years.  A dour figure, but a true legend, and worthy of everyone's respect, no matter how grudging. 

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Used to hate him, now kind of like him. Undoubtedly one of the greats.


I pretty much agree with this.


Although like most of the top managers, he can still go on like a spoilt child when things don't go his way. Especially the way he acts with the media.


I remember watching this documentary when it was aired. Quite an interesting watch if anyone can get hold of it.



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Of course he is an utter bastard.  But imagine if we had him.   He's not such a bastard that I would protest his appointment.  As far as I know, he didn't gas the Kurds...or at least he did a fantastic job in pinning it on Saddam.  With the Mancs since 1986!  How many managers in any sport last half that long?  Bobby Bowden was with the Seminoles for around 33 years.  A dour figure, but a true legend, and worthy of everyone's respect, no matter how grudging. 



if he had him here in 1985- we would have sacked him inside 2 years- while Man utd are looking forward to near 50 trophies- seems this is a hard leason for us to learn.


legend imo.

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Of course he is an utter bastard.  But imagine if we had him.   He's not such a bastard that I would protest his appointment.  As far as I know, he didn't gas the Kurds...or at least he did a fantastic job in pinning it on Saddam.  With the Mancs since 1986!  How many managers in any sport last half that long?  Bobby Bowden was with the Seminoles for around 33 years.  A dour figure, but a true legend, and worthy of everyone's respect, no matter how grudging. 



if he had him here in 1985- we would have sacked him inside 2 years- while Man utd are looking forward to near 50 trophies- seems this is a hard leason for us to learn.


legend imo.


This is true.  He never would have survived his torrid couple of years up here.  True vision by the top brass not to press the red button in 89-90 when they could have

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Of course he is an utter bastard.  But imagine if we had him.   He's not such a bastard that I would protest his appointment.  As far as I know, he didn't gas the Kurds...or at least he did a fantastic job in pinning it on Saddam.  With the Mancs since 1986!  How many managers in any sport last half that long?  Bobby Bowden was with the Seminoles for around 33 years.  A dour figure, but a true legend, and worthy of everyone's respect, no matter how grudging. 



if he had him here in 1985- we would have sacked him inside 2 years- while Man utd are looking forward to near 50 trophies- seems this is a hard leason for us to learn.


legend imo.


This is true.  He never would have survived his torrid couple of years up here.  True vision by the top brass not to press the red button in 89-90 when they could have



a button sucessive regimes here have been unable to keep thier hands away from, like some sort of eject button twitch

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Of course he is an utter bastard.  But imagine if we had him.  He's not such a bastard that I would protest his appointment.  As far as I know, he didn't gas the Kurds...or at least he did a fantastic job in pinning it on Saddam.  With the Mancs since 1986!  How many managers in any sport last half that long?  Bobby Bowden was with the Seminoles for around 33 years.  A dour figure, but a true legend, and worthy of everyone's respect, no matter how grudging. 




Yeah, like most, mainly respect from me now. God I used to hate him and Man United.

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Of course he is an utter bastard.  But imagine if we had him.   He's not such a bastard that I would protest his appointment.  As far as I know, he didn't gas the Kurds...or at least he did a fantastic job in pinning it on Saddam.  With the Mancs since 1986!  How many managers in any sport last half that long?  Bobby Bowden was with the Seminoles for around 33 years.  A dour figure, but a true legend, and worthy of everyone's respect, no matter how grudging. 



if he had him here in 1985- we would have sacked him inside 2 years- while Man utd are looking forward to near 50 trophies- seems this is a hard leason for us to learn.


legend imo.


This is true.  He never would have survived his torrid couple of years up here.  True vision by the top brass not to press the red button in 89-90 when they could have



a button sucessive regimes here have been unable to keep thier hands away from, like some sort of eject button twitch


it's like the history eraser button in ren and stimpy.  so shiny.  so tempting.  so...pressable.

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  • 2 months later...

How much will it affect the team selection and results though? Jose Mourinho has shown that you can circumvent the ban using wireless communication so can't see it as having any real impact.

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How much will it affect the team selection and results though? Jose Mourinho has shown that you can Circumvent the ban using wireless communication so can't see it as having any real impact.


Don't you mean Circumverate?


/Gob Bluth

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