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David Bentley joins Birmingham City on loan

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Bentley could be very good actually and he's a good crosser, but instead of being pleased I'm just worried about who we're selling. The only saleable asset that I actually want to go is Jonas. Even then, what will we do in the short tern til HBA returns? Few points though:


1) Even though it says it'll be a substantial loss to Spurs, I still think he'll be expensive. Will it be over £4-5m? And what are his current wages like?

2) He'll love the nightclubs up here

3) Bentley seems like he'd fit well with a good team spirit, but he'd have loved to work under Hughton - Pardew I'm not so sure.

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Bentley could be very good actually and he's a good crosser, but instead of being pleased I'm just worried about who we're selling. The only saleable asset that I actually want to go is Jonas. Even then, what will we do in the short tern til HBA returns? Few points though:


1) Even though it says it'll be a substantial loss to Spurs, I still think he'll be expensive. Will it be over £4-5m? And what are his current wages like?

2) He'll love the nightclubs up here

3) Bentley seems like he'd fit well with a good team spirit, but he'd have loved to work under Hughton - Pardew I'm not so sure.

yeah ?
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Guest dazzanufc1892

if you consider we came into the start of this season realistically looking at


jonas      barton      smith      nolan      routledge


and could finish the season with


ben arfa    tiote      barton      nolan      bentley


il take that all day long

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People are becoming very picky when it comes to signing players.


We need to build a decent squad and add some depth. Right now players like Bentley and Keane are the type of players who would keep us up. Tomorrow is an example where those two players would come in handy. Instead we have Shola who isnt exactly fit or mobile and Ranger who does not have the quality at this level (yet at least) leading the line in a very important game.


The current players look mentally and physically fatigued and we simply have no decent players to fill the gaps for when the likes of Nolans, Bartons and Carroll are missing which is bound to happen over the course of the season at one time or another


Against West Brom when missing Nolan and Barton plus Colo it was evident that we were missing alot of quality in key areas. I'm sure players like Bentley or Keane would at least provide us with more options instead of relying on guthries and ameobi's who are clearly at times out of there depth


I remember some people not being bothered when milner left stating he wasnt a great player and "just worked hard" and that we could buy better. But it just shows how far you have gone backwards when i'd kill for him in our team and it felt that we simply disposed him.  You need players like milner in your squad



Good post. 

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Bentley would legitimately be a signing of "Jizz in my Pants" caliber.


I cannot stress enough how absolutely ridiculous it would be for us to be turning our noses up at him. He's even still only 26 FFS.


Trying not to get my hopes up too much, but "set to sign" is pretty strong language isn't it?

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Bentley would legitimately be a signing of "Jizz in my Pants" caliber.


I cannot stress enough how absolutely ridiculous it would be for us to be turning our noses up at him. He's even still only 26 FFS.


Trying not to get my hopes up too much, but "set to sign" is pretty strong language isn't it?

why do i  imagine you blowing smoochy kisses as you typed that ?
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Bentley would legitimately be a signing of "Jizz in my Pants" caliber.


I cannot stress enough how absolutely ridiculous it would be for us to be turning our noses up at him. He's even still only 26 FFS.


Trying not to get my hopes up too much, but "set to sign" is pretty strong language isn't it?

why do i  imagine you blowing smoochy kisses as you typed that ?


Why do you imagine me blowing smoochy kisses ever? :kasper:

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We don't get anywhere near enough decent delivery into the box. The only times we have was when Barton was played out wide, however I think Pardew wants him in the middle of the park. Bentley would be a good acquisition. Just needs to be taken far away from London.

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Bentley would legitimately be a signing of "Jizz in my Pants" caliber.


I cannot stress enough how absolutely ridiculous it would be for us to be turning our noses up at him. He's even still only 26 FFS.


Trying not to get my hopes up too much, but "set to sign" is pretty strong language isn't it?

why do i  imagine you blowing smoochy kisses as you typed that ?


Why do you imagine me blowing smoochy kisses ever? :kasper:

the "jizz in my pants"...the  "i can't stress enough", the "he's only 26"

Bentley would legitimately be a signing of "Jizz in my Pants" caliber.




Trying not to get my hopes up too much, but "set to sign" is pretty strong language isn't it?

why do i  imagine you blowing smoochy kisses as you typed that ?


Why do you imagine me blowing smoochy kisses ever? :kasper:

ah man it was a bit of a soft and girly post.
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Looks like he has personality problems, but he was signed by Spuds when they were doing the DOF thing so potentially their manager hasn't particularly wanted or rated him from day one. Darren Bent also had personality problems, couldn't fit into the team etc. etc. according to the genius of Arry. Like Bent, Bentley was also saddled with a big price tag to justify. I think it was Bent's biggest problem.


He looked very good in an average team at Blackburn, and an average team is what we are at the moment. He can cross, has a bit of a shot on him, and I guess could take set pieces when Joey is out or struggling as in the past few games. I know Chelsea do it with Drogba, but its a waste to have Carroll taking them or lining up as the decoy.

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In many ways, Bentley is a typical Newcastle player - not consistent, will probably love the quayside etc, and has had a number of Prem clubs who basically think he is surplus to requirements. Capable of producing a great cross or free kick but lacks genuine pace(in my view, a must for a proper winger in the PL).


Probably more end product than Jonas and Routledge(whose career he has emulated to an eerie degree), but does not have the pace that SWP has. Phillips is better at beating full-backs on the outside, Bentley is a better crosser of the ball and better at dead balls.


Overall, I agree with kingdawson(and he has seen more of the player than any Newcastle fan) - given the choice I would take Phillips but that is unlikely for several reasons.Bentley is also younger.


Would be disappointed id the club paid more than 5m for him and I am surprised that they are prepared to match his wages - nevertheless, an improvement on what we have and may give Carroll some decent crosses - as long as Carroll is still there to aim for...!! If this boy is a makeweight in any deal for Carroll, I would not be at all happy ; we shouldn't be selling Carroll yet anyway, but if the club were determined to sell him to Spurs, the only player I would want as part of the deal would be Pavyluchenko...for obvious reasons and that is never going to happen.

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Wright-Phillips is significantly older and produces no consistent quality ever! Even when he is on form. Wright-Philips would be a terrible, terrible move. kingdawson ahs the privelege of watching the likes of Modric, Bale, Van der Vaart, Kranjcar, Huddlestone and even Lennon every week. Sure Bentley would look a lot less impressive under those circumstances. Bentley on our team would be a very worthwhile addition. He just needs more responsibility and being away from London will definitely help too. You just can't overlook his time at Blackburn.

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In many ways, Bentley is a typical Newcastle player - not consistent, will probably love the quayside etc, and has had a number of Prem clubs who basically think he is surplus to requirements. Capable of producing a great cross or free kick but lacks genuine pace(in my view, a must for a proper winger in the PL).


Probably more end product than Jonas and Routledge(whose career he has emulated to an eerie degree), but does not have the pace that SWP has. Phillips is better at beating full-backs on the outside, Bentley is a better crosser of the ball and better at dead balls.


Overall, I agree with kingdawson(and he has seen more of the player than any Newcastle fan) - given the choice I would take Phillips but that is unlikely for several reasons.Bentley is also younger.


Would be disappointed id the club paid more than 5m for him and I am surprised that they are prepared to match his wages - nevertheless, an improvement on what we have and may give Carroll some decent crosses - as long as Carroll is still there to aim for...!! If this boy is a makeweight in any deal for Carroll, I would not be at all happy ; we shouldn't be selling Carroll yet anyway, but if the club were determined to sell him to Spurs, the only player I would want as part of the deal would be Pavyluchenko...for obvious reasons and that is never going to happen.


This post is just... wrong on so many levels.

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In many ways, Bentley is a typical Newcastle player - not consistent, will probably love the quayside etc, and has had a number of Prem clubs who basically think he is surplus to requirements. Capable of producing a great cross or free kick but lacks genuine pace(in my view, a must for a proper winger in the PL).


Probably more end product than Jonas and Routledge(whose career he has emulated to an eerie degree), but does not have the pace that SWP has. Phillips is better at beating full-backs on the outside, Bentley is a better crosser of the ball and better at dead balls.


Overall, I agree with kingdawson(and he has seen more of the player than any Newcastle fan) - given the choice I would take Phillips but that is unlikely for several reasons.Bentley is also younger.


Would be disappointed id the club paid more than 5m for him and I am surprised that they are prepared to match his wages - nevertheless, an improvement on what we have and may give Carroll some decent crosses - as long as Carroll is still there to aim for...!! If this boy is a makeweight in any deal for Carroll, I would not be at all happy ; we shouldn't be selling Carroll yet anyway, but if the club were determined to sell him to Spurs, the only player I would want as part of the deal would be Pavyluchenko...for obvious reasons and that is never going to happen.


This post is just... wrong on so many levels.


Well the bit about Bentley emulating Routledge's career is bilge for a start, yeah.

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The reason we are doing better this season than two years ago with players who have less prestigious careers than the playes we had is down to mentality.


Our team has the mentality both as individuals and as a team to do well this year, but we need to make sure that as we improve our squad, the players that come in believe they can do well and will not cause disharmony within the team.


I remember people laughed when I expressed concern about signing Ben Arfa on the basis that I felt we needed playes that wouldn't upset the team, as it would be the personalities of the Nolans the Carrolls and the Bartons that would keep us up. Turns out I was right on the latter point. However I now reckon our team spirit is so strong that we can absorb the occasional Ben Arfa type player, make them feel wanted and loved, and therefore make them part of the team.


I don't have worries that Bentley would cause disharmony within the team. However his mental weakness from what others describe is the opposite to Ben Arfa in that it seems to be about his own ability and is a confidence player. For that reason I don't think this is the right club for him. The strength of the team spirit couldn't give Perch the confidence to step up, and if the description of him is accurate playing well at st James Park after a blip in form may be beyond him. For that reason he'd be doing well for Blackburn or Bolton, but not for us, Spurs or West Ham.

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I think the problem with Bentley has been over-confidence - a tendency to think he doesn't need to make quite so much effort once he's achieved a bit of success. In both his club and his international career, he's fallen away after making a good impact.


He needs to play with a bit more fire. Barton would be a good example to him. Both players lack pace but Barton has that determination and puts a lot into his performances. We have some forthright characters in our dressing room, and they won't let Bentley get away with 75% effort.


When Bentley made it into the England side, I thought he'd be there for a long time. The ability is there, and hopefully Pardew will bring that out. Redknapp doesn't like him and the relationship hasn't improved with time.

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