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Andy Gray Sacked by Sky; Richard Keys resigns - join TalkSport


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Has anyone made any assumptions on who has leaked these off air clips that would normally get ignored  ,i guess someone who hates the 2 or has a grudge ?

They must have put the clips on usb i guess so are they studio staff who have been prompted by someone who doesnt like there attitude or the studio staff themselves ?


The word is that Sky aren't interested in who leaked the clips, which says something.


how many times am i going to have to post news of the world court case in this thread?


Nothing to do with at all in fairness. There was just as much footage getting released about Keys as there was Gray. It does make a good angle though especially on left wing blogs.


it 'makes a good angle' because it's beyond obvious. since you're being 'fair', go on then humor me........


Did the Dark Forces get a female linsewoman sorted for the weekend? Did Steve the camerman get Sian Massey warming up, then told Burton she was a looker, then Burton did the rest. There was stuff released about Keys who is not suing NOTW.


From what I've read it seems a simple case of new management don't like  the old presenters and old presenters get a bit arrogant. Staff around them don't like their attitude and "bullying" behaviour so stitch them up at the first opportunity.

Can't see "dark forces" or other things, just two people acting like bell-ends get their comeuppance.

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Did the Dark Forces get a female linsewoman sorted for the weekend? Did Steve the camerman get Sian Massey warming up, then told Burton she was a looker, then Burton did the rest. There was stuff released about Keys who is not suing NOTW.


I think it's incredibly naive to act like there's no agenda here, completely and utterly naive.  Sure Gray ultimately has to take responsibility for his own downfall in that he, and he only, made the comments.  However, clips like these don't just get leaked on a whim, or in the 'public interest'.  This wasn't a Ron Atkinson slip, where he was actually still on air in some countries (I believe it was still being broadcast in the middle east). 


What's happened here is essentially a secret recording that has then been used against them in public to not only smear them but to paint the picture that Sky had 'no choice'.  If it was a criminal case, you wouldn't even be able to use it (recording) in court unless in extreme circumstances (ie. murder etc) which this isn't even close to being.  They are in fact right when they say this is akin to the phone hacking scandal, it's practically identical in terms of end-product.  It was the same when they did it with Gordon Brown, another one 'they' wanted out.  I think it's good that more and more people are coming out in support of them, if not their views, then their right to have the private conversations kept private.


Like I've said, I've no particular care for either of them, the whole things has been hilarious, at times baffling (the genuine sound of disgust in original clip) and entirely hypocritical from the masses.  I've no doubt a lot on here don't share their views, and I know I don't, but I also know there will be a few nodding their heads in agreement with some that was said, with perhaps the exception of the Massey nonsense. 


Sadly, though, I think it's tragic that these media companies continue to pull the wool over the eyes of the public and they're only going to keep getting away with it because we all love a good distraction.  Sorry, scandal.  It's been pretty pathetic, the whole thing.  At the end of the day, nothing that was said was that fucking bad.  Anyone acting like it were, like they're genuinely morally outraged really need to get a fucking hold of themselves and be quite serious when they think "have I ever talked about women that way?"  Cause I've seen plenty of it on here down the years.  Like Indi said yesterday, where the fuck did all this moral superiority come from?  Who the fuck are we kidding?


Personally, I hope Gray gets every single penny he can from them.  Like him or not, they're the scum, not him.  He's just a tit, a tit that holds views no worse than the majority of peoples fathers on here.

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Did the Dark Forces get a female linsewoman sorted for the weekend? Did Steve the camerman get Sian Massey warming up, then told Burton she was a looker, then Burton did the rest. There was stuff released about Keys who is not suing NOTW.


I think it's incredibly naive to act like there's no agenda here, completely and utterly naive.  Sure Gray ultimately has to take responsibility for his own downfall in that he, and he only, made the comments.  However, clips like these don't just get leaked on a whim, or in the 'public interest'.  This wasn't a Ron Atkinson slip, where he was actually still on air in some countries (I believe it was still being broadcast in the middle east).  


What's happened here is essentially a secret recording that has then been used against them in public to not only smear them but to paint the picture that Sky had 'no choice'.  If it was a criminal case, you wouldn't even be able to use it (recording) in court unless in extreme circumstances (ie. murder etc) which this isn't even close to being.  They are in fact right when they say this is akin to the phone hacking scandal, it's practically identical in terms of end-product.  It was the same when they did it with Gordon Brown, another one 'they' wanted out.  I think it's good that more and more people are coming out in support of them, if not their views, then their right to have the private conversations kept private.


Like I've said, I've no particular care for either of them, the whole things has been hilarious, at times baffling (the genuine sound of disgust in original clip) and entirely hypocritical from the masses.  I've no doubt a lot on here don't share their views, and I know I don't, but I also know there will be a few nodding their heads in agreement with some that was said, with perhaps the exception of the Massey nonsense.  


Sadly, though, I think it's tragic that these media companies continue to pull the wool over the eyes of the public and they're only going to keep getting away with it because we all love a good distraction.  Sorry, scandal.  It's been pretty pathetic, the whole thing.  At the end of the day, nothing that was said was that f***ing bad.  Anyone acting like it were, like they're genuinely morally outraged really need to get a f***ing hold of themselves and be quite serious when they think "have I ever talked about women that way?"  Cause I've seen plenty of it on here down the years.  Like Indi said yesterday, where the f*** did all this moral superiority come from?  Who the f*** are we kidding?


Personally, I hope Gray gets every single penny he can from them.  Like him or not, they're the scum, not him.  He's just a tit, a tit that holds views no worse than the majority of peoples fathers on here.


Well said Bluf  :clap:


Like I said earlier in the thread, I still don't understand why they are being attacked for what they said in private, fair eough if you disagree with their views (which we should), but nobody has a right to persecute them based on what they said in private, sexist remarks discussed in private happens all the time up and down the country.


I might be completely wrong here coz have not heard the audio myself, but why is it wrong to be sexist in private? Most of us do that when we are amongst friends in say a bar and I'm sure women say nasty things about men to when they have their sorority or women only gatherings.


I would have a problem if they did this on air in their official capacity but why should they be restricted in their private thoughts?


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They said it at work....while they were getting paid to represent the company, and it was captured on company equipment. This wasn't said in a bar while out with friends.  This was not a private coversation. They are media broadcasters, who said in appropriate things while at work.


I think that you guys are totally dinosaur to think that they have any chance of winning. Unless Sky want to pay him off to hush him up, they should have an easy case.


Oh, and I don't think that he was fired for the Sian Massy comment, but for the Charlott Jackson comment.

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Oh, and I don't think that he was fired for the Sian Massy comment, but for the Charlott Jackson comment.


which was fucking disgraceful btw, you'd have to be a cunt of epic proportions to come out with that unless you know the lassie well (mates) and it's considered a very 'in' joke between a small group


anyone who'd say that to a lass you just work with :facepalm:

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They said it at work....while they were getting paid to represent the company, and it was captured on company equipment. This wasn't said in a bar while out with friends.  This was not a private coversation. They are media broadcasters, who said in appropriate things while at work.


I think that you guys are totally dinosaur to think that they have any chance of winning. Unless Sky want to pay him off to hush him up, they should have an easy case.


Oh, and I don't think that he was fired for the Sian Massy comment, but for the Charlott Jackson comment.


You can have a private conversation even in the premises of your employer. Do you only talk professional things at work? The recording was illegal and without consent because they were not supposed to be on air.

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Oh, and I don't think that he was fired for the Sian Massy comment, but for the Charlott Jackson comment.


which was f***ing disgraceful btw, you'd have to be a c*** of epic proportions to come out with that unless you know the lassie well (mates) and it's considered a very 'in' joke between a small group


anyone who'd say that to a lass you just work with :facepalm:


Fair enough, if what he did/said re Charlott was supposed to be on air, then he has no excuse. I was referring to the lineswoman incident though

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Guest Micktoon

Charlie Brooker made the same point I did a few days ago about Soccer AM and the Soccerette thing tonight on the 10 O'Clock Live show.


Yeah Soccer AM sprung to my mind. How many years did lovejoy get away with calling womens football "monkey tennis"

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Metro this morning has quotes from Keys' wife defending him (using painful footbal analogies) accompanied by this picture of her



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Has anyone made any assumptions on who has leaked these off air clips that would normally get ignored  ,i guess someone who hates the 2 or has a grudge ?

They must have put the clips on usb i guess so are they studio staff who have been prompted by someone who doesnt like there attitude or the studio staff themselves ?


The word is that Sky aren't interested in who leaked the clips, which says something.


how many times am i going to have to post news of the world court case in this thread?


Nothing to do with at all in fairness. There was just as much footage getting released about Keys as there was Gray. It does make a good angle though especially on left wing blogs.


it 'makes a good angle' because it's beyond obvious. since you're being 'fair', go on then humor me........


Did the Dark Forces get a female linsewoman sorted for the weekend? Did Steve the camerman get Sian Massey warming up, then told Burton she was a looker, then Burton did the rest. There was stuff released about Keys who is not suing NOTW.


while ultimately the answer to all that is 'i dont know' i think its naive in the extreme to think sky haven't released these tapes because they want him out. imo its completely irrelevant that keys wasnt involved in the court case, he's gray's sidekick and its easier for them to dismiss them both. whilst it seems a large step for you to accept that they engineered the episode from the outset, is it really that hard to believe that they were just waiting for him/them to fuck up so they had their opportunity?


over-thinking things doesnt necessarily lead you to the right answer, sometimes simple works.

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Guest johnson293

Had to check it wasn't April 1st when I read this...




Al Jazeera want to sign Keys and Gray

Published 23:59 27/01/11 By Alan Nixon


Super-rich Arab TV station Al Jazeera want to snap up Richard Keys and Andy Gray - after the pair were axed by Sky.


Keys is due in Qatar today for talks about a lucrative contract and if he takes up their top post he would bring long-term friend and sidekick Gray with him.


Both Keys and Gray are ‘faces’ in the TV world and the Arabs are not concerned about the fall-out from the sexist comments that cost them their Sky posts.


It would be a massive coup for the station to land two of football’s leading presenters in a double act - they currently use several English frontmen, including Gary Lineker, for their shows.


Al Jazeera are expanding their sports coverage and have just done a deal to broadcast the World Cup in the Middle East and Africa for the next three tournaments.


The move would mean that both Keys and Gray would spend extended periods in Qatar but there is also scope for them to do programmes from the station’s London base.


There are few other stations in the market for the pair and the cash on offer in the Middle East could make up for the loss of their seven-figure Sky salaries.



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Had to check it wasn't April 1st when I read this...




Al Jazeera want to sign Keys and Gray

Published 23:59 27/01/11 By Alan Nixon


Super-rich Arab TV station Al Jazeera want to snap up Richard Keys and Andy Gray - after the pair were axed by Sky.


Keys is due in Qatar today for talks about a lucrative contract and if he takes up their top post he would bring long-term friend and sidekick Gray with him.


Both Keys and Gray are ‘faces’ in the TV world and the Arabs are not concerned about the fall-out from the sexist comments that cost them their Sky posts.


It would be a massive coup for the station to land two of football’s leading presenters in a double act - they currently use several English frontmen, including Gary Lineker, for their shows.


Al Jazeera are expanding their sports coverage and have just done a deal to broadcast the World Cup in the Middle East and Africa for the next three tournaments.


The move would mean that both Keys and Gray would spend extended periods in Qatar but there is also scope for them to do programmes from the station’s London base.


There are few other stations in the market for the pair and the cash on offer in the Middle East could make up for the loss of their seven-figure Sky salaries.






Al Jazeera becoming the new Sky Sports have watched a lot of their sports channels recently and are very professional in the long term nothing to stop them offering content in the UK

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Did the Dark Forces get a female linsewoman sorted for the weekend? Did Steve the camerman get Sian Massey warming up, then told Burton she was a looker, then Burton did the rest. There was stuff released about Keys who is not suing NOTW.


I think it's incredibly naive to act like there's no agenda here, completely and utterly naive.  Sure Gray ultimately has to take responsibility for his own downfall in that he, and he only, made the comments.  However, clips like these don't just get leaked on a whim, or in the 'public interest'.  This wasn't a Ron Atkinson slip, where he was actually still on air in some countries (I believe it was still being broadcast in the middle east). 


What's happened here is essentially a secret recording that has then been used against them in public to not only smear them but to paint the picture that Sky had 'no choice'.  If it was a criminal case, you wouldn't even be able to use it (recording) in court unless in extreme circumstances (ie. murder etc) which this isn't even close to being.  They are in fact right when they say this is akin to the phone hacking scandal, it's practically identical in terms of end-product.  It was the same when they did it with Gordon Brown, another one 'they' wanted out.  I think it's good that more and more people are coming out in support of them, if not their views, then their right to have the private conversations kept private.


Like I've said, I've no particular care for either of them, the whole things has been hilarious, at times baffling (the genuine sound of disgust in original clip) and entirely hypocritical from the masses.  I've no doubt a lot on here don't share their views, and I know I don't, but I also know there will be a few nodding their heads in agreement with some that was said, with perhaps the exception of the Massey nonsense. 


Sadly, though, I think it's tragic that these media companies continue to pull the wool over the eyes of the public and they're only going to keep getting away with it because we all love a good distraction.  Sorry, scandal.  It's been pretty pathetic, the whole thing.  At the end of the day, nothing that was said was that f***ing bad.  Anyone acting like it were, like they're genuinely morally outraged really need to get a f***ing hold of themselves and be quite serious when they think "have I ever talked about women that way?"  Cause I've seen plenty of it on here down the years.  Like Indi said yesterday, where the f*** did all this moral superiority come from?  Who the f*** are we kidding?


Personally, I hope Gray gets every single penny he can from them.  Like him or not, they're the scum, not him.  He's just a tit, a tit that holds views no worse than the majority of peoples fathers on here.

Exellent post.


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Has anyone made any assumptions on who has leaked these off air clips that would normally get ignored  ,i guess someone who hates the 2 or has a grudge ?

They must have put the clips on usb i guess so are they studio staff who have been prompted by someone who doesnt like there attitude or the studio staff themselves ?


The word is that Sky aren't interested in who leaked the clips, which says something.


how many times am i going to have to post news of the world court case in this thread?

FFs how many pages do i have to read through
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Top post from Bluf there. I think there is an instinct from most that whenever they hear comments along these lines, that they are in some sort of way morally superior. Most then realise that the comments weren't actually that bad, but by that time, the high horse brigade have shouted their gobs off, hysteria follows, more and more people have their say and the real issue here - the way Sky has operated in this situation - gets conveniently overlooked.

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Guest neesy111

Top post from Bluf there. I think there is an instinct from most that whenever they hear comments along these lines, that they are in some sort of way morally superior. Most then realise that the comments weren't actually that bad, but by that time, the high horse brigade have shouted their gobs off, hysteria follows, more and more people have their say and the real issue here - the way Sky has operated in this situation - gets conveniently overlooked.


Honestly QT last night was an absolute farce over this.

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Top post from Bluf there. I think there is an instinct from most that whenever they hear comments along these lines, that they are in some sort of way morally superior. Most then realise that the comments weren't actually that bad, but by that time, the high horse brigade have shouted their gobs off, hysteria follows, more and more people have their say and the real issue here - the way Sky has operated in this situation - gets conveniently overlooked.


Bluf might have a point about Sky but they in no way negate that Gray made sexist remarks, that I'm happy to see him sacked for. Regardless of whatever else is going on (I f***ing hate Murdoch) I appreciate Sky sending out a message with the sacking (whatever the motivation).  If I'm on a moral high horse because I don't think it was funny and do think it was sexist (bigoted), then I'll happily continue to ride my horse.

Honestly QT last night was an absolute farce over this.


That Apprentice woman was a total joke.


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Guest neesy111

Why would Sky want Keys and Grey out though, were they not their top presenters?


Again, do we have to repeat this to people.  Gray is suing NOTW for phone tapping, the same NOTW that is owned by Rupert Murdoch and wants to take full control of Sky.


They never sacked Keys, he quit because he couldn't work without his friend.

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Top post from Bluf there. I think there is an instinct from most that whenever they hear comments along these lines, that they are in some sort of way morally superior. Most then realise that the comments weren't actually that bad, but by that time, the high horse brigade have shouted their gobs off, hysteria follows, more and more people have their say and the real issue here - the way Sky has operated in this situation - gets conveniently overlooked.


Bluf might have a point about Sky but they in no way negate that Gray made sexist remarks, that I'm happy to see him sacked for. Regardless of whatever else is going on (I f***ing hate Murdoch) I appreciate Sky sending out a message with the sacking (whatever the motivation).  If I'm on a moral high horse because I don't think it was funny and do think it was sexist (bigoted), then I'll happily continue to ride my horse.

Honestly QT last night was an absolute farce over this.


That Apprentice woman was a total joke.



You would tho, wouldn't you  :thup:




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