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Andy Gray Sacked by Sky; Richard Keys resigns - join TalkSport


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Sacked football pundit Andy Gray plans to sue Sky Sports for £3 million for unfair dismissal and breach of contract, it has been claimed.


According to The Mirror, the ex-footballer was with his legal team yesterday discussing a possible lawsuit against his former employer after he was fired following off-air sexist comments he had made in discussion with presenter Richard Keys.


It is claimed that Gray is seeking payment for the remainder of his contract, believed to be in the region of £1.7 million a year.


Gray yesterday issued a statement through his lawyers Schillings, which read: "I am very sorry that certain comments made by me have caused offence. Such comments were made off-air to work colleagues, and were of course never intended to be broadcast.


"I was very upset when the comments were brought to my attention, and it was my intention to apologise on Monday night when I was back on air for the Bolton v Chelsea game.


"Sadly I was unable to do so as I was suspended from the show by Sky Sports and have now been sacked. Football is my life and I am devastated by losing the job that I love. I am equally upset that third parties have been dragged into this issue."


A source added: "He feels very down and a little embarrassed about everything. Exactly how you'd feel if you had just been sacked from a job you loved. It doesn't feel like he got a second chance or was allowed to apologise."


Keys yesterday quit his job at Sky Sports for his own comments about female assistant referee Sian Massey, adding that "going forward without Andy would have been almost impossible".




Haha :lol: Good luck with that Andy!


He obviously thinks he works in football, where you get sacked on a whim and receive a pay-off. Unfortunately, you work[ed] in the media Andy, which is part of the real world and in the real world when you get sacked it's for a reason and you get jack shit. In fact the best you can hope for is that your previous employer won't poison the well for you with subsequent employers and if you can get away with never having to mention it again you thank your lucky stars!


They'll have sacked him for gross misconduct and he won't have a hope in hell of getting a judgement against them, he'll have signed a contract that says he agrees to abide by the company's equality and diversity policies and he clearly hasn't done that, meaning they're entirely within their rights to get rid of him. Apart from anything, just how stupid does he think they are? They'll have had their lawyers on this and will have been certain they had a watertight case before they did it and I'd bet my arse that Sky's lawyers are fucking dinosaur!


I wouldn't be so sure. Were any disciplinary procedures followed? Did he get the chance to state his case? Why did Sky take no action after that previous incident? Considering his comments were not made in a public (ie broadcast) context, were his comments sufficiently serious to warrant dismissal without due procedure? Were other sexist comments made off air by other presenters / producers / cameramen on a regular basis with no action taken?


Perhaps. Guess we'll find out.

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Sky's lawyers are fucking dinosaur!






I've decided I'm gonna use it like that at every opportunity from now on, wonder if it's possible to get it into common parlance?


It'd be totally dinosaur if it was!

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For anybody who missed Richard Keys' TalkSport interview:




Thanks for that, was interested to hear if he was humbled, but he comes off as if it's been unfortunate that he was called out.  He's clearly not sorry for his actions, but the media and their holier than thou attitude are just as bad as Keys(nowt knew).  They didn't hesitate to burn two of their own. 





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More Twitter wisdom: Lineker should ask Shearer if he'd smash it in the next MOTD... Obviously referring to a highlight of a player trying to pass the ball in net.




"Smash it" should become totally dinosaur too.

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