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Other clubs' transfers

Guest palnese

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Guest bimpy474

BTW (I know it's not really on topic but fuck it) in the six year period that Mike Ashley has been using NUFC as the advertising wing of his company, the share price of said company has gone from 36p to £6.36.


And some people still think it's right and proper for him to take the full value of his loan back in cash ahead of buying any players despite the fact his company is now 17 times more valuable, largely as a result of the millions of pounds worth of free advertising we've given him.


Do really think Sports Direct's success is "largely" because of the advertising through us? That's ridiculous IMO.


It's successful because it sells clothes/shoes/junk fecking cheap when people are skint. Imo.


Exactly, that and the failure of all competitors.


He's bought all them like :lol:

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BTW (I know it's not really on topic but fuck it) in the six year period that Mike Ashley has been using NUFC as the advertising wing of his company, the share price of said company has gone from 36p to £6.36.


And some people still think it's right and proper for him to take the full value of his loan back in cash ahead of buying any players despite the fact his company is now 17 times more valuable, largely as a result of the millions of pounds worth of free advertising we've given him.


Do really think Sports Direct's success is "largely" because of the advertising through us? That's ridiculous IMO.


It's successful because it sells clothes/shoes/junk fecking cheap when people are skint. Imo.


Exactly, that and the failure of all competitors.


He's bought all them like :lol:


I know, because they were flopping they had to sell though. Same effect anyway.

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Guest bimpy474

BTW (I know it's not really on topic but fuck it) in the six year period that Mike Ashley has been using NUFC as the advertising wing of his company, the share price of said company has gone from 36p to £6.36.


And some people still think it's right and proper for him to take the full value of his loan back in cash ahead of buying any players despite the fact his company is now 17 times more valuable, largely as a result of the millions of pounds worth of free advertising we've given him.


Do really think Sports Direct's success is "largely" because of the advertising through us? That's ridiculous IMO.


It's successful because it sells clothes/shoes/junk fecking cheap when people are skint. Imo.


Exactly, that and the failure of all competitors.


He's bought all them like :lol:


I know, because they were flopping they had to sell though. Same effect anyway.


I know this is going to be popular but i must say that i do buy stuff for the kids in his shops, and it's solely for their price. I mean a month left of the school term and my youngest split his school shoes, so i bought him a pair of cheap £6 ones to get through (while he doesn't care what he wears). Also clothes that the kids can just ruin as they do, it's a good way to save money while the kids have no fashion sense.


I feel dirty.

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BTW (I know it's not really on topic but fuck it) in the six year period that Mike Ashley has been using NUFC as the advertising wing of his company, the share price of said company has gone from 36p to £6.36.


And some people still think it's right and proper for him to take the full value of his loan back in cash ahead of buying any players despite the fact his company is now 17 times more valuable, largely as a result of the millions of pounds worth of free advertising we've given him.


Do really think Sports Direct's success is "largely" because of the advertising through us? That's ridiculous IMO.


I'd imagine having a Premier League ground named after your sports merchandise firm and subsequently having it named on Sky Sports News etc etc every day for months didn't exactly do the company much harm.


As usual though you've picked up on a single word in an attempt to defend Mike Ashley taking millions of pounds worth of advertising revenue away from the club each year and into his firm without subtracting a penny from his loan.


Almighty WUM.

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Guest bimpy474

I agree with Wullie about Ashley taking millions away from us in advertising, i have no idea how it impacts Ashley's Sports Direct profits but it definitely impacts us badly.

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Guest icemanblue

BTW (I know it's not really on topic but fuck it) in the six year period that Mike Ashley has been using NUFC as the advertising wing of his company, the share price of said company has gone from 36p to £6.36.


And some people still think it's right and proper for him to take the full value of his loan back in cash ahead of buying any players despite the fact his company is now 17 times more valuable, largely as a result of the millions of pounds worth of free advertising we've given him.


Do really think Sports Direct's success is "largely" because of the advertising through us? That's ridiculous IMO.


I'd imagine having a Premier League ground named after your sports merchandise firm and subsequently having it named on Sky Sports News etc etc every day for months didn't exactly do the company much harm.


As usual though you've picked up on a single word in an attempt to defend Mike Ashley taking millions of pounds worth of advertising revenue away from the club each year and into his firm without subtracting a penny from his loan.


Almighty WUM.


The irony of someone saying this about Ian aside, that's quite the leap you've made there. :lol:


(Rockers 4 LIFE!)

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Spurs are having an amazing window.


All their new guys looked great today, and these two would be fantastic additions.




In what way? Saw nothing from Paulinho, Chadli was the most anonymous player on the pitch and Soldado isolated throughout the game. Capoue looked very good when he came on, but other than that there wasn't much positive about any of them.


Still think they'll all be great signings, but yesterdays performance was very much Spurs of last season without the last minute winner from Bale.


Maybe best not to judge them all on the basis of one game.  ;)

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BTW (I know it's not really on topic but fuck it) in the six year period that Mike Ashley has been using NUFC as the advertising wing of his company, the share price of said company has gone from 36p to £6.36.


And some people still think it's right and proper for him to take the full value of his loan back in cash ahead of buying any players despite the fact his company is now 17 times more valuable, largely as a result of the millions of pounds worth of free advertising we've given him.


Do really think Sports Direct's success is "largely" because of the advertising through us? That's ridiculous IMO.


I'd imagine having a Premier League ground named after your sports merchandise firm and subsequently having it named on Sky Sports News etc etc every day for months didn't exactly do the company much harm.


As usual though you've picked up on a single word in an attempt to defend Mike Ashley taking millions of pounds worth of advertising revenue away from the club each year and into his firm without subtracting a penny from his loan.


Almighty WUM.


Wullie man, I really wish you'd learn to have an actual discussion without getting personal.


Your whole post was about how much better off Mike Ashley is because of the free advertising he gets from us. I don't think it's being pedantic to argue that that's not the reason at all. There are many market and economic conditions, together with moves/takeovers made by SD themselves, that have generated that share price increase.


Obviously SD benefit from the advertising, I wouldn't deny that. But I thought your argument was about whether Ashley was or wasn't entitled to loan repayments, premised on the fact that NUFC was the main contributor to SD's success.


And breath.

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He should be taking the cost of advertising off the loan. But he isn't. He's taking £10m in loan, and God knows how much in advertising. Impossible to know the individual costs but the advertising revenue being down 13 million pounds per year from what it was tells its own story.

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If Moyes was still Everton manager he would be spitting fire at those offers.

which is why I don't get the point of them, he knows they'll be rejected so why make the offers? Unsettle the players maybe and that might work on Fellaini but Baines seems a level headed guy who wouldn't throw the toys out of the pram like other players would about missing out on their "dream move"

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Guest bimpy474

If Moyes was still Everton manager he would be spitting fire at those offers.

which is why I don't get the point of them, he knows they'll be rejected so why make the offers? Unsettle the players maybe and that might work on Fellaini but Baines seems a level headed guy who wouldn't throw the toys out of the pram like other players would about missing out on their "dream move"


I think you're spot on with the unsettling mate, bang on. Champions League pull.

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Wouldn't be so bad if the Baines offer wasn't allegedly the same. Reckon £16m for Fellaini is about right tbh plus Baines is 29 so how he's not already in a wheelchair is beyond me.

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If Moyes was still Everton manager he would be spitting fire at those offers.

which is why I don't get the point of them, he knows they'll be rejected so why make the offers? Unsettle the players maybe and that might work on Fellaini but Baines seems a level headed guy who wouldn't throw the toys out of the pram like other players would about missing out on their "dream move"


I think you're spot on with the unsettling mate, bang on. Champions League pull.

I know it goes on and everyone does it but seems like a bit of a shit way to treat Everton by Moyes

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BTW (I know it's not really on topic but fuck it) in the six year period that Mike Ashley has been using NUFC as the advertising wing of his company, the share price of said company has gone from 36p to £6.36.


And some people still think it's right and proper for him to take the full value of his loan back in cash ahead of buying any players despite the fact his company is now 17 times more valuable, largely as a result of the millions of pounds worth of free advertising we've given him.


Who are we referring to here? Ian? Interpolic? Incognito?


These loons need to be stuck in the stocks so we can all have a go. :knuppel2:

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I've just posted this to a mate on Facebook and it sums up my thoughts about those two:


I don't want either of them. I'll be really disappointed if we splurge that sort of money on those two.


Yeah Baines is class but he's 28. He doesn't really offer a whole lot more to Evra in defence or attack, if anything. A major asset of his is his set pieces and he isn't going to be taking anything over Van Persie, who is a better penalty taker and free kick taker than he is. It's not because he's not good that I don't want him, it's because we don't need him. Left back is simply not an issue.


Fellaini is only good if you play him behind the striker and use his as a battering ram, i.e. lumping the long ball to his head or chest. He can't pass a ball more than five yards in front of him and has zero vision. He's simply not a Manchester United player. If we bought him we'd have to change our style to facilitate him, which would be completely unacceptable in my opinion. Another major reason is that it would push Kagawa further down the pecking order, who is twice the player Fellaini is.


We do need a midfielder, but I'd rather gamble with the team as it is and save the money for next summer and go for a top player then, if there is no-one available now.

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I've just posted this to a mate on Facebook and it sums up my thoughts about those two:


I don't want either of them. I'll be really disappointed if we splurge that sort of money on those two.


Yeah Baines is class but he's 28. He doesn't really offer a whole lot more to Evra in defence or attack, if anything. A major asset of his is his set pieces and he isn't going to be taking anything over Van Persie, who is a better penalty taker and free kick taker than he is. It's not because he's not good that I don't want him, it's because we don't need him. Left back is simply not an issue.


Fellaini is only good if you play him behind the striker and use his as a battering ram, i.e. lumping the long ball to his head or chest. He can't pass a ball more than five yards in front of him and has zero vision. He's simply not a Manchester United player. If we bought him we'd have to change our style to facilitate him, which would be completely unacceptable in my opinion. Another major reason is that it would push Kagawa further down the pecking order, who is twice the player Fellaini is.


We do need a midfielder, but I'd rather gamble with the team as it is and save the money for next summer and go for a top player then, if there is no-one available now.


But, but you should just be happy you are trying to sign players, doesn't matter who they are surely?

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I've just posted this to a mate on Facebook and it sums up my thoughts about those two:


I don't want either of them. I'll be really disappointed if we splurge that sort of money on those two.


Yeah Baines is class but he's 28. He doesn't really offer a whole lot more to Evra in defence or attack, if anything. A major asset of his is his set pieces and he isn't going to be taking anything over Van Persie, who is a better penalty taker and free kick taker than he is. It's not because he's not good that I don't want him, it's because we don't need him. Left back is simply not an issue.


Fellaini is only good if you play him behind the striker and use his as a battering ram, i.e. lumping the long ball to his head or chest. He can't pass a ball more than five yards in front of him and has zero vision. He's simply not a Manchester United player. If we bought him we'd have to change our style to facilitate him, which would be completely unacceptable in my opinion. Another major reason is that it would push Kagawa further down the pecking order, who is twice the player Fellaini is.


We do need a midfielder, but I'd rather gamble with the team as it is and save the money for next summer and go for a top player then, if there is no-one available now.

Surely Fellaini would be a better option beside Carrick than anyone else you have atm

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I agree about the Fellaini sentiment, but I do think Baines offers much more than Evra offensively and has 4-5 years of football in him left. Obviously I'd think getting a new CB should be a priority, something like splashing the cash on someone like Hummels (who I think is realistically the best defender you could sign) or surprising everyone and going for Thiago Silva.

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Cannot see Fellaini fitting in there. Baines would be an upgrade on Evra, but not a massively significant one. Though if they sold Rooney, Baines coming in to take his place on the homegrown registration form for the CL would make sense.

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I've just posted this to a mate on Facebook and it sums up my thoughts about those two:


I don't want either of them. I'll be really disappointed if we splurge that sort of money on those two.


Yeah Baines is class but he's 28. He doesn't really offer a whole lot more to Evra in defence or attack, if anything. A major asset of his is his set pieces and he isn't going to be taking anything over Van Persie, who is a better penalty taker and free kick taker than he is. It's not because he's not good that I don't want him, it's because we don't need him. Left back is simply not an issue.


Fellaini is only good if you play him behind the striker and use his as a battering ram, i.e. lumping the long ball to his head or chest. He can't pass a ball more than five yards in front of him and has zero vision. He's simply not a Manchester United player. If we bought him we'd have to change our style to facilitate him, which would be completely unacceptable in my opinion. Another major reason is that it would push Kagawa further down the pecking order, who is twice the player Fellaini is.


We do need a midfielder, but I'd rather gamble with the team as it is and save the money for next summer and go for a top player then, if there is no-one available now.

Surely Fellaini would be a better option beside Carrick than anyone else you have atm


No way Fellaini is a midfielder, he has no tackling ability, doesn't move around to well and can't pass a ball. He's the new Tim Cahill.

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