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Other clubs' transfers

Guest palnese

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Apparently the only offers for Benteke are from Spurs and they have all been derisorily low. This from the mouth of the son of a member of the board.,


Benteke's agent - who apparently is an absolute nightmare to deal with, even by football agent standards - has told him to out in the transfer request. Benteke is his only client, he's known him since he was a kid, he's basically his meal ticket.


I think his agent has advised him badly. There's no way Spurs are going to pay our valuation of him, if they're the only option.


Basically, he wants to be with his mates Lukaku, Hazard and De Bruyne in London.


If his agent reckons Levy is going to offer enough to get him, he's not really advising his client very well.


I am increasingly starting to think he'll be here this season after all. He can't play the c*** and go on strike or mope around all year as he wants to go to the World Cup and start games.


Spurs man ... always over price their players, and then want to buy other people's for nothing. Scumbags of the highest altitude.


They should fork out for a more proven striker and all if they are really looking to keep Bale and push on.


Dirty cheapskates.


:lol: Yeah, the evil bastards.

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Wouldn't be surprised to see Spurs go up £20-£22m for Benteke. He seems to fit their mould, is the right age and has adapted well to the league.


They've had money to spend since last summer and are desperate for a striker and everyone knows this so, even allowing for the Levy factor, they are going to be paying a pretty penny for whoever they get.


If they want Benteke that badly, they'll have to shell out.

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Wouldn't be surprised to see Spurs go up £20-£22m for Benteke. He seems to fit their mould, is the right age and has adapted well to the league.


I would pretty much guarantee you that Lambert has told them he wants far more than that. I'd bet money on it.

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Wouldn't be surprised to see Spurs go up £20-£22m for Benteke. He seems to fit their mould, is the right age and has adapted well to the league.


I would pretty much guarantee you that Lambert has told them he wants far more than that. I'd bet money on it.


I know there's been paper talk of £25m plus but I can't see you achieving that (imho).


Edit - and ultimately player power will prevail. It's no good this being left til last minute for you to get a million or so more, you'd be better off with a committed replacement through the door in time.

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I know there's been paper talk of £25m plus but I can't see you achieving that (imho).


Edit - and ultimately player power will prevail. It's no good this being left til last minute for you to get a million or so more, you'd be better off with a committed replacement through the door in time.


That's the point, we don't want to achieve that, we want to keep the player. It is a discouraging price tag, not an attempt to get more money in.


There's also a limit to player power in these circumstances. There's a world cup at the end of the season, what's he going to do? Refuse to play?


It wouldn't be the first time a player has submitted a transfer request and not got a move.

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I know there's been paper talk of £25m plus but I can't see you achieving that (imho).


Edit - and ultimately player power will prevail. It's no good this being left til last minute for you to get a million or so more, you'd be better off with a committed replacement through the door in time.


That's the point, we don't want to achieve that, we want to keep the player. It is a discouraging price tag, not an attempt to get more money in.


There's also a limit to player power in these circumstances. There's a world cup at the end of the season, what's he going to do? Refuse to play?


It wouldn't be the first time a player has submitted a transfer request and not got a move.


True but he's been angling for a move pretty much since the end of the season and is obviously another Ba in that he'll be touted around Europe/Russia for the rest of his career.


Do you want this kind of bullshit every window? He's shown his colours, cash in and move on. It's inevitable.

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I know there's been paper talk of £25m plus but I can't see you achieving that (imho).


Edit - and ultimately player power will prevail. It's no good this being left til last minute for you to get a million or so more, you'd be better off with a committed replacement through the door in time.


That's the point, we don't want to achieve that, we want to keep the player. It is a discouraging price tag, not an attempt to get more money in.


There's also a limit to player power in these circumstances. There's a world cup at the end of the season, what's he going to do? Refuse to play?


It wouldn't be the first time a player has submitted a transfer request and not got a move.


True but he's been angling for a move pretty much since the end of the season and is obviously another Ba in that he'll be touted around Europe/Russia for the rest of his career.


Do you want this kind of bullshit every window? He's shown his colours, cash in and move on. It's inevitable.


How do you know he's been angling for a move since the end of the season?


We wont be expecting this every transfer window, the plan will doubtless be to hold on to him till the end of this season.

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I know there's been paper talk of £25m plus but I can't see you achieving that (imho).


Edit - and ultimately player power will prevail. It's no good this being left til last minute for you to get a million or so more, you'd be better off with a committed replacement through the door in time.


That's the point, we don't want to achieve that, we want to keep the player. It is a discouraging price tag, not an attempt to get more money in.


There's also a limit to player power in these circumstances. There's a world cup at the end of the season, what's he going to do? Refuse to play?


It wouldn't be the first time a player has submitted a transfer request and not got a move.


True but he's been angling for a move pretty much since the end of the season and is obviously another Ba in that he'll be touted around Europe/Russia for the rest of his career.


Do you want this kind of bullshit every window? He's shown his colours, cash in and move on. It's inevitable.


How do you know he's been angling for a move since the end of the season?


We wont be expecting this ever transfer window, the plan will doubtless be to hold on to him till the end of this season.


Just a quick google finds this: http://arsenalnews.co/benteke-insistence-to-a-move-alerts-arsenal/


Granted not the most credible of sources but if he's prepared to bash in a transfer request then it's clearly not spur of the moment.


Hold on to an unhappy player for another year or extract maximum value now. I know what I'd be doing.

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Well, no, because if he has another decent season, his value will go up, not down. If he has a decent world cup at the end of the season, his value will go up even more.


And you're right, that isn't the most credible of sources. If we should do something on the basis of him having angled for a move since the season ended, then I think it's fair to assume that actually needs to be the case.


Rejecting a transfer request and holding on to a player another year is hardly something that never happens.


Clubs can't just roll over and play dead every time a player fancies a move. It has to stop at some point, and some times, the club really does hold most of the cards.


At the very least, I would expect the club to be really, really fucking awkward in defending our asset, too. I dont doubt for a nanosecond that Lambert will be doing exactly that.

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Best thing for Villa to do in the grand scheme of things is sell him, when his value is sky high. Take 20-25 million and sign 3 or 4 quality players. Who knows he could have a poor season then leave for half the amount being touted about now in a years time. If he wants to go, he will go. Not allowing him now is only delaying the inevitable. Such a shame tbh, big clubs like us and villa dont really have a leg to stand on these days if a player wants away.

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Well, no, because if he has another decent season, his value will go up, not down. If he has a decent world cup at the end of the season, his value will go up even more.


And you're right, that isn't the most credible of sources. If we should do something on the basis of him having angled for a move since the season ended, then I think it's fair to assume that actually needs to be the case.


Rejecting a transfer request and holding on to a player another year is hardly something that never happens.


Clubs can't just roll over and play dead every time a player fancies a move. It has to stop at some point, and some times, the club really does hold most of the cards.


At the very least, I would expect the club to be really, really fucking awkward in defending our asset, too. I dont doubt for a nanosecond that Lambert will be doing exactly that.


I'm sure there's loads more sources (indeed with more credibility) but I'm not that bothered to look, the one given above was literally a two second job. I've seen plenty of speculation since the season ended about him though and if he's about to (or has) submit a transfer request then that's not something a player would do on the spur of the moment - as it'll cost him money when he does go.


As for your point about his value going up if he has a decent season, Luis Suarez (cunt though he is) is far more proven, a far better footballer and valued in the region of £30m. His value could equally go down if he has a shitter.


Imagine us being in this position with Cisse (this time last year)............if anyone offered £25m we'd be fucking furious. If anyone offered it now, you'd struggle to find many who could justify turning it down.


If you can extract anywhere near £25m for Benteke then you've come out it ok. He could just be at his peak/in the form of his life right at this moment.


Let's see what falls out.

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Well, no, because if he has another decent season, his value will go up, not down. If he has a decent world cup at the end of the season, his value will go up even more.


And you're right, that isn't the most credible of sources. If we should do something on the basis of him having angled for a move since the season ended, then I think it's fair to assume that actually needs to be the case.


Rejecting a transfer request and holding on to a player another year is hardly something that never happens.


Clubs can't just roll over and play dead every time a player fancies a move. It has to stop at some point, and some times, the club really does hold most of the cards.


At the very least, I would expect the club to be really, really fucking awkward in defending our asset, too. I dont doubt for a nanosecond that Lambert will be doing exactly that.

Personally I'd say screw you to Benteke and stick him on the bench until he sorts his head out with the world cup coming up he'd quickly sort it out if he feared for his place in national side.


The problem for Villa is last year he seemed to go on strike at Genk, whats to stop him repeating this trick?

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Everton Sign Gerard Deulofeu from Barcelona on a season long loan- SSN Ticker



Good club for him. I hope that with the EL and cup games he'll get enough playing time. A couple of rough PL tackles will teach him one thing or two too.


Who will he be competing in Everton's left wing with? I admit I haven't watched them this season. Will probably have to start doing so.

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Everton Sign Gerard Deulofeu from Barcelona on a season long loan- SSN Ticker



Good club for him. I hope that with the EC and cup games he'll get enough playing time for him. A couple of rough PL tackles will teach him one thing or two too.


Who will he be competing in Everton's left wing with? I admit I haven't watched them this season. Will probably have to start doing so.


Pienaar, who has been fantastic linking with Baines, I don't know if Pienaar can go right sided

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Everton Sign Gerard Deulofeu from Barcelona on a season long loan- SSN Ticker



Good club for him. I hope that with the EC and cup games he'll get enough playing time for him. A couple of rough PL tackles will teach him one thing or two too.


Who will he be competing in Everton's left wing with? I admit I haven't watched them this season. Will probably have to start doing so.


He plays on the RW doesn't he? in any case Everton had Pienaar and Mirallas on the wings last year but with Martinez coming in i wouldn't be surprised if he changes things a bit.

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