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The other games today - 2011/12


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Van Persie would have walked to that goal record in a better team btw.

I'd love to see what they'd be like without him. Fucking shit.


I hope he does his achilles on Feb 1st




Because I hate the Gooners and they totally rely on him and if he does himself in when the transfer window is closed they are double fucked

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Van Persie would have walked to that goal record in a better team btw.

I'd love to see what they'd be like without him. Fucking shit.


Fucking hate them one man teams who only have one scorer like. :whistle:

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Van Persie would have walked to that goal record in a better team btw.

I'd love to see what they'd be like without him. Fucking shit.


I hope he does his achilles on Feb 1st




Because I hate the Gooners and they totally rely on him and if he does himself in when the transfer window is closed they are double fucked


Why do you hate them? Would you rather Liverpool or Chelsea were getting top 4?

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Van Persie would have walked to that goal record in a better team btw.

I'd love to see what they'd be like without him. Fucking shit.


I hope he does his achilles on Feb 1st




Because I hate the Gooners and they totally rely on him and if he does himself in when the transfer window is closed they are double fucked


Why do you hate them? Would you rather Liverpool or Chelsea were getting top 4?



Not arsed who gets top four, it won't be us but if we can catch them if they lose RVP them all the better for us.



Man U




Will probably be the top four anyway.

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I have to say, we were excellent today.


Remarkably, we defended superbly (other than the penalty), but even more remarkably, Stephen Ireland was sensational.


Fucking Chelsea fans booing at the end and making plans to buy Man City shirts, plastic cunt holes.

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Van Persie would have walked to that goal record in a better team btw.

I'd love to see what they'd be like without him. Fucking shit.


I hope he does his achilles on Feb 1st




Because I hate the Gooners and they totally rely on him and if he does himself in when the transfer window is closed they are double fucked


Why do you hate them? Would you rather Liverpool or Chelsea were getting top 4?



Not arsed who gets top four, it won't be us but if we can catch them if they lose RVP them all the better for us.



Man U




Will probably be the top four anyway.


We won't be catching them whether they lose van Persie or not.

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