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The other games today - 2011/12


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A league should be defined by how competitive it is as much as the quality on show and in terms of the title, La Liga's about as competitive as the SPL. The Premier League's not a great deal better, but it is better - the winners typically finish around 20 points clear of 5th, in La Liga it's double that. I'd imagine your average La Liga fan doesn't see the dominance of the top two as fantastic as people on here do.


The most competitive league amongst the main European ones seems to me to be the German league. I don't watch a single second of it however so it might be a right load of shite.


The football media has to take a lot of the blame for people thinking so many games are "dross" tbh, they build every game up like it's going to be some sort of epic. Football's never been like that and it's never going to be. Used to be the case that you'd probably only see a team like Barcelona once a year in the European Cup final, now they're on TV more than any British team. Is it any wonder everybody else looks shite in comparison?

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Let's not forget it's cooler to think La Liga is better as well.


Does this mean I'm square?  :weep:


Fwiw, I barely ever hear people spouting Sky's "best league in the word" propaganda or lamenting the physicality of the Spanish game, but constantly see people mocking these imaginary views  :lol:

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The football media has to take a lot of the blame for people thinking so many games are "dross" tbh, they build every game up like it's going to be some sort of epic.




That 'FOOTBALL FOOTBALL FOOTBALL' sketch would be worthy of a post right now.  :lol:

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You're entertained by Wigan Athletic? I didn't think that was possible.

Diame, Rodallega, Figeuroa, Moses, and Watson are all entertaining players. Wigan play decent football. The only sides in England I truly find uninteresting/will not watch are Stoke, Blackburn, and Fulham.


Ben Watson?  :lol:

I was avoinding naming all of the foreign Black players. :lol: Actually, Jordi Gomez is talented as well. Actually, I would say France is the most balanced league.


Bad weekend for me, lost money on Chelsea this morning, OM threw away a two goal lead and Nigeria are about to go out of the WYC.

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In all seriousness I posted this last year following the Petrovic comments, pretty much saves me making a similar post:


I agree with Petrovic to an extent, but then it's a completely subjective matter depending on the individual’s footballing ideals and excitement.


Sunderland/Everton provided a personal example of what I deem to be a decent Premier League football match: low on quality compensated by a decent tempo, goal mouth action and the fact the game was balanced on a knife edge. I don't associate the our top tier with great football, you only have to look down the division to find sides that are heavily reliant on game plans, set pieces and stifling the opposition. To an outsider looking in I can see why that may seem a bit dull. However growing up as a Newcastle fan I've learned to love the style of football in this league, it's difficult not to when it's the brand of football you grow up with.


There are much better leagues in terms of footballing quality, you only have to look at La Liga where even sides trailing at the bottom play some fairly decent stuff. You'll be hard pushed to find a side reliant parking the bus, perhaps the only vague example springing to mind is the Osasuna side of a couple of years back and even then they were much better to watch than Stoke or Blackburn.


Even so every league has problems which seem to common place. There is a dominant pack at the top of most leagues with perhaps the current exception of the Bundesliga. The bigger teams have the bigger revenue and therefore can buy/bring through the better quality it's the way of the world. Debt is another issue, again with the exception of the Bundesliga most football clubs and divisions as a whole are suffering from different degrees of debt as a consequences attendances are declining which is particularly evident in Italy where sides now have to rely on TV revenue as their most significant income.


I can't speak for other countries on this but perhaps the thing that annoys me most about the Premier League is how far it is up its own arse. You have Sky declaring it 'the best league in the world' every other week while there's media hysteria if any of our sides fail to reach a European semi-final. I still enjoy the English brand of football but at the same time its not everyone's cup of tea and it's pretty evident the standard of football isn't great. Like I say though, its completely subjective on what you deem to be a decent league and a poor league. Our top tier isn't perfect but I still find enjoyment in watching it.


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Let's not forget it's cooler to think La Liga is better as well.


Does this mean I'm square?  :weep:


Fwiw, I barely ever hear people spouting Sky's "best league in the word" propaganda or lamenting the physicality of the Spanish game, but constantly see people mocking these imaginary views  :lol:


I read it all the time on other boards and hear it constantly from people I know (in the actual REAL WORLD).

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Germany is a really good league in just about every way. Very balanced and competitive, fantastic attendances, always brilliant atmopsheres, lots of good young players both domestically and being imported, sustainable financial model, decent football.


It's pretty much spot on except for the fact the teams can't compete at the top level in Europe, honestly think that'll change when the bubble starts to burst for everybody else though.

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Let's not forget it's cooler to think La Liga is better as well.


Does this mean I'm square?  :weep:


Fwiw, I barely ever hear people spouting Sky's "best league in the word" propaganda or lamenting the physicality of the Spanish game, but constantly see people mocking these imaginary views  :lol:


I read it all the time on other boards and hear it constantly from people I know (in the actual REAL WORLD).


I was out with these lads the other weekend (friends of a friend) and they were agreeing with Andy Gray's 'Barcelona and Messi would struggle away to Stoke' comments.


Staggering, but it just shows how many people will buy into whatever Sky/The rags tell them.

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The banter on  motd 2 is so shit :lol:

They've just milked the Man U lovefest to new depths. I 'm sure the after match analysis where longer than the highlights. They must have showede every incident 10 times.


Yet the only thing I'm impressed with is Rooneys thatch which has taken well.

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La Liga > Premier League


Nah. Real Madrid/Barca >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Other Spanish sides.


They'd p*ss allover the Prem too, though.


Quite probably. Doesn't mean the overall quality of La Liga is better.


The quality of the bottom half of the Prem is grossly overrated. Some absolute dross in this league.


Fair proportion of fans who mistake 'excitement' for 'quality' and swallow Sky's "bestest league in the world s****". A game can be exciting and end-to-end but full of poor football. Poor football = mistakes = goals =/= quality football.


Definitely. I find it funny how people say Spanish players couldn't handle the physicality of the Prem, as if it's some kind of achievement that we have the most brutal league in Europe.


Most English players would look like fish out of water in Spain. Look at Pennant, sole creative outlet for last years cup finalists in England... as much use as a chocolate fireguard in Spain.

Pennant is rubbish in England as well. Pennant is rubbish everywhere. Pennant is rubbish generally.


it's a pretty poor argument really, different leagues have different strengths and weaknesses.


That was exactly my point, man. The fact the media use it as a beating stick for Spanish players coming over here yet because our players are so insular there is no comparison to be made.


Ah, gotcha. Mind you, i think the Pace element is more of a valid concern than physicality. There's players like Modric who can flourish in the premiership despite having all the presence of a biscuit. You do get more time on the ball in Spain (well, unless you're playing Barcelona, and the barca-real derby is fast paced) as the pace of the game is slightly slower. If you are good enough to adapt to a faster pace of play it doesnt really matter if you are small or slight.

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Germany is a really good league in just about every way. Very balanced and competitive, fantastic attendances, always brilliant atmopsheres, lots of good young players both domestically and being imported, sustainable financial model, decent football.


It's pretty much spot on except for the fact the teams can't compete at the top level in Europe, honestly think that'll change when the bubble starts to burst for everybody else though.


This is the crux isn't it?


There has become a desperation, certainly within the Premier League and the people who run it, for as many teams to do well in the Champions League as possible - your average Newcastle/Stoke/Villa fan of course couldn't give a fuck but the majority have to live with it for the benefit of the minority.


I'm interested in how the money is divvied up across each major European League, particularly the German one. Presumably their Champions League qualifiers get the same wedge ours do? Are they just not using it as well as ours? The game has badly lost its way in some countries, especially England, to the point where it actually being a sport has been forgotten about.

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