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The other games today - 2011/12


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Maybe it was because I mentioned Gullit being good too? :undecided:


Either that or folk just fancy arguing with me. Seems a bit far fetched, like.


Well you're a very good WUM. Not sure what you're complaining about.

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Shambolic handling of the Tevez situation.


I know it's peanuts to the owners, but now they're paying £200-odd-k a week to the scumbag for nothing - when they could have had Corinithians structured £35m and freed up another spot in their squad for a quality striker for rotation.


What did they think would happen?

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TBF I wouldn't be suprised if that Iranian scumbag wanted Tevez to stay in the "bigtime" and not go back to Brazil and there was a lot more going on than meets the eye. It's all bent as fuck anyway.


There was a good article not to long ago about Tevez and his owners but for the life of me I can't remember where.

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How long has Tevez got left on his contract?

I'm really not sure whether I would sack for breach of contract or just stick him on the reserve bench until his contract runs out. Fuck him, he's miserable in Manchester, let him be miserable that much longer if he's going to act like this.

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Hope they just sack/sue Tevez like, he's a disgrace


Should just put him in the reserves for the rest of his contract.


A likely situation now.


He wouldn't give a shit though, don't understand why they didn't bin over the summer (surely there'd have been a taker)


I was amazed they didn't take the Corinthians money.


Assuming that it was an actual bid it definitely seemed decent for all parties. Tevez fucks off back to South America, City get rid and Corinthians get their ad campaign player.


It's not like they took the piss with their offer either, unless there was much more to it than met the eye. And even if there was, it's not like they can't afford it.


Can remember reading that there were a lot of issues with that transfer.  Corinthians wanted to pay in quite a few installments, Man City wanted to see bank guarantees, time concerns given the Brazilian transfer window closing and that Man City probably thought they could sell him elsewhere if it didn't come off.




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And on Edin Dzeko, who reacted angrily after being brought off: "He had a poor game. In terms of being unhappy, it should be me, not him. This is the last time with me a player will do this."



About eleven players training in isolation this week, I see!

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Hope they just sack/sue Tevez like, he's a disgrace


Should just put him in the reserves for the rest of his contract.


A likely situation now.


He wouldn't give a s*** though, don't understand why they didn't bin over the summer (surely there'd have been a taker)


I was amazed they didn't take the Corinthians money.

I don't think for a second that was a legitimate bid, I think it was some Football Manager bollocks in a bid to force the hand of other interested parties.

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