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The other games today - 2011/12


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There is nothing quite so dispiriting as a Stoke break, they're so slooooow, trying to carry the ball upfield takes an aaaaaage, hoofing it takes no time but the players take a while to get up, just trying to run upfield, it's like watching a tortoise play footy.


And as typing Stoke score from some shocking defending and a standard header in

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Pulis sprinting off down the tunnel. I assume to get naked and touch kids.




But Pulis, who, it is understood, was naked when he attempted to butt the 31-year-old former England striker, called his players together before training yesterday and said sorry for his conduct.

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Fucking Delap man :lol:


I wonder how long they can keep this up, admittedly they've had a poor start to the league but god knows how they did so well initially.


Someday it's all going to come crashing down, and when it does, I'll be laughing like a bond villain.

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