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The other games today - 2011/12


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Man United will fall apart (even more) without Vidic. Excellent....


Jonny Evans and Ferdinand at CB :iamatwat:


Fergie should be playing Jones with Ferdinand.


Yep! Even Smalling at CB would be an improvement on Jonny Evans (despite the former's crap defending for Basel's second goal).

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Lucas, Taylor, Jenas and Vidic all season ending injuries in the space of a week. :(


Why the sad face?


Maybe Vidic doesn't deserve sympathy like, but in general it's never nice to see a footballer get hit with a season ending injury which could possibly effect the rest of their career.


Unless it's Suarez of course, he'd get a :)

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Lucas, Taylor, Jenas and Vidic all season ending injuries in the space of a week. :(


Why the sad face?


Maybe Vidic doesn't deserve sympathy like, but in general it's never nice to see a footballer get hit with a season ending injury which could possibly effect the rest of their career.


Unless it's Suarez of course, he'd get a :)


Way to discredit your opening point there TT.

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Lucas, Taylor, Jenas and Vidic all season ending injuries in the space of a week. :(


Why the sad face?


Maybe Vidic doesn't deserve sympathy like, but in general it's never nice to see a footballer get hit with a season ending injury which could possibly effect the rest of their career.


Unless it's Suarez of course, he'd get a :)


Way to discredit your opening point there TT.


Says you with your 3 out of 4 comment  :lol:



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Lucas, Taylor, Jenas and Vidic all season ending injuries in the space of a week. :(


Why the sad face?


Maybe Vidic doesn't deserve sympathy like, but in general it's never nice to see a footballer get hit with a season ending injury which could possibly effect the rest of their career.


Unless it's Suarez of course, he'd get a :)


Way to discredit your opening point there TT.


Says you with your 3 out of 4 comment  :lol:




I have nothing against people celebrating tossers injuries though.


Anyhoo, makes for a shitter title challenge for Man United which will probably be to the detriment of the league as they'll probably still easily qualify for the CL so I guess in that view it's not a good thing.

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Man United will fall apart (even more) without Vidic. Excellent....


Jonny Evans and Ferdinand at CB :iamatwat:


Fergie should be playing Jones with Ferdinand.


Yep! Even Smalling at CB would be an improvement on Jonny Evans (despite the former's crap defending for Basel's second goal).

I've yet to see whats the big deal about Jones as a defender personally, hes good going forward but thats not what I'd look for first in a cb. Smalling I do rate mind but minus Vidic that leaves Man U's defence looking very very soft and probably wins the title for city

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Well, after Villarreal and Valencia went out I had a couple of messages telling me how crap La Liga was, so I took both Manchesters' downfall with a big smile on my face. Can't really see past us or Real Madrid for the title now, maybe Bayern, if they manage to avoid any of us before the final.

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Well, after Villarreal and Valencia went out I had a couple of messages telling me how crap La Liga was, so I took both Manchesters' downfall with a big smile on my face. Can't really see past us or Real Madrid for the title now, maybe Bayern, if they manage to avoid any of us before the final.


I absolutely love the "best league" in the world arguments. Really saddening none of us will ever see a comprehensive League vs League square-off. [Not that discussions wouldn't rage on, but still].

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Well, after Villarreal and Valencia went out I had a couple of messages telling me how crap La Liga was, so I took both Manchesters' downfall with a big smile on my face. Can't really see past us or Real Madrid for the title now, maybe Bayern, if they manage to avoid any of us before the final.


I absolutely love the "best league" in the world arguments. Really saddening none of us will ever see a comprehensive League vs League square-off. [Not that discussions wouldn't rage on, but still].


Personally, I think both La Liga and the PL have some great teams at the top, but too much dross to be really proud about themselves. La Liga used to be very entertaining throughout the ranks, but this year some of the games from the bottom half have been truly dire.


Plus, Serie A has more teams in the CL knockouts than either.

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It's a standard argument:


Random person: 'La Liga is a poor league, it's a two horse race every year'


Me: 'Well Real and Barca are just that good, they'd probably do the same over here'


Random person: 'I don't think they'd cope with the pace of the Premier League'


Me: 'They have so much of the ball they dictate and impose their own pace on games, just like the Champions League final'


Random person: 'Nah Man City/Man United/*insert other team here* are better sides than Real Madrid, they haven't won anything for years'


...and so on.

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Does anybody still want to make the case Man United are a better side than Real Madrid?


Did anyone ever make that case this season?!


they've certainly been the better team in the past few seasons tbf. looking weak right now though, while Mourinho appears to have turned Madrid into a more coherent team.


Man U have been crying out for a couple of good midfielders in the past few years and i can't believe Fergie hasn't bought one, though i suppose the Glazers bleeding the club dry hasn't helped matters. Cleverly looks the best one they've had in a while and he is inexperienced and injury prone. the likes of Anderson are fucking awful, Carrick mediocre, Fletcher and Giggs finished.


Then they've never really replaced Tevez & Ronaldo, and depend too much on a moody, inconsistent dick who has 2 or 3 months a season of looking world class then goes hiding for half the year. Fergie has put misguided trust in players like Welbeck and Hernandez who are decent and will get better, but are only good enough to be squad players for where man utd want to be (like Solksjaer and Sheringham were).


Then there's the defensive issue - been obvious Ferdinand has been on a decline for a few years, and this season he's tipped over the edge and they've not replaced him. Smalling and Jones are talents but miles away from being the finished product, the Brazilian twins aren't as consistent as Evra used to be and worst of all De Gea looks a couple of years away from being a proper Premiership keeper. Would be like Man Utd using the Tim Krul of our Championship year - far too early for him.


If it were only one or two of those issues affecting them they'd be alright and probably challenge man city and get to at least another semi in the champion's league. but it's not down to bad luck that it's all came at once, more fergie's complacency, other teams like barca and city moving ahead and tbh the main reason of £45m a season being taken out of the club for no good reason.

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I was referring to the discussion of the relative strength of teams beyond the CL placings in both leagues - and others for that matter. Talking about the big sides, as you allude to, is well-trodden ground.

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At the very highest level I still think Man City/United carry passengers. Said passangers would still walk into almost any Premier League squad but tend to get found out by the very best. To name names off the top of my head: Clichy, Lescott, Barry, Milner, Carrick, Cleverly, Wellbeck.

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At the very highest level I still think Man City/United carry passengers. Said passangers would still walk into almost any Premier League squad but tend to get found out by the very best. To name names off the top of my head: Clichy, Lescott, Barry, Milner, Carrick, Cleverly, Wellbeck.


I'd add Evans to that but he's not really a passenger, he's a total liability.

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At the very highest level I still think Man City/United carry passengers. Said passangers would still walk into almost any Premier League squad but tend to get found out by the very best. To name names off the top of my head: Clichy, Lescott, Barry, Milner, Carrick, Cleverly, Wellbeck.


Thing is, that Benfica and Basel aren't really "the very best". ManU have deeper problems. Most of their squad is just "good but not great". Rooney doesn't really have the consistence needed and only manages to look world class in bursts. Same with Nani. People like Hernández, Fletcher, Valencia, Carrick, etc... are not the backbone of a dominating European team. I think that Ferguson - and it may not be his fault if so much money is being taken out of the club - has allowed the squad to slowly decay since 2009. Replacing people like Cronaldo, Tévez, the ageing Giggs and Scholes with a bunch of what - to me - are not world class players like the aforementioned were.

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At the very highest level I still think Man City/United carry passengers. Said passangers would still walk into almost any Premier League squad but tend to get found out by the very best. To name names off the top of my head: Clichy, Lescott, Barry, Milner, Carrick, Cleverly, Wellbeck.


I'd sever my right arm (that's the business arm) to have Milner back in our team.


Barry, though, not a chance. I am amazed he gets as much time on pitch as he does.

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