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The other games today - 2011/12


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Stoke taking fucking ages with throw ins and the referee just keeps blowing his whistle and doing a stupid 'take it' arm gesture. Did it three times for the same throw in. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT YOU PRICK.

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Stoke taking fucking ages with throw ins and the referee just keeps blowing his whistle and doing a stupid 'take it' arm gesture. Did it three times for the same throw in. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT YOU PRICK.

It's a piss take, they do it for every throw in no matter what the scoreline is.
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Gawd, only 5 points ahead of Norwich now.


If Lambert and Rodgers keep on as they are they'd be my candidates for manager of the year. Be interesting to see if they get cherry picked in the summer.

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Gawd, only 5 points ahead of Norwich now.


If Lambert and Rodgers keep on as they are they'd be my candidates for manager of the year. Be interesting to see if they get cherry picked in the summer.


Hope they don't. Very refreshing the way that clubs coming up from the Championship have fared in the last few years, there was a point about five years ago where getting promoted was practically a pointless exercise.


Think they've largely stopped buying Premier League "experience" (has-beens basically) and gone with the young hungry players that got them promoted. The club that has done the opposite, QPR, are the ones starting to slide.

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Gawd, only 5 points ahead of Norwich now.


If Lambert and Rodgers keep on as they are they'd be my candidates for manager of the year. Be interesting to see if they get cherry picked in the summer.


Hope they don't. Very refreshing the way that clubs coming up from the Championship have fared in the last few years, there was a point about five years ago where getting promoted was practically a pointless exercise.


Think they've largely stopped buying Premier League "experience" (has-beens basically) and gone with the young hungry players that got them promoted. The club that has done the opposite, QPR, are the ones starting to slide.


I said that during the window. Much better policy.

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QPR's squad is crap though, they'd never have come up without Taraabt (?). They had to invest they've just not done it very well opposed to the other two who got players like Morison and Graham, who look streets ahead of Bothroyd.

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QPR's squad is crap though, they'd never have come up without Taraabt (?). They had to invest they've just not done it very well opposed to the other two who got players like Morison and Graham, who look streets ahead of Bothroyd.


Taraabt has barely featured all season either. Read somewhere he's off to Qatar in the window.

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