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Fabricio Coloccini (now retired)


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It is also believed that one of the reasons Coloccini is paying careful detail to the finer points of his demands is due to the fact the South American funds an orphanage in Argentina for 160 children.




What a guy.



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Not sure what to make of that. As much to be confident about as there is to be concerned.


As long as he signs.


There has to be doubt if he's putting it to one side for now. I would have expected him to sign along with Jonas tbh so there must be other options he's considering.

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I don't know what Stu's post is meant to be about? Vanilla, ffs, what a cunt of an expression.


To be fair to Stu the other moron has only made 8 posts and all aimed at trolling him. Pathetic really


Aye, wonder where he learnt the board trolling tactic?

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I don't know what Stu's post is meant to be about? Vanilla, ffs, what a cunt of an expression.


To be fair to Stu the other moron has only made 8 posts and all aimed at trolling him. Pathetic really


Aye, wonder where he learnt the board trolling tactic?


I have no idea. Certainly hasn't copied my style, he's neither accurate nor vaguely amusing :yao:

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got a bit of a dodgy feeling about this, i wonder if he's holding out to see where we finish? if the worst happens I hope Graham Carr's got his eye on a couple of centre halves to bring in sharpish


I dont know about that. There were quotes from Colo about 6 weeks ago, where he was infering that it is not vital that Newcastle qualify for Europe this season. he would prefer a gradual climb into such poitions so that the club is in a strong enough position to remain there.

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