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Davide Santon (now retired)

Guest taps01

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Absolutely ludicrous decision to let him go for so little. Makes no sense whatsoever to anyone capable of applying a little logical thinking to the situation.


But think of all those wages saved, man.

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Absolutely ludicrous decision to let him go for so little. Makes no sense whatsoever to anyone capable of applying a little logical thinking to the situation.


you couldn't sign some average-shit nobody from the championship for that money like :lol:

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Absolutely ludicrous decision to let him go for so little. Makes no sense whatsoever to anyone capable of applying a little logical thinking to the situation.


Especially when we are in a situation where we can't find 4 senior pros to fill up our defence for our next 3 games and Ryan bloody Taylor is playing left back. Seriously you couldn't make this crap up.

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From the Carver thread:



you think you’re getting somewhere then all of a sudden you could lose your captain for three games – and a defender which we’re not blessed with many of.





:lol: :lol: :lol:


Why does the Chronicle or other local media sources question this. "why did you allow 2 defenders to leave without repalcing them, risking that entire second half of the season.  Fans have paid good money to watch the team, do you not feel you have let down the fans who pay lots of money to watch terrible football"

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Guest TruToon94

Our defense is now officially obliterated.


I seriously have no clue what our plans is for the 2018 season considering that all of our 1st team defenders apart from one will be over the age of 32...


We can no longer even claim that we buy low and sell high.... We just sell for seemingly random prices. Relegation is very much looming for us now. Not that Santon was great, but a defence of Santon, MYM, Colo and Janmaat for a season or 2 before we sign a replacement for Colo is a lot better than the level of championship players we have now all of whom are over the hill or never made it up on the first place.


So that makes it that really our GK position is weak, defence is abysmal, Midfield decent in the center but obliterated on the wings and our attack is made up of one good, one potential great and more shit. This might just be the worst squad I've seen us have, maybe even worse than the relegation season!

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Guest neesy111

Completely mad that Santon, Mapou, Ben Arfa and possibly even Marveaux aren't turning out for us regularly. This club is absolutely shafted.


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From the Carver thread:



you think you’re getting somewhere then all of a sudden you could lose your captain for three games – and a defender which we’re not blessed with many of.





:lol: :lol: :lol:


Why does the Chronicle or other local media sources question this. "why did you allow 2 defenders to leave without repalcing them, risking that entire second half of the season.  Fans have paid good money to watch the team, do you not feel you have let down the fans who pay lots of money to watch terrible football"


They answer why they don't let go MYM they say they have replacement lined up but due to delay for the deal to MYM to go through it fell. It is disgrace the fat cunt doesn't let them use some of his money and get it back when the deal go through.

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Said at the beginning of the season the squad on paper is awful. Perez, Cisse & Janmaat have been better than expected. Cabella & De Jong haven't made the impact I had hoped for.


Now it's extremely thin.


We'll have a couple of Championship lads in for next season. I'm sure we'll bulk the squad a bit in the summer, then sell again in January if we look decent in the league. The best squad we've had in terms of talent is funnily enough when we were poorest in the league. Demba, Cisse, Cabaye, Debuchy, Sissoko, MYM, Colo, Saylor/Wllo, Marveaux. All them purples were too much to preserve - obviously.

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Completely mad that Santon, Mapou, Ben Arfa and possibly even Marveaux aren't turning out for us regularly. This club is absolutely shafted.

I'm not one to claim the 'mugs' thing but really we've long since past the point where people should be putting money into the club, everything since finishing 5th has just been them laughing in the fans faces culminating in this bollocks.

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It is ridiculous how the "board" have mismanaged the squad and how they do not learn from past mistakes.


They have got themselves into a situation where the players they buy in the Summer have to hit the ground running otherwise we will be in serious trouble.  They cannot afford to get rid of Cisse until they know that the new strikers have settled and can score goals in this league but I would not surprised to see them say they had to sell him to be able to afford his replacement.  If we get a couple of new defenders in - will they need a year like Colo to adjust or will they be bombed out without being given a chance like MYM?  The squad needs a complete overhaul in key areas rather than tweaking so they have to get it right and make sure that they do not allow themselves to get into a situation like this again.


No doubt we will be hearing when we struggle next season that the problem is we bought too many players and it took too long for them to settle.  But we are in a situation where we have to buy so many players because they have run the squad into the ground and not like other clubs who suddenly decide to splash the cash.


If they keep buying average players, they are just going to be here for the duration of their contract and leave on a free because no-one else wants to buy them and so we will keep getting this mass exodus every Summer..


However, I guess saving a few thousand to make the balance sheet look good will always be more important that trying to earn that revenue through a higher league position.





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