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On This Day... Personal Memories


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Cardiff semi final :(


Journey back from that on the coach was the worst ever. Rubbish mood, traffic was rotten and I was knackered but trying not to fall asleep as I had a really bad cold & dry throat and was convinced I'd end up snoring and making a right tit of myself. :lol:

train to gloucester, straight into the mini bus, in wetherby for a couple of pints and a bite, rang my mate who told me they were still trying to get out of the coach park in cardiff.
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On a bus down at 3am Sunday morning, got back 3.30am Monday morning.  Still made it to school for 9 and fell asleep in physics first lesson.  Got a detention for it.




My teacher was a Newcastle fan so just told me he'd mark me down as away on holiday that day. :aww:

Said it before, but Cardiff was still a class day out for me like, might be because it was my first away game mind. Our fans were brilliant that day.

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Was at the Nottingham Forest v.s Yeovil game when we played the mackems away  :lol:


Was only 12 at the time and was visiting my auntie down there and my mates down there had a spare ticket so I went to the match with him. Remember one of them could get the internet on his phone ( :o ) so I kept checking the score on it. Was 1-0 for ages and was absolutely gutted, next time I checked it... 3-1  :lol:


Then Luque's goal at the end  :laugh:

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4 years ago today we beat the Mackems 2-0. Crazy when you think about it.


Unreal atmosphere that day. It really was electric, up there with the best atmosphere i've ever been involved in after 11 years of being a ST holder.


After the victory, Kev commented:


"I don't care what anybody says, you can go around the world twice if you like and you would not get an atmosphere like that anywhere else."

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Cardiff semi final :(


Journey back from that on the coach was the worst ever. Rubbish mood, traffic was rotten and I was knackered but trying not to fall asleep as I had a really bad cold & dry throat and was convinced I'd end up snoring and making a right tit of myself. :lol:

train to gloucester, straight into the mini bus, in wetherby for a couple of pints and a bite, rang my mate who told me they were still trying to get out of the coach park in cardiff.


Since I was coming from uni had to get on a train back towards London full of Man United fans on me todd. A thoroughly unenjoyable few hours. Stopped in Reading the night before, had a belting night out.

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Guest neesy111

Safri scored a screamer for norwich against us


I was in Budapest eating goulash when that goal went in.



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Guest Haris Vuckic

Safri scored a screamer for norwich against us


Ooo Look at me I'm in Budapest eating goulash. Pathetic.



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4 years ago today we beat the Mackems 2-0. Crazy when you think about it.


Unreal atmosphere that day. It really was electric, up there with the best atmosphere i've ever been involved in after 11 years of being a ST holder.


After the victory, Kev commented:


"I don't care what anybody says, you can go around the world twice if you like and you would not get an atmosphere like that anywhere else."


Great game that was. Really thought we were on the way up with a team built around Owen, Viduka, Martins and Barton...

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4 years ago today we beat the Mackems 2-0. Crazy when you think about it.


Unreal atmosphere that day. It really was electric, up there with the best atmosphere i've ever been involved in after 11 years of being a ST holder.


After the victory, Kev commented:


"I don't care what anybody says, you can go around the world twice if you like and you would not get an atmosphere like that anywhere else."


Great game that was. Really thought we were on the way up with a team built around Owen, Viduka, Martins and Barton...


Bit daft in hindsight eh.

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4 years ago today we beat the Mackems 2-0. Crazy when you think about it.


Unreal atmosphere that day. It really was electric, up there with the best atmosphere i've ever been involved in after 11 years of being a ST holder.


After the victory, Kev commented:


"I don't care what anybody says, you can go around the world twice if you like and you would not get an atmosphere like that anywhere else."


Great game that was. Really thought we were on the way up with a team built around Owen, Viduka, Martins and Barton...


Bit daft in hindsight eh.


Of course it is.


I guess you thought that day "In 4 years that time, we'll have none of those players left and we'll be top 5."

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"And the atmosphere was magnificent. I think we got an atmosphere like that because the supporters are happy with what we have done in the last few games rather than our performance on the day.


"I don't care what anybody says, you can go around the world twice if you like and you would not get an atmosphere like that anywhere else. During the game Terry McDermott turned to me and said it was just like the old days. He's probably right, it used to be like that every week as the fans came into the ground motivated and happy because of what they had seen last time.


"The players here have not seen the atmosphere like that because of the season we have had. I told them they are the best in the world and you can earn an atmosphere like that every week if you keep these results coming. In the last five minutes or so I was just soaking that atmosphere up.


"You have never heard anything like that at the end. I don't care how many times you come to the stadium, when it goes like that and you hear them singing, it's absolutely the only place in the world to be, as far as I am concerned.


"I have played at Liverpool and I have played in derbies, I have played in the Maracana, I have played in the Nep Stadium,  Liverpool, Boca Juniors but this is the best place in the world when you are winning.


"I've told the players it used to be like that before kick-off. It's a tough place if you are not going well, but hey, they are the rules of the game."


I could read/listen to him every day tbh

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Guest BooBoo

20 Years ago today i was in tears cos i really thought that was it after we'd lost 4-1 away at Derby and 3 players sent off.


Was one of the best atmospheres i've ever experienced but a horrible feeling at full time.


I was there at that one, old Baseball Ground.


Cards for Brock, Scott, O'Brien and even Terry Mac. The ref was Brian Coddngton: shithouse.

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One of my earliest footballing memories is listening to that on the radio on the way back from the supermarket. Random how you remember some things, was a good few months before my first game/started paying any attention to NUFC too.

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1992 Portsmouth (h)

1-0 (0-0)

Division Two

49pts, 20th



Possibly the most important goal ever scored by a Newcastle player.


What a day.


My mate had my Season Ticket and was dead late and didn't meet me with it until 2PM outside the 3 Bulls and had a couple of our radgies and about 15 Dundee radgies with him.


We walked up to the ground and they bumped into a bunch of Pompey radgies queing to get into the East Stand and a kid with us got nicked.


I remember a load of confetti flying through the air out of the leazes corner away end as we walked round the back of the leazes and i also remember not being able to get a programme before going to my seat in the Milburn Stand Corner as they'd sold out.


Remember nothing else of the game except the goal which saw the place go absolutely berzerko.

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