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On This Day... Personal Memories


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Such a great day. Was buzzing for weeks after it as well :aww:


Leazes Corner was mental that day, ended up a few rows forward after the first goal and just ended up staying there for the rest of the match. Remember someone from the row behind rolling down a few rows and then just getting back up and celebrating like nothing had happened :lol:


Stoke game on this date last year as well. Probably the first time that season I thought 'we might actually do well this season'.

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the days after were funny as anarl.  Horseshit had been giving it the bigg'un on the Three Divvies throughout the week leading up to it then was nowhere to be seen when they came on air on the Monday night.  Bernie and Malcolm started berating his absence, calling him a coward etc.  Eventually he appeared about half an hour later claiming he "ran into some old friends" on his way in and that was his reason why.  Total bullshit.

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2006 Some words of 'wisdom' from Chairman Freddy "street fighter" Shepherd following the disastrous home defeat by Sheffield United:


"I don't get upset by the protests - I love all the supporters because I'm one of them and don't have any problem with Geordies. If things were different I might be with them calling out about someone else.


"I've got to do what's best for the business, not me, and if a Geordie Abramovich knocked on the door we'd have to do business.


"I'd gladly do whatever to secure him but I don't want to lead supporters up a cul-de-sac because there's no-one there.


"I will not walk out on the business. I've made mistakes but so has everyone in football. I am from Byker and I used to fight my way into school and fight my way out again.


"The biggest criticism is I've been too kind to managers with funds and too generous to players but we have the weather and we are competing with Tottenham, Chelsea, Manchester United and we are 300 miles from London.


"We're on the verge of the Roman Empire, which is why they built the wall."


Anyone remember this? :anguish:


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