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Norwich vs Newcastle - 10/12/11 - Pre Match Thread


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Right. I pulled it out of a hat and got:



Sammy  Shola  Perch  Santon

Cabaye    Ba    Smith    Krul

          R.Taylor  Jonas


Subs - Harper, Simpson, Colo, Obertan, Guthrie, Ben Arfa, Gosling.


I can't believe Perch and Smith still ended up where they did :lol:


Santon at LB. Nice.

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Guest bengenufc

Decided to take part in this random pulling a team out of the hat game and got...



Shola  Simpson  Obertan    taylor

Ba      Gosling    Best        Sammy

              Colo    Perch

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Howey had just turned 23 when he made his England debut at centre-half and been playing there at least 3 years before that, Best's 25 and never played there in his life. Crazy to suggest he could play there.


Qualify that remark please.  I reiterate that Howey had never played as a defender and it had never been suggested that he could, until he was thrown in at the deep end by KK.  The difference being KK was a man manager and could make a player feel they could achieve anything if they put their mind to it!


No one other than the manager and the clubs coaching staff know whether Best can or even would play as a centre half, but given our current situation and the precedence set by the Howey situation, I don't see that it is at all unrealistic to suggest it could be a possible answer to our lack of defensive cover.  I could also cite a certain Dion Dublin who went from centre forward to centre half and vice versa on several occasions so it is not an unrealistic scenario by any means!


Howey was a kid who'd barely played any first-team football up front nevermind centre-back, and would have went into that position with no fear.


I'd say Chris Sutton or Dion Dublin was a better comparison tbh, Howey's a poor one.

even chris sutton is a poor one as when he first came through at norwich many pundits tipped him as a future intl at centre half.
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Norwich have been decent at home. Don't underestimate them.

form wise aye, their performances have been patternless and a bit blackpoolish if less gung ho.


From what I've seen of them, they have played some decent stuff at times.


I just worry because of our defensive situation atm!

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Think he means physically bullied.

if tiote plays or guthrie plays the way he has recently it what we should be able to do to them in the middle.

Yeah he meant in defence.

maybe wrong but they don't normally play with a standard front 2, only really doing so when chasing the game (though they may well go that way given our defence) but they aren't really that good and as a footballing genius pointed out earlier, then it comes down to stoke again and cutting out the supply.
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