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Dogawful Officiating


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Marriner was all at sea tonight (pardon the pun.)


I actually thought we got the benefit of most of it especially when it came to dishing out yellow cards where he was very lenient. That said there were some odd decisions went their way as well.

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Mourinho hung around in the car park last night to tell Anthony Taylor that he’s a fucking disgrace.


I mean he’s not wrong, well he is on the context of that match, but overall he’s not wrong.

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Taylor is one of the ones I've got a bit of time for. He has stuck at it and seems to have actually improved over time. Or maybe it's just that we've not had any stupid decisions from him in a while and that has skewed my opinion.



Either way Mourinho needs the book throwing at him for that last night. He might think it's funny for him to do it when there's lots of security to make sure nothing gets out of hand and cameras to vroadcast to the world that he's still a "bit of a character." But what kind of message does that set for grass roots football, that it's OK to wait in the car park for the ref and harass him about a match when you got some but just not all decisions go your way?

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I thought Taylor handled the game well last night, regarding the penalty he gave in real time it looked stonewall  but VAR was correct to over turn it. The surrounding of the ref was terrible and the touchline behaviour even worse officials shouldn’t have to put up with that I hope to see more cards given out like the one for Cristante, you could see Taylor count the Roma players surrounding on him tough luck on Cristante for being the one issued the card.

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Thought Taylor & Oliver as 4th official did really well in probably the most challenging game last night, the antics from both teams, especially MOurinho is a joke, hope UEFA give him a stadium ban for next year for shouting and abusing in the cark park (as someone has said what message does that send to grassroots referees) 


Hope they throw the book at him the old arrogant Portuguese c**t

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I didn’t notice any refereeing that would wind Mourinho up as much as that, although I only saw the second half. 

Seemed like just both camps were determined to act like children and behave disgracefully on the sideline. Especially Roma. 

Should’ve been sent off really. 

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It's typical Mourinho though, rather than accept his negative tactics ultimately let him down he has to blame others so his managerial reputation remains intact.


I've never understood the fascination some of our fans have with him managing us, I'm even referring to a few years back as well (not when he was in his prime and actually elite), shit football and a bellend to boot.


Whilst the way he plays is suited to competition football, I can see him getting joy with PSG in the CL, in a competitive league his style is massively outdated.

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14 minutes ago, Geordie Ahmed said:

It's typical Mourinho though, rather than accept his negative tactics ultimately let him down he has to blame others so his managerial reputation remains intact.


I've never understood the fascination some of our fans have with him managing us, I'm even referring to a few years back as well (not when he was in his prime and actually elite), shit football and a bellend to boot.


Whilst the way he plays is suited to competition football, I can see him getting joy with PSG in the CL, in a competitive league his style is massively outdated.

This is a perfect summary 

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5 hours ago, geordiesteve710 said:

Taylor is one of the ones I've got a bit of time for. He has stuck at it and seems to have actually improved over time. Or maybe it's just that we've not had any stupid decisions from him in a while and that has skewed my opinion.



Either way Mourinho needs the book throwing at him for that last night. He might think it's funny for him to do it when there's lots of security to make sure nothing gets out of hand and cameras to vroadcast to the world that he's still a "bit of a character." But what kind of message does that set for grass roots football, that it's OK to wait in the car park for the ref and harass him about a match when you got some but just not all decisions go your way?

Mourinho is poison and has always been

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4 hours ago, nufc123 said:

Standing there in the garage shouting abuse, and the whole sideline freakshow. Poison..



A lot easier than going into the dressing room and telling himself/his players to fuck off and they're all a fucking disgrace for being shit second half.

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And people wonder why Refs end up being biased. Imagine going into a game knowing you’re going to get your reputation smeared and verbally/physically abused if you don’t give contentious decisions in favour of the bully. What a fucking cunt Mourinho is. Respect to Anthony Taylor for doing a decent job officiating the shittest game of football in years and then having to deal with that 

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