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NUFC transfer rumours in the press


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Not that I'd put any real stock in what Taylor tells the local hacks but I remember him saying a couple of years back that he feels far more comfortable in the centre. He's most likely contradicted it somewhere, though.


And another thing, if today's Taylor has one glaring weakness it's dealing with players running at him. He doesn't go backwards well at all.

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Guest VaVaVoom

Suggesting Saylor at RB is pure stupidity in my position.


Id rather we got M'biwa who may be happy being a rotation option and get a quality LB so our back four looks like...




M'biwa covering the whole back like and Williamson 4th choice CB.

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Guest BlacknWhiteArmy

Think Saylor would do quite well at RB if he can get back to his old self from the start of the season. A lot are scarred by his 'horror show' last March but reckon he'd surprise people.

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Oh, I'd much rather buy a proper one but I don't think he'd do as badly as expected if needed to fill in.


Signing Clyne would be very nice. Tavernier stepping up could be an option too, Simpson needs the competition.

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