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Papiss Cissé

Guest kingdawson

Happy Cisse has left?  

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Granted he needs service, but he has somehow got worse from last season. He has developed Ameobi first tough, Debuchy strength and Taylor Brain. 


We need at least another striker and winger. Preferably someone creative through the middle too. That is regardless of replacing Cabaye. We are an utter shambles.


After 1 game against Kompany?  :lol:


It wasn't who he was against, it was the lack of ball control or an ounce of ability to hold the ball up. He was just awful.


I agree, he was. But to say he has got worse from last season after 1 game is dim as f***.


I can see basic concepts are hard for you to grasp. He looked much worse today than he did last season.  I am not writing him off, asking for him to be dropped or saying this permanent, just stating fact. Worst performance we have seen from him and even the basic things that he was able to do well previously were utterly abysmal.


Like many of our "better players" they have been on a slide form and ability wise for nearly a year. If a full pre-season and clean break can't get make them look any fresher and in fact makes them come out worse the coaching staff or themselves have to be questioned.


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Genuinely might as well play an extra midfielder and have no forwards at all if we're just going to leave Cisse up top, isolated. He has no attributes whatsoever that make him suitable for it. His hold-up play and link-up play are absolutely dire.

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Genuinely might as well play an extra midfielder and have no forwards at all if we're just going to leave Cisse up top, isolated. He has no attributes whatsoever that make him suitable for it. His hold-up play and link-up play are absolutely dire.


True. He's nothing outside the box, like.

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Guest bimpy474

Genuinely might as well play an extra midfielder and have no forwards at all if we're just going to leave Cisse up top, isolated. He has no attributes whatsoever that make him suitable for it. His hold-up play and link-up play are absolutely dire.


I was saying that last season, he's beyond terrible at holding the ball up.

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Great when through on goal this lad, we just can't get ever craft a moment for him to ever be in scoring position. So he's pretty useless if that's the case.

If he was able to hold it up it would help create chances for him.


We can't play in and around him as he doesn't make the ball stick.


For the second goal, imagine he held on to the ball and played it to HBA... we could move up the pitch as a unit. But no, tackled, one ball through the heart of us.. goal.

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Guest bimpy474

Great when through on goal this lad, we just can't get ever craft a moment for him to ever be in scoring position. So he's pretty useless if that's the case.

If he was able to hold it up it would help create chances for him.


We can't play in and around him as he doesn't make the ball stick.


For the second goal, imagine he held on to the ball and played it to HBA... we could move up the pitch as a unit. But no, tackled, one ball through the heart of us.. goal.


Aye that bugged me, Gary Neville was praising Kompany for being strong, but he didn't need to be as Cisse miscontrolled it straight to him. Kompany didn't need to do owt but bring it forward.

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Great when through on goal this lad, we just can't get ever craft a moment for him to ever be in scoring position. So he's pretty useless if that's the case.

If he was able to hold it up it would help create chances for him.


We can't play in and around him as he doesn't make the ball stick.


For the second goal, imagine he held on to the ball and played it to HBA... we could move up the pitch as a unit. But no, tackled, one ball through the heart of us.. goal.


One of the most unmanly things I've ever seen.


After getting your loins ripped from you like that, at least foul the guy, and take a yellow for the disrespect he showed you.


Awful to witness.

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the way he's always similing pisses me off too. Like most in this squad he can only show anger through petulance rather than a silly yellow card offence. There's just petulance and daft planks like Saylor


You sound like my deranged P.E. teacher. Get over it.


Can understand his point. What annoys me most about Shola is his constant grin whether we are 1 up or 6 goals down. Annoying as hell when we are losing and he looks like he thinks its good.

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Hate to say it but we may as well bench Cisse for now. He's getting no service in a system he's not suited for and his confidence looks completely shot to me. Put Gouffran up front now, or even Gouffran off Shola.  :embarrassed:

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In games like that we need a striker who can hold the ball up for us to take some pressure off us. That's what Ba could do in his pomp for us. Cisse is a goal scorer. In a good team who creates many chances and will only require him to be in the box most of the time he will do well.


How many times when the ball came forward to him he lost it last night or miss controlled.


I feel really sorry for the lad, he's made to look a mug mainly down to other peoples shitness.

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Exactly the same as last season, he's just not capable of holding the ball up or winning headers when our only outlet to him is direct. We were shambolic last night and he was totally isolated. I think to blame his performance on Wonga woes or anything else is incredibly harsh. We were shit, he was shit. I barely think any strikers in the world could have done a whole lot with the junk we were throwing at him.

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Guest Roger Kint

Wasnt it him not jumping for their 3rd which led to the ball sailing through them wall? Can only imagine the abuse Obertan would get for that shit.

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Guest icemanblue

Wasnt it him not jumping for their 3rd which led to the ball sailing through them wall? Can only imagine the abuse Obertan would get for that shit.


It was. Basically a continuation of the lack of effort he displayed all night. Yes, we're getting beat. Yes, you're isolated and without service. But, fuck me, at least try to compete. Very disappointing performance from him.

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