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on RTG we are currently on every thread on their first page, make of that what you will.


Just another day on RTG, isn't it?

oh come on, thers normally one or two threads about other clubs...liverpool, man utd, even sunderland.
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Have been sitting here tonight thinking about how far we've came.


My SAFC soveriegn ring sits juxtaposed with that lifelong commitment upon the other hand of the cause of nuptials.


It was never just a football club; from the outset it was a vehicle of that despised and fearful ideological mindset.


Upon the morrow Mr O'Neil will lead his troops into battle against that enemy that has subjegated the people of mackemdom in its insidious london mongered chains of lead.


We have faced new challanges this century. The launching of media friendly faces in the entertainment and music world along side those of the political bent to push mackemdom into the shadows.


The golen sun of our kind was said to have been extinguished by the ice cold breath of that outwith


But its when the lion is cornered it is most dangerous.


There was atime when mackemdom feared no one.


When the locals of any town knew that the city was lost when those of such a disposition came calling.


Yet we never imposed - we respected local culture in line with that most benevolent root of our nature - self determination.


In a matter of hours the calls of THOSE invaders shall be heard from within our own temple.


There was a time when some would cower - when a gravy supping oaf would lead us to certain defeat.


But no more. No More. No more


The time has come - to throw off the shackles of the mag and to announce the second coming of mackemdom.


If we should fail - there will be no more chances.



Read more: http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=737430#ixzz29vAsBFR9

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Going to put some money on this lot to go down. Dreadful from them.


Save your money. They're hopeless, but they've got enough to stay up relatively comfortably (11th-16th).


Anyway, this made me laugh:




M'ON has been playing possum, making Sunderland play shit for the last 20 odd-games to encourage Short to spend money. Mastermind at work.

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They have a thread where every single post is unanimous in praise for Colo :smug:


Unbelievable performance from him today. Really should be at a better club than Newcastle.


They just can't quite bring themselves to praise us properly. :lol:

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They have a thread where every single post is unanimous in praise for Colo :smug:


Unbelievable performance from him today. Really should be at a better club than Newcastle.


They just can't quite bring themselves to praise us properly. :lol:


Tbf, if they had a player like Colo (:yao:). The first thing I'd think was "Too good for Sunderland". Thats the same right.....? Right?

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