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Ignoring the fact he is a fascist, what exactly has he done to be highly rated in football as a manager? :dontknow:




He was appointed after Swindons relegation to League 2. Couldn't have done much better really.


Good record but it sounds like anything other than that would have been a massive failure.


Maybe he will go on to be a good manager but it definitely seems a strange gamble, especially with him being a bit of a nutter. Surely a club their size could have gotten a more proven manager.


Well they could have got Moyes, but thought, nah let's go with a fascist without any experience at this level

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Am I the only one who thinks he will do a good job for them?




What you basing it on?


Dunno really. He was a canny player (I know thats not a blueprint for a good manager), and I thought he had done canny with Swindon (I know, I know). I just think he will get them organised, and play players in their correct positions, which party pants was slated for. I suppose its just a gut feeling I have  :dontknow:


I'm thinking the opposite. You're throwing him into a relegation battle with some big egos. He's got no experience managing players like this either. He will inevitably fall out with players early doors. MON despite being s****, was at least respected within the game and you assume his own players. Who is going to respect Di Canio? I dunno, If I'm a Sunderland player now I dont think i'd be particularly impressed knowing this Knobhead is coming in.


Was it Di Canio who subbed that young keeper after half an hour or something too?

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Interesting to see how it pans out in the summer, providing they stay up, as PDC was known as having a revolving door at Swindon with players in/out all of the time. This hardly smacks of sustainability nor an ability to get the best from an average squad rather an apparent acceptance that he'll have dosh to spend on an already overpaid, overrated and underperforming squad.


Shorts credentials have to be seriously questioned in terms of the commercial rationale of bringing PDC in. It just smacks of being short-termist.


Seriously, if I was a mackem (shudder at the thought..........), I'd be wondering just what the long term plan is for them, what is the vision and how the fuck are the numbers going to look in a couple of years?


PDC could have an argument in an empty room. There's nothing long term, considered or rational about employing him for the long term. Yes, he might rile a few no-hopers into a performance or two but, should they survive, then what?


Loads of players out, loads of fallouts, loads of bad morale and then start again. Money grows on tree's in Wearside clearly.

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Depends on what your definition of proven is really? I think they could only attract the likes of Hughes, Curbishley etc and they're proven average at best.


Tbh the whole time I had Lee Clark in my head :lol:


It just seems a strange gamble for a Premiership club to take. Look at someone like Norwich with Hughton, he got us promoted, fair enough that sounds similar to PDC's job at Swindon but then was doing well in the Premiership, went down to the championship and did well again so Norwich approached him and he is doing a decent job there.


Swansea appointing Laudrup, QPR Redknapp, Reading Adkinson, Southampton Pochettino etc.. 


Just seems a strange appointment based on limited experience in leagues a few levels down. I would be very concerned if I was a mackem.

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Depends on what your definition of proven is really? I think they could only attract the likes of Hughes, Curbishley etc and they're proven average at best.


Tbh the whole time I had Lee Clark in my head :lol:


It just seems a strange gamble for a Premiership club to take. Look at someone like Norwich with Hughton, he got us promoted, fair enough that sounds similar to PDC's job at Swindon but then was doing well in the Premiership, went down to the championship and did well again so Norwich approached him and he is doing a decent job there.


Swansea appointing Laudrup, QPR Redknapp, Reading Adkinson, Southampton Pochettino etc.. 


Just seems a strange appointment based on limited experience in leagues a few levels down. I would be very concerned if I was a mackem.


It's not even the fact he's unproven. For me, if you appoint a Chrissy Hughton, he's a safe pair of hands. A steady Eddie. He's not going to slit his wrists and graffiti your office walls with his own blood and faeces because you told him a bid's been rejected.


Di Canio is an absolute heed-the-ball. Full on mental.


Timebomb. Irrespective of the relegation outcome.


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Interesting that they are going after someone they dont have to pay for too..


They wanted someone in quick so it was always going to be someone not working.


Then what type of message is that for your long term plans? Lets go and get the cheapest out of work option available. Reeks of Short sick of spending money imo.

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Interesting that they are going after someone they dont have to pay for too..


They wanted someone in quick so it was always going to be someone not working.


Then what type of message is that for your long term plans? Lets go and get the cheapest out of work option available. Reeks of Short sick of spending money imo.


I will rip on Sunderland as much as the next person but for me it make sense if a club bullets someone this late in season to employ someone out of work

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was'nt there a bunch of reading players that said that they would refuse to play or something if he became there manager the other week?


Yep Reading, worst set of players (quality wise) in the league told their board they didnt want him there.  :lol:

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I'd say the situation needs a cool-headed man of experience, so this is quite a gamble.


I was surprised when Di Canio became a manager, and surprised again when he did well at Swindon. His image as a footballer didn't say manager in the making.


Maybe there's a third surprise coming up, but I don't think so.

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