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Just realised I've got an AS Roma scarf in my loft, might dig it out for the derby.


Song suggestions?  I think "What would your grandad say" would stir things up nicely if directed at the away support.

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So we're concerned about the free-speech loving tabloid journalists now? :lol:


These s*** stirring t***s are a massive problem, and very very few of them are a credit to their profession.


But you can't criticise them for that!  It's journalism, not politics.  What do their views and actions have to do with anything?  If you express your opinion on their behaviour you're basically oppressing them, stop it.


How is journalism and politics not directly linked? The profession was created and continues to be used to influence public opinion! SAFC is a privately owned company and they can ban whoever they like from their press conferences. Once again, I don't deny that the club has brought this s*** storm on itself. Whether they intended to do that or not, they're now scrambling to try and deal with it. As long as they do that without breaking any laws, then so what?


Football influences public opinion!  It probably influences public opinion more than every leaflet put through every bloody door in the country!  The very fact that this debate is going on is evidence that it's not 'so what', people have a pretty non-controversial opinion that they don't want a fascist manager in the premier league and people are trying to imply they can't hold that opinion because it somehow infringes on the rights of others for reasons I can't quite pin down.  Paolo Di Canio has the right to be a fascist, other people have the right to believe he's a f***ing c*** for holding those views and they will continue to say so.


Not going to disagree with that at all. However, PL or L2, it shouldn't matter imo. He'll be in as much of a role model position to kids growing up in Sunderland as he was for kids growing up in Swindon.


But there's a lot of kids that follow the premier league and know the name and personality of every manager in it.  How many could name Swindon's current manager, and know what kind of person he is to be allowed to hold that position?


And this is what I completely disagree with. If this was a true campaign to protect the values of a democratic nation, it wouldn't matter how high profile the club he's taken charge of was. It's like saying a few civilian casualties in war torn country are less important than a celebrity that's been killed by a drunk driver. It's just not right imo.

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Giving someone a job at the very top of their profession validates their beliefs far more than if they're at a lower level.  But you knew that.


i'm afraid this is absolute shite


How is it? If Hitler had the same beliefs but was just some bloke who worked in the local currywurst shop then do you think he'd be the figure in history he is now?

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I can't believe I'm even having the conversation :lol:


Every time there's a scandal about bungs in the premier league, or someone punches a fan, or someone makes a racist comment on the pitch, or there's a terrible refereeing decision or tackle are we going to say "How come you're not talking about this similar incident between Shrewsbury and Crawley?  WHERE WAS THE OUTRAGE?  How come the papers are reporting on that and not this?  Isn't Tom Eves also a role model for children?  Why are you victimising this guy?  Huh? HUH?"


Something being allowed in the premier league makes a bigger statement about how acceptable it is in football than the same thing happening in Blue Square North. Yes?

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Sunderland should of seen his coming, being a manager in the premier league is always going to be a job in the public eye, even at a smaller club like the mackems or Wigan. His appointment was always going to be scrutinised and talked about.


Re: the argument about politics and football mixing. I can understand people not wanting the two mixed, but ultimatly football shapes and influences millions, so when a club appoints a man who has openly flaunted his facist views on the pitch and in the press in the past, it, rightly should be given the bad press it has received.


It's disgraceful that Sunderland have appointed a man, who made Nazi salutes while playing, the position of Sunderland Manager is one that can influence the upbringing of kids across Sunderland and thats hardly setting a good example is it.

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Giving someone a job at the very top of their profession validates their beliefs far more than if they're at a lower level.  But you knew that.


i'm afraid this is absolute shite


How is it? If Hitler had the same beliefs but was just some bloke who worked in the local currywurst shop then do you think he'd be the figure in history he is now?


i don't know if i'm being trolled here or not, he's being compared to hitler now?  i agree with what bluestar says if the profession is in some way political in nature but to say that sunderland giving di canio the job is a vindication of his political beliefs isn't the same imo

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Sunderland should of seen his coming, being a manager in the premier league is always going to be a job in the public eye, even at a smaller club like the mackems or Wigan. His appointment was always going to be scrutinised and talked about.


Re: the argument about politics and football mixing. I can understand people not wanting the two mixed, but ultimatly football shapes and influences millions, so when a club appoints a man who has openly flaunted his facist views on the pitch and in the press in the past, it, rightly should be given the bad press it has received.


It's disgraceful that Sunderland have appointed a man, who made Nazi salutes while playing, the position of Sunderland Manager is one that can influence the upbringing of kids across Sunderland and thats hardly setting a good example is it.


Mr.M. making his decision to quit in protest at the appointment ensured that this story would become an essentially political one.

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Ahahaha just seen the press conference (set up in a tiny little corner) with that daft bitch all the mackems hate on the sidelines nearly crying as the journo's keep asking him about the fascism in him and him keep answering when she's telling him not to. Didnt last long before he leaves.  :lol:


Awful club, everything about it is cheap and nasty, everything is now aligned perfectly.

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The latest trope on RTG is threads like


Subject: I have Jewish blood...

Post: And I'm delighted to have Di Canio here!


Subject: I'm an old school socialist...

Post: And Di Canio is my new God, every time I think about him I weep tears of joy!


Subject: My grandparents were tortured to death by Mussolini's thugs...

Post: And I just gone and got an exact copy of Di Canio's tattoo on my face!

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Guest reefatoon

Just hanging with his posse doing the Shearer



He has borrowed Uncal Mick's combat shorts too by the looks of it, damn those shorts get around.  Wonder when he is doing his photoshoot next the the famous FTM wall?

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Guest neesy111

Let's take football aside.  Anyone with his views that had made them so public and craved attention from it going into such a public/media side job as a Premier League manager would get questions asked about it.

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To turn it around, that Greek lad who made a straight arm salute ONCE has been banned from international football for life and his career is bssucally over. Where's that level of condemnation for PDC?

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Guest neesy111

Btw, has short presided over this all the way from the US without meeting Di Canio face to face?

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Dicanio is not employed as a teacher of politics to young impressionable students. Would those who are against this appointment be similarley as vocal were he to have been more tacit in voicing his political persuasions in the past? or is it his beliefs, in principle, that are so objectionable that it precludes him from this post?...but not that of a "lesser" profile club?


In a football management world laden with cliche`s & soundbites, where generic, insipid rubbish is carted out on a weekly basis to a lazy press, I wonder if we could look, what we`d find were we able to peer beneath the nappa of some of the frauds that have ran high profile clubs in the past. 






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