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Guest Bert Shaft

F*ck this Paolo Mussolini malarky.

The question is should Sunderland FC  be kicked out of the league for having had  a flag on display that promoted extremist communism  :p  :naughty:


















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I understand some people will be making a big deal out of Di Canio's appointment because they want their 5 minutes in the media, but for others of us this is actually a big deal.


Say what you want, but the last thing I want is something to 'cry about' - nor am I a raging lefty.


I am going to terminate my season ticket until he leaves, and will return once he leaves I will give the club my money.


I understand why for many of you it doesn't matter what his ideology is; and that to you you see football and politics as separate etc. but I just can't.


I absolutely believe he has the right to whatever political opinion he wants - but having some political opinions make you unfit for certain jobs.


Do you agree with the fact it would be inappropriate for someone who believes in abolishing the age of consent to teach kids?


Do you agree with the fact it's right that BNP members can't serve in the police force, as being a national socialist may prevent you from doing your job properly?


Personally I believe it's also completely inappropriate that a club which takes a strong anti-racism platform and should be open to all in the community to appoint a fascist as our manager.


However it's not even just that he's a fascist - he's chosen to introduce it into his football. He chose to perform nazi salutes - twice - once against Lazio's fiercest rivals with traditionally Jewish support and once against a club with left wing support. That salute was used by those who killed Jews and who killed leftists.


Regarding fascism - I think some of you need to research on what it means. The fascism he is talking about re. Mussolini is not somehow a 'light' fascism that's actually about just being nationalistic. It's about the government controlling every aspect of citizens lives - the term totalitarian was invented under fascist Italy. Mussolini himself said their was no such thing as a private sphere. Fundamental to this belief was that certain races, or groups, are better than others. Mussolini killed 10's of thousands in Africa in brutal & oppressive wars that were purely for the conquest of land and Mussolini personally oversaw the movement of thousands of Jews from Italy to Hitler so they could be executed in concentration camps. He took over the country by force and oppressed political dissent.


There are many children alive today who have no idea who their parents/ grandparents are and it's because of Mussolini.


You can't be an Italian fascist and not be racist in one form or another. You can't have researched Mussolini, chosen to have a tattoo of him on you and not sympathise with some of the genocide he committed- it's simply too much of a defining feature of what he was.


Regarding the 'worked with black players' 'they're my friends' all I would say is that many, many racist people associate with people of other races (it baffles me too; but it's true). Simply saying 'I have black mates' doesn't really do it. I would also observe at Swindon he was investigated for racism and while the FA did nothing Swindon felt it necessary to apologise to the player involved.



Overall I completely respect those fans who choose to keep going but for me unfortunately it's a very sore point and the reason I'm posting this is because I want to make clear many of us who are upset about this aren't going on the TV or papers and aren't making a fuss for the hell of it we are genuinely very upset about this and feel like there has been a betrayal of some higher principle which is more important than success on the field.


Read more: http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=771017&page=22#ixzz2PFPuWxqc


Decency still exists on the SMB.

That's a cracking post, has to be the best post ever made on there.


Don't agree. People seriously needs to separate football from politics.


What is a football club?


What is politics?


I've explained the reasoning behind this. A football club is driven like it's a company and not a political party. No one cares, if you are black, white, olive, pale, socialist, conservative, communist when it comes down to football. It's not the 50's or 60's anymore. I'm aware that there is politics in terms of company politics or what you want to call it, but that isn't the same typ of politics being discussed here.


What is being discussed here is that a man who has a political view that hasn't interefered with his job is being considered as a disgrace to football. I think it's rather more a disgrace that they have signed a league one manager who clearly has had tons of problems at past clubs. But has he let his fascist view get in the way of his job as a football manager? I can't find any evidence of that.


I'm not defending Di Canio, he should know more as an human being. But claiming he's a disgrace while we as a club have signed some thugs in the past and gotten away with it. Come sunday and they beat Chelsea no one is going to care if he's a fascist or not. Football is as fickle of a game as politics and it's pathetic at times.




That's a massive assumption. Core beliefs influence everything we do and say, all the time, whether we're at work or not.

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Widespread condemnation about this from everyone at work today.


One lad pointed out that a Di Canio managed Swindon lost 4-0 to a Westley managed Preston earlier in the season. Ha (I do note that we lost to a Westley managed Stevenage btw).

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I understand some people will be making a big deal out of Di Canio's appointment because they want their 5 minutes in the media, but for others of us this is actually a big deal.


Say what you want, but the last thing I want is something to 'cry about' - nor am I a raging lefty.


I am going to terminate my season ticket until he leaves, and will return once he leaves I will give the club my money.


I understand why for many of you it doesn't matter what his ideology is; and that to you you see football and politics as separate etc. but I just can't.


I absolutely believe he has the right to whatever political opinion he wants - but having some political opinions make you unfit for certain jobs.


Do you agree with the fact it would be inappropriate for someone who believes in abolishing the age of consent to teach kids?


Do you agree with the fact it's right that BNP members can't serve in the police force, as being a national socialist may prevent you from doing your job properly?


Personally I believe it's also completely inappropriate that a club which takes a strong anti-racism platform and should be open to all in the community to appoint a fascist as our manager.


However it's not even just that he's a fascist - he's chosen to introduce it into his football. He chose to perform nazi salutes - twice - once against Lazio's fiercest rivals with traditionally Jewish support and once against a club with left wing support. That salute was used by those who killed Jews and who killed leftists.


Regarding fascism - I think some of you need to research on what it means. The fascism he is talking about re. Mussolini is not somehow a 'light' fascism that's actually about just being nationalistic. It's about the government controlling every aspect of citizens lives - the term totalitarian was invented under fascist Italy. Mussolini himself said their was no such thing as a private sphere. Fundamental to this belief was that certain races, or groups, are better than others. Mussolini killed 10's of thousands in Africa in brutal & oppressive wars that were purely for the conquest of land and Mussolini personally oversaw the movement of thousands of Jews from Italy to Hitler so they could be executed in concentration camps. He took over the country by force and oppressed political dissent.


There are many children alive today who have no idea who their parents/ grandparents are and it's because of Mussolini.


You can't be an Italian fascist and not be racist in one form or another. You can't have researched Mussolini, chosen to have a tattoo of him on you and not sympathise with some of the genocide he committed- it's simply too much of a defining feature of what he was.


Regarding the 'worked with black players' 'they're my friends' all I would say is that many, many racist people associate with people of other races (it baffles me too; but it's true). Simply saying 'I have black mates' doesn't really do it. I would also observe at Swindon he was investigated for racism and while the FA did nothing Swindon felt it necessary to apologise to the player involved.



Overall I completely respect those fans who choose to keep going but for me unfortunately it's a very sore point and the reason I'm posting this is because I want to make clear many of us who are upset about this aren't going on the TV or papers and aren't making a fuss for the hell of it we are genuinely very upset about this and feel like there has been a betrayal of some higher principle which is more important than success on the field.


Read more: http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=771017&page=22#ixzz2PFPuWxqc


Decency still exists on the SMB.

That's a cracking post, has to be the best post ever made on there.


Don't agree. People seriously needs to separate football from politics.


What is a football club?


What is politics?


I've explained the reasoning behind this. A football club is driven like it's a company and not a political party. No one cares, if you are black, white, olive, pale, socialist, conservative, communist when it comes down to football. It's not the 50's or 60's anymore. I'm aware that there is politics in terms of company politics or what you want to call it, but that isn't the same typ of politics being discussed here.


What is being discussed here is that a man who has a political view that hasn't interefered with his job is being considered as a disgrace to football. I think it's rather more a disgrace that they have signed a league one manager who clearly has had tons of problems at past clubs. But has he let his fascist view get in the way of his job as a football manager? I can't find any evidence of that.


I'm not defending Di Canio, he should know more as an human being. But claiming he's a disgrace while we as a club have signed some thugs in the past and gotten away with it. Come sunday and they beat Chelsea no one is going to care if he's a fascist or not. Football is as fickle of a game as politics and it's pathetic at times.




That's a massive assumption. Core beliefs influence everything we do and say, all the time, whether we're at work or not.


No, a massive assumption is to suggest that his belief has any effect/impact on the world and the way we live. People need to try and get a larger perspective of things.

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Just remembered, there was a crackin little dig on North east Tonight, on their sports bulletin. They finished discussing Di Canio/SunderLOL, and then got on about Newcastle heading out 'to play at The Real Stadium of Light'.


I bet there were a few things thrown at stolen TV's in Pennywell this evening.


Bloody Magedia!

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Win-win for you guys I reckon. Even if he does get a new manager bounce and keep them up, it's surely only a matter of time before the shit hits the fan. It's going to be bloody entertaining for you guys either way (as long as you don't go down, natch).

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It's amusing and ironic that during a press conference questions are not allowed to be asked (a typical fascist trait), it's a press conference lined up to reject claims he's a fascist and he basically confirms that he is a one. On top of that he appears to have lost the mental game with press as well when he first comes up against a difficult situation and a ball hasn't even been kicked yet.


It couldn't have went any worse.  :lol:

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I understand some people will be making a big deal out of Di Canio's appointment because they want their 5 minutes in the media, but for others of us this is actually a big deal.


Say what you want, but the last thing I want is something to 'cry about' - nor am I a raging lefty.


I am going to terminate my season ticket until he leaves, and will return once he leaves I will give the club my money.


I understand why for many of you it doesn't matter what his ideology is; and that to you you see football and politics as separate etc. but I just can't.


I absolutely believe he has the right to whatever political opinion he wants - but having some political opinions make you unfit for certain jobs.


Do you agree with the fact it would be inappropriate for someone who believes in abolishing the age of consent to teach kids?


Do you agree with the fact it's right that BNP members can't serve in the police force, as being a national socialist may prevent you from doing your job properly?


Personally I believe it's also completely inappropriate that a club which takes a strong anti-racism platform and should be open to all in the community to appoint a fascist as our manager.


However it's not even just that he's a fascist - he's chosen to introduce it into his football. He chose to perform nazi salutes - twice - once against Lazio's fiercest rivals with traditionally Jewish support and once against a club with left wing support. That salute was used by those who killed Jews and who killed leftists.


Regarding fascism - I think some of you need to research on what it means. The fascism he is talking about re. Mussolini is not somehow a 'light' fascism that's actually about just being nationalistic. It's about the government controlling every aspect of citizens lives - the term totalitarian was invented under fascist Italy. Mussolini himself said their was no such thing as a private sphere. Fundamental to this belief was that certain races, or groups, are better than others. Mussolini killed 10's of thousands in Africa in brutal & oppressive wars that were purely for the conquest of land and Mussolini personally oversaw the movement of thousands of Jews from Italy to Hitler so they could be executed in concentration camps. He took over the country by force and oppressed political dissent.


There are many children alive today who have no idea who their parents/ grandparents are and it's because of Mussolini.


You can't be an Italian fascist and not be racist in one form or another. You can't have researched Mussolini, chosen to have a tattoo of him on you and not sympathise with some of the genocide he committed- it's simply too much of a defining feature of what he was.


Regarding the 'worked with black players' 'they're my friends' all I would say is that many, many racist people associate with people of other races (it baffles me too; but it's true). Simply saying 'I have black mates' doesn't really do it. I would also observe at Swindon he was investigated for racism and while the FA did nothing Swindon felt it necessary to apologise to the player involved.



Overall I completely respect those fans who choose to keep going but for me unfortunately it's a very sore point and the reason I'm posting this is because I want to make clear many of us who are upset about this aren't going on the TV or papers and aren't making a fuss for the hell of it we are genuinely very upset about this and feel like there has been a betrayal of some higher principle which is more important than success on the field.


Read more: http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=771017&page=22#ixzz2PFPuWxqc


Decency still exists on the SMB.

That's a cracking post, has to be the best post ever made on there.


Don't agree. People seriously needs to separate football from politics.


What is a football club?


What is politics?


I've explained the reasoning behind this. A football club is driven like it's a company and not a political party. No one cares, if you are black, white, olive, pale, socialist, conservative, communist when it comes down to football. It's not the 50's or 60's anymore. I'm aware that there is politics in terms of company politics or what you want to call it, but that isn't the same typ of politics being discussed here.


What is being discussed here is that a man who has a political view that hasn't interefered with his job is being considered as a disgrace to football. I think it's rather more a disgrace that they have signed a league one manager who clearly has had tons of problems at past clubs. But has he let his fascist view get in the way of his job as a football manager? I can't find any evidence of that.


I'm not defending Di Canio, he should know more as an human being. But claiming he's a disgrace while we as a club have signed some thugs in the past and gotten away with it. Come sunday and they beat Chelsea no one is going to care if he's a fascist or not. Football is as fickle of a game as politics and it's pathetic at times.




That's a massive assumption. Core beliefs influence everything we do and say, all the time, whether we're at work or not.


No, a massive assumption is to suggest that his belief has any effect/impact on the world and the way we live. People need to try and get a larger perspective of things.

we have seen people comparing fascism to new labour on RTG (and thats in all seriousness), defending his salute and making excuses for his beliefs, so yes, I'd say his beliefs have that sort of effect. I fear itr may be you that needs the larger perspective.
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RTG was full of racist charvers before Di Canio turned up, it's been highlighted on here pretty much every other day :lol:



nowhere near the level it's now at.

Weyaye because they're all stupidly trying to defend their manager, I don't think it will go beyond them making a few posts on the internet within the days after his appointment though. I suppose we'll see in the elections.
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I understand some people will be making a big deal out of Di Canio's appointment because they want their 5 minutes in the media, but for others of us this is actually a big deal.


Say what you want, but the last thing I want is something to 'cry about' - nor am I a raging lefty.


I am going to terminate my season ticket until he leaves, and will return once he leaves I will give the club my money.


I understand why for many of you it doesn't matter what his ideology is; and that to you you see football and politics as separate etc. but I just can't.


I absolutely believe he has the right to whatever political opinion he wants - but having some political opinions make you unfit for certain jobs.


Do you agree with the fact it would be inappropriate for someone who believes in abolishing the age of consent to teach kids?


Do you agree with the fact it's right that BNP members can't serve in the police force, as being a national socialist may prevent you from doing your job properly?


Personally I believe it's also completely inappropriate that a club which takes a strong anti-racism platform and should be open to all in the community to appoint a fascist as our manager.


However it's not even just that he's a fascist - he's chosen to introduce it into his football. He chose to perform nazi salutes - twice - once against Lazio's fiercest rivals with traditionally Jewish support and once against a club with left wing support. That salute was used by those who killed Jews and who killed leftists.


Regarding fascism - I think some of you need to research on what it means. The fascism he is talking about re. Mussolini is not somehow a 'light' fascism that's actually about just being nationalistic. It's about the government controlling every aspect of citizens lives - the term totalitarian was invented under fascist Italy. Mussolini himself said their was no such thing as a private sphere. Fundamental to this belief was that certain races, or groups, are better than others. Mussolini killed 10's of thousands in Africa in brutal & oppressive wars that were purely for the conquest of land and Mussolini personally oversaw the movement of thousands of Jews from Italy to Hitler so they could be executed in concentration camps. He took over the country by force and oppressed political dissent.


There are many children alive today who have no idea who their parents/ grandparents are and it's because of Mussolini.


You can't be an Italian fascist and not be racist in one form or another. You can't have researched Mussolini, chosen to have a tattoo of him on you and not sympathise with some of the genocide he committed- it's simply too much of a defining feature of what he was.


Regarding the 'worked with black players' 'they're my friends' all I would say is that many, many racist people associate with people of other races (it baffles me too; but it's true). Simply saying 'I have black mates' doesn't really do it. I would also observe at Swindon he was investigated for racism and while the FA did nothing Swindon felt it necessary to apologise to the player involved.



Overall I completely respect those fans who choose to keep going but for me unfortunately it's a very sore point and the reason I'm posting this is because I want to make clear many of us who are upset about this aren't going on the TV or papers and aren't making a fuss for the hell of it we are genuinely very upset about this and feel like there has been a betrayal of some higher principle which is more important than success on the field.


Read more: http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=771017&page=22#ixzz2PFPuWxqc


Decency still exists on the SMB.

That's a cracking post, has to be the best post ever made on there.


Don't agree. People seriously needs to separate football from politics.


What is a football club?


What is politics?


I've explained the reasoning behind this. A football club is driven like it's a company and not a political party. No one cares, if you are black, white, olive, pale, socialist, conservative, communist when it comes down to football. It's not the 50's or 60's anymore. I'm aware that there is politics in terms of company politics or what you want to call it, but that isn't the same typ of politics being discussed here.


What is being discussed here is that a man who has a political view that hasn't interefered with his job is being considered as a disgrace to football. I think it's rather more a disgrace that they have signed a league one manager who clearly has had tons of problems at past clubs. But has he let his fascist view get in the way of his job as a football manager? I can't find any evidence of that.


I'm not defending Di Canio, he should know more as an human being. But claiming he's a disgrace while we as a club have signed some thugs in the past and gotten away with it. Come sunday and they beat Chelsea no one is going to care if he's a fascist or not. Football is as fickle of a game as politics and it's pathetic at times.




That's a massive assumption. Core beliefs influence everything we do and say, all the time, whether we're at work or not.


No, a massive assumption is to suggest that his belief has any effect/impact on the world and the way we live. People need to try and get a larger perspective of things.

we have seen people comparing fascism to new labour on RTG (and thats in all seriousness), defending his salute and making excuses for his beliefs, so yes, I'd say his beliefs have that sort of effect. I fear itr may be you that needs the larger perspective.


RTG was full of racist charvers before Di Canio turned up, it's been highlighted on here pretty much every other day :lol:



nowhere near the level it's now at.


Pathetic. It's the internet man. Are you seriously telling me to get a wider perspective on how the world works by looking on RTG? Get the fuck out of here man :lol:


If you live through the internet fair enough, if you haven't seen the world from other perspective than fair enough, but don't tell me you've been to places and seen stuff and can compare that to what a bunch of kids are saying on RTG. Would you start ignoring your best friend if he one day said he sympathized with some facist ideas? Their race policy not being one of them?


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If I was a recruiter for any far right group I would go to RTG now as it would be easy to pick up a few nuggets.


Is mackemlogic no longer on twitter? If no, why did that person give it up.


IIRC some mackems found out his personal details and posted them online.

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I understand some people will be making a big deal out of Di Canio's appointment because they want their 5 minutes in the media, but for others of us this is actually a big deal.


Say what you want, but the last thing I want is something to 'cry about' - nor am I a raging lefty.


I am going to terminate my season ticket until he leaves, and will return once he leaves I will give the club my money.


I understand why for many of you it doesn't matter what his ideology is; and that to you you see football and politics as separate etc. but I just can't.


I absolutely believe he has the right to whatever political opinion he wants - but having some political opinions make you unfit for certain jobs.


Do you agree with the fact it would be inappropriate for someone who believes in abolishing the age of consent to teach kids?


Do you agree with the fact it's right that BNP members can't serve in the police force, as being a national socialist may prevent you from doing your job properly?


Personally I believe it's also completely inappropriate that a club which takes a strong anti-racism platform and should be open to all in the community to appoint a fascist as our manager.


However it's not even just that he's a fascist - he's chosen to introduce it into his football. He chose to perform nazi salutes - twice - once against Lazio's fiercest rivals with traditionally Jewish support and once against a club with left wing support. That salute was used by those who killed Jews and who killed leftists.


Regarding fascism - I think some of you need to research on what it means. The fascism he is talking about re. Mussolini is not somehow a 'light' fascism that's actually about just being nationalistic. It's about the government controlling every aspect of citizens lives - the term totalitarian was invented under fascist Italy. Mussolini himself said their was no such thing as a private sphere. Fundamental to this belief was that certain races, or groups, are better than others. Mussolini killed 10's of thousands in Africa in brutal & oppressive wars that were purely for the conquest of land and Mussolini personally oversaw the movement of thousands of Jews from Italy to Hitler so they could be executed in concentration camps. He took over the country by force and oppressed political dissent.


There are many children alive today who have no idea who their parents/ grandparents are and it's because of Mussolini.


You can't be an Italian fascist and not be racist in one form or another. You can't have researched Mussolini, chosen to have a tattoo of him on you and not sympathise with some of the genocide he committed- it's simply too much of a defining feature of what he was.


Regarding the 'worked with black players' 'they're my friends' all I would say is that many, many racist people associate with people of other races (it baffles me too; but it's true). Simply saying 'I have black mates' doesn't really do it. I would also observe at Swindon he was investigated for racism and while the FA did nothing Swindon felt it necessary to apologise to the player involved.



Overall I completely respect those fans who choose to keep going but for me unfortunately it's a very sore point and the reason I'm posting this is because I want to make clear many of us who are upset about this aren't going on the TV or papers and aren't making a fuss for the hell of it we are genuinely very upset about this and feel like there has been a betrayal of some higher principle which is more important than success on the field.


Read more: http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=771017&page=22#ixzz2PFPuWxqc


Decency still exists on the SMB.

That's a cracking post, has to be the best post ever made on there.


Don't agree. People seriously needs to separate football from politics.


What is a football club?


What is politics?


I've explained the reasoning behind this. A football club is driven like it's a company and not a political party. No one cares, if you are black, white, olive, pale, socialist, conservative, communist when it comes down to football. It's not the 50's or 60's anymore. I'm aware that there is politics in terms of company politics or what you want to call it, but that isn't the same typ of politics being discussed here.


What is being discussed here is that a man who has a political view that hasn't interefered with his job is being considered as a disgrace to football. I think it's rather more a disgrace that they have signed a league one manager who clearly has had tons of problems at past clubs. But has he let his fascist view get in the way of his job as a football manager? I can't find any evidence of that.


I'm not defending Di Canio, he should know more as an human being. But claiming he's a disgrace while we as a club have signed some thugs in the past and gotten away with it. Come sunday and they beat Chelsea no one is going to care if he's a fascist or not. Football is as fickle of a game as politics and it's pathetic at times.




That's a massive assumption. Core beliefs influence everything we do and say, all the time, whether we're at work or not.


No, a massive assumption is to suggest that his belief has any effect/impact on the world and the way we live. People need to try and get a larger perspective of things.

we have seen people comparing fascism to new labour on RTG (and thats in all seriousness), defending his salute and making excuses for his beliefs, so yes, I'd say his beliefs have that sort of effect. I fear itr may be you that needs the larger perspective.


RTG was full of racist charvers before Di Canio turned up, it's been highlighted on here pretty much every other day :lol:



nowhere near the level it's now at.


Pathetic. It's the internet man. Are you seriously telling me to get a wider perspective on how the world works by looking on RTG? Get the f*** out of here man :lol:


If you live through the internet fair enough, if you haven't seen the world from other perspective than fair enough, but don't tell me you've been to places and seen stuff and can compare that to what a bunch of kids are saying on RTG. Would you start ignoring your best friend if he one day said he sympathized with some facist ideas? Their race policy not being one of them?


ok then, mackems i work with with, i also happen to spend some of my working day in sundreland, i think thats a wide enough perspective when they are the subject under discussion.


would i stop ignoring my best friend if he revealed hiself to be a fascist ? I probably would yes.

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