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Adam Campbell released


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:lol: Harsh.


The truth and nowhere near as harsh as writing of a kid after one fucking game in which he scored.


Anyway I'm done on this matter, good luck Adam, hope you score a boatload and come back a few steps nearer to making an impact for us. God knows we'll need some options next season.

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He's entitled to his opinion TT, it's not really an out of this world opinion , more presumptuous maybe.


He can have his unwarranted and unfounded opinion on Campbell and I can have mine on George. Mine is better and currently proven, that's all. ;)


In all seriousness though it's a disgrace the lack of support a supposed fan can give to one of our youth players. Almost willing him to fail. I want them all to succeed, given time and given games to prove themselves and should they not make the grade here then have relatively successful careers somewhere else. He should have been out on loan sooner, but as always is the case here we hang on to them for too long because our squad is so thin, hopefully these games catch him up and he goes on to prove George completely wrong.


If he was 23 and still this level I'd agree, the fact he's only just turned 19 and all George is basing his opinion on is the lads size (can't be his game time, he scored on his full debut, been banging them in and playing well for our youth levels and when he has appeared for us didn't he have a hand in the winner against Fulham which a lot of people herald as the game that kept us up?) is moronic, how can anyone say otherwise? You can't.



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He's entitled to his opinion TT, it's not really an out of this world opinion , more presumptuous maybe.


He can have his unwarranted and unfounded opinion on Campbell and I can have mine on George. Mine is better and currently proven, that's all. ;)


In all seriousness though it's a disgrace the lack of support a supposed fan can give to one of our youth players. Almost willing him to fail. I want them all to succeed, given time and given games to prove themselves and should they not make the grade here then have relatively successful careers somewhere else. He should have been out on loan sooner, but as always is the case here we hang on to them for too long because our squad is so thin, hopefully these games catch him up and he goes on to prove George completely wrong.


If he was 23 and still this level I'd agree, the fact he's only just turned 19 and all George is basing his opinion on is the lads size (can't be his game time, he scored on his full debut, been banging them in and playing well for our youth levels and when he has appeared for us didn't he have a hand in the winner against Fulham which a lot of people herald as the game that kept us up?) is moronic, how can anyone say otherwise? You can't.


He seems to have regressed since then though that could be just our arsehole manager. And the arsehole manager and the regime running things could be the reasoning behind Georges opinion. I agree with you mind,  I'd want to see him more before making any decisions on him.

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But how do you bin the players who aren't going to make it? Offer them shorter contracts or no pro contract at all? The number of scouts at youth games at Premiership clubs would mean you'd miss out on gems more often than not, unless the player was above and beyond to offer a decent deal for his age.


The current way is a good way to do it and if a young player doesn't make it, it's at little cost to the club to send them out on loan. I just wish we sent youth players out on loan more often, in the past it's something that has certainly been lacking.


Look at someone like Inman. He'll have a decent career at the lower levels, whereas if we had decided to bin him without loaning him out, he would have found it far more difficult to find a club as a free agent with only youth appearances for us behind him.

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But how do you bin the players who aren't going to make it? Offer them shorter contracts or no pro contract at all? The number of scouts at youth games at Premiership clubs would mean you'd miss out on gems more often than not, unless the player was above and beyond to offer a decent deal for his age.


The current way is a good way to do it and if a young player doesn't make it, it's at little cost to the club to send them out on loan. I just wish we sent youth players out on loan more often, in the past it's something that has certainly been lacking.


Look at someone like Inman. He'll have a decent career at the lower levels, whereas if we had decided to bin him without loaning him out, he would have found it far more difficult to find a club as a free agent with only youth appearances for us behind him.


Most just get released don't they?

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Yeah most will, but it's after a decent amount of time unless it's clear at youth level there's nothing there. I'm arguing more against the point of binning Campbell. He might not make it here but I'd rather he went out on loan a few times more, scored a few goals and added to his price tag.

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With more money coming into the Premiership, it gets easier and easier for clubs to recruit good, ready-made players from abroad, and that inevitably makes it harder for young players to break through the ranks in the top division. The standard is now so high, that unless you're a Wilshere or a Barkley, it's very difficult, and of course clubs don't want to take risks about their place in the Premiership.


It looks increasingly like players of talent will have to work their way through the lower divisions, perhaps on loan, until they get their chance at about 24.

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Just sell him. Get him off the books and let the lad find his level in the SPL or the Championship/League 1.


Not ever gonna be good enough for us.


Campbell has looked reasonable when we've given him a chance, it's just a pity he hasn't been given more opportunities to show what he can do.

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Well TT what can I say. as usual you resort to attacks, personal insults and nothing but vitriol. True to form sadly.


I was merely suggesting that imo our youth set up, academy whatever you want to call it has been failing for some time.

We dont seem to develop youngsters to the level or standard that we require, or the level we should certainly be aiming for. Consistently failing imo.


Maybe we, and clubs like us, at our status/level aren't the best places for these kids to actually develop? maybe a progressive development via lower league set ups would lead to youngsters having progressive rather than regressive career developments.? Are other clubs as unsuccessful as us in developing young talent?

Maybe Niel, brum or Zolton can shed light? or do we and others just not 'get rid' of non developing players in a timeous manner, imo we seem to have kids at 16/17 who are still the same player at 22/23 an awful lot...


I have never said we should scrap our youth developmnet programme, rather I want it to be better and actually work. imo at the moment it is poor in terms of its results.


As for young Adam. I thnik the lad will have a very succesful career in football. There is no shame in being a pro footballer operating at league 1,2, championship or in the SPL etc.

I personally do not see anything in the lad that suggests he is or will be a player who can make an impact with us or at the level we are allegedly aiming for.


If im a lunatic for having this belief then thats your opinion TT. I would call it a diffence of opinion and would hope not to belittle you by personal insults.

I aint a WUM, or seeking attention either, merely trying to concerse with N.O posters whos views and opinions I respect and enjoy, on the most part, reading.


Bimpy..I have a variety of hats, including an authentic Soviet style guards hat, rabbit fur, complete with glorious hammer and sycle badge..may be nice with some salt and chilli sauce.


We can judge wheter I will be eating it sometime around 2016/17  I would imagine :)

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True to form you come crying like a little bitch. You weren't just suggesting our system was failing, that I'd agree with, you picked on one player in particular.


Just sell him. Get him off the books and let the lad find his level in the SPL or the Championship/League 1.


Not ever gonna be good enough for us.


So kindly fuck off trying to change what happened. As for the rest of your post I won't bother, it started with an absolute lie the rest will be filled with them.





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Guest bimpy474

Well TT what can I say. as usual you resort to attacks, personal insults and nothing but vitriol. True to form sadly.


I was merely suggesting that imo our youth set up, academy whatever you want to call it has been failing for some time.

We dont seem to develop youngsters to the level or standard that we require, or the level we should certainly be aiming for. Consistently failing imo.


Maybe we, and clubs like us, at our status/level aren't the best places for these kids to actually develop? maybe a progressive development via lower league set ups would lead to youngsters having progressive rather than regressive career developments.? Are other clubs as unsuccessful as us in developing young talent?

Maybe Niel, brum or Zolton can shed light? or do we and others just not 'get rid' of non developing players in a timeous manner, imo we seem to have kids at 16/17 who are still the same player at 22/23 an awful lot...


I have never said we should scrap our youth developmnet programme, rather I want it to be better and actually work. imo at the moment it is poor in terms of its results.


As for young Adam. I thnik the lad will have a very succesful career in football. There is no shame in being a pro footballer operating at league 1,2, championship or in the SPL etc.

I personally do not see anything in the lad that suggests he is or will be a player who can make an impact with us or at the level we are allegedly aiming for.


If im a lunatic for having this belief then thats your opinion TT. I would call it a diffence of opinion and would hope not to belittle you by personal insults.

I aint a WUM, or seeking attention either, merely trying to concerse with N.O posters whos views and opinions I respect and enjoy, on the most part, reading.


Bimpy..I have a variety of hats, including an authentic Soviet style guards hat, rabbit fur, complete with glorious hammer and sycle badge..may be nice with some salt and chilli sauce.


We can judge wheter I will be eating it sometime around 2016/17  I would imagine :)


I was just wondering if it actually occured, which hat you might eat. I was really hoping you have one of those massive cowboy hats :lol:

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Well TT what can I say. as usual you resort to attacks, personal insults and nothing but vitriol. True to form sadly.


I was merely suggesting that imo our youth set up, academy whatever you want to call it has been failing for some time.

We dont seem to develop youngsters to the level or standard that we require, or the level we should certainly be aiming for. Consistently failing imo.


Maybe we, and clubs like us, at our status/level aren't the best places for these kids to actually develop? maybe a progressive development via lower league set ups would lead to youngsters having progressive rather than regressive career developments.? Are other clubs as unsuccessful as us in developing young talent?

Maybe Niel, brum or Zolton can shed light? or do we and others just not 'get rid' of non developing players in a timeous manner, imo we seem to have kids at 16/17 who are still the same player at 22/23 an awful lot...


I have never said we should scrap our youth developmnet programme, rather I want it to be better and actually work. imo at the moment it is poor in terms of its results.


As for young Adam. I thnik the lad will have a very succesful career in football. There is no shame in being a pro footballer operating at league 1,2, championship or in the SPL etc.

I personally do not see anything in the lad that suggests he is or will be a player who can make an impact with us or at the level we are allegedly aiming for.


If im a lunatic for having this belief then thats your opinion TT. I would call it a diffence of opinion and would hope not to belittle you by personal insults.

I aint a WUM, or seeking attention either, merely trying to concerse with N.O posters whos views and opinions I respect and enjoy, on the most part, reading.


Bimpy..I have a variety of hats, including an authentic Soviet style guards hat, rabbit fur, complete with glorious hammer and sycle badge..may be nice with some salt and chilli sauce.


We can judge wheter I will be eating it sometime around 2016/17  I would imagine :)


Our record at bringing kids through is pathetic and shows no signs of improvement, if we are going to bring kids through it looks like they're going to have to go out to other clubs to develop.

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I'm of the opinion Campbell won't make it but if we did get rid of him now i don't think it would be wise as he's 19 and could still yet improve on areas of game which he struggles with. He's a good finisher, good movement and has the pace but there's some major weaknesses in his game which are all too glaring even in the under 21's but he's very much one to keep an eye on and let him develop. I don't think he'll make it but i'm more than happy to keep him under our wing than let him go for the next of nothing.

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St Mirren Vs Celtic is on Sky today at 12:45 for those who want to actually watch him play.

I watched that up until Celtic scored.

Newton and Campbell both seemed to play okay but i have serious doubts whether Campbell will make it at PL level due to his size.

He's pacey and seems to be a decent player but he got no change whatsoever out of the 2 big Celtic centre backs who dwarfed him.

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Guest Haris Vuckic

I think the entire thing about having to be a big bloke to play football is bollocks anyway.


It gets proved time and time again if you're good enough if it doesn't matter if you're 5'8 or 6'8.

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