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Alan Pardew


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I've said it before but Pardew is a good times manager, can keep morale up and momentum going, keeps players happy and such. When things are bad he becomes scared to make necessary changes and resorts to his plan b of very negative football. If we had a manager who could radically turn us around when we're in a bad spell and then hand it back to Pardew for the good times it'd be fine.


When things are going well he doesn't overcomplicate it, tries to get the ball forward quickly and doesn't want endless meandering, he likes his teams quick to pass forward and quick to shoot, which I like. When we're struggling the quick to pass becomes quick to get the ball away and quick to shoot never comes into the equation.


He doesn't seem to know how to get the team to control phases of play, when we're under pressure to just slow it down and pass it around a bit, instead we often get more frantic, he then talks in the presser about how the game got away as if he had no influence. I think he wants us always to be dangerous on the counter, but there are times for that and there's time for stalling the opposition. 

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I've said it before but Pardew is a good times manager, can keep morale up and momentum going, keeps players happy and such. When things are bad he becomes scared to make necessary changes and resorts to his plan b of very negative football. If we had a manager who could radically turn us around when we're in a bad spell and then hand it back to Pardew for the good times it'd be fine.


When things are going well he doesn't overcomplicate it, tries to get the ball forward quickly and doesn't want endless meandering, he likes his teams quick to pass forward and quick to shoot, which I like. When we're struggling the quick to pass becomes quick to get the ball away and quick to shoot never comes into the equation.


He doesn't seem to know how to get the team to control phases of play, when we're under pressure to just slow it down and pass it around a bit, instead we often get more frantic, he then talks in the presser about how the game got away as if he had no influence. I think he wants us always to be dangerous on the counter, but there are times for that and there's time for stalling the opposition.


Top bombing. :)

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Not shaving until we win a cup.




:lol: :thup:


Would have happily accepted 'win a game'. Mind, something funny is going on, there'll be a right bunch of beardy Normans running around the Luzhniki Stadium at this rate.

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Guest ThievingMagpie

Is it wrong that I want Pardew to do well enough to keep the club in the right direction but the second a better manager wants to manage us we bundle him up and throw him overboard. Lets face it Pardew is the best we can manage to attract at the moment buthopefully in a few seasons after we become a fixture in the top half od the table again we will be able to get someone better. CCan't imagine a lot of people want to work under the crazy regime currently though.

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Pardew may not be better than AVB or Laudrup but he was good enough to get us to 5th place last season.


I reckon the disappointment of this season mainly stem from:


1) Not investing on senior players last summer.

2) Most players not performing at same level as they did the season before except for Demba Ba.

3) playing in Europa League with a smallish squad.

4) More injuries to key players with longer recovery periods.


The bottom line is any manager facing the problems above would have struggled to cope.




I love it, Pardew has no effect at all on our performances.


You are correct but on the other side of the coin those most vocal in the Pardew is shite camp often ignore the things SLK mentioned.


1, 3, and 4 can all be dealt with at the same time, and it's my view that with all of these things taken into account we still shouldn't have had such a poor season. As for 2, if the majority of the players don't perform as well as they could over a season, that's the managers fault.

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I've said it before but Pardew is a good times manager, can keep morale up and momentum going, keeps players happy and such. When things are bad he becomes scared to make necessary changes and resorts to his plan b of very negative football. If we had a manager who could radically turn us around when we're in a bad spell and then hand it back to Pardew for the good times it'd be fine.


When things are going well he doesn't overcomplicate it, tries to get the ball forward quickly and doesn't want endless meandering, he likes his teams quick to pass forward and quick to shoot, which I like. When we're struggling the quick to pass becomes quick to get the ball away and quick to shoot never comes into the equation.


He doesn't seem to know how to get the team to control phases of play, when we're under pressure to just slow it down and pass it around a bit, instead we often get more frantic, he then talks in the presser about how the game got away as if he had no influence. I think he wants us always to be dangerous on the counter, but there are times for that and there's time for stalling the opposition. 



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I've said it before but Pardew is a good times manager, can keep morale up and momentum going, keeps players happy and such. When things are bad he becomes scared to make necessary changes and resorts to his plan b of very negative football. If we had a manager who could radically turn us around when we're in a bad spell and then hand it back to Pardew for the good times it'd be fine.


When things are going well he doesn't overcomplicate it, tries to get the ball forward quickly and doesn't want endless meandering, he likes his teams quick to pass forward and quick to shoot, which I like. When we're struggling the quick to pass becomes quick to get the ball away and quick to shoot never comes into the equation.


He doesn't seem to know how to get the team to control phases of play, when we're under pressure to just slow it down and pass it around a bit, instead we often get more frantic, he then talks in the presser about how the game got away as if he had no influence. I think he wants us always to be dangerous on the counter, but there are times for that and there's time for stalling the opposition. 




Aren't most managers good times managers? There are few managers around known to taking over clubs on the down and turn things around consistently. The problems we have dealt with this season has many a times forced pardews hand when it comes to team selection. Having both of the teams biggest creative force out with injury in an EL group tie was bad enough. And now Krul is out aswell. EL has not been kind to us as a squad and wasn't expected to be either.


Right now I think Pardew needs our support the most. As manager you are the first one to get the blame when the squad gets into a relegation dogfight, even though the team yet again are doing marginal mistakes that looses the game. I really think we should stand behind him now and let him learn how to deal with it. He will do it better next time, and every time after. Thats what creates great managers.

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Whatever mitigating circumstances there might be, and excuses that the Pardew supporters on here are so happy to make for him, it's undeniable that he's been in charge of an absolutely diabolical season, taking a better squad than the one that finished 5th to the depths of a relegation struggle, that we are not out of yet. Add in the horrible shapeless tactical mess that we invariably produce, and the fact that we can't win when we go behind, can't produce away from SJP, and that every single player barring Marveaux has gone backwards this season, some of them Colo, Jonas, Santon, Krul, Cisse, Tiote for starters, have been pretty near diabolical most of the time.


The players fault or the man in charge, who in any case had no history to show that he was a decent or even competent manager when he arrived. No surprises that we are in the mess that we are, or that we will continue to under perform as long as he remains in charge.


Pardew's performance this season is indefensible, so why are people on here continuing to pretend otherwise?


Surely it must be possible to come up with a valid anti-Pardew argument without resorting to such nonsensical rubbish.

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Explain things whatever way you want. For me Pardew plays a big role in our demise.


Cabaye's shit corners, Tioté's poor form, Jonas' decline, our lack of movement, our inability to create anything resembling a chance from set plays (300 corners in a row ffs), our inability to deal with set plays, us being Europe's number one long-ball side, Cissé losing his confidence in front of goal, Williamson suddenly turning into a complete liability.


You name whatever reasons, the manager's role is to prevent them and deal with them. Not many of the above problems have been dealt with particularly well this season.


I blame Pardew.

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Pardew is to blame for Williamson being awful? FFS man.


I said not many of them have been dealt with. My point being when a team has so many problems, there's something the manager isn't doing right.


Williamson and Perch were very good during the spring of last season. Williamson's shitness has coincided with several other players losing form.

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Pardew is to blame for Williamson being awful? FFS man.


I said not many of them have been dealt with. My point being when a team has so many problems, there's something the manager isn't doing right.


Williamson and Perch were very good during the spring of last season. Williamson's shitness has coincided with several other players losing form.


Who was the manager in the spring of last season?

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Explain things whatever way you want. For me Pardew plays a big role in our demise.


Cabaye's s*** corners, Tioté's poor form, Jonas' decline, our lack of movement, our inability to create anything resembling a chance from set plays (300 corners in a row ffs), our inability to deal with set plays, us being Europe's number one long-ball side, Cissé losing his confidence in front of goal, Williamson suddenly turning into a complete liability.


You name whatever reasons, the manager's role is to prevent them and deal with them. Not many of the above problems have been dealt with particularly well this season.


I blame Pardew.


We're dead now?  :'(


Williamson was always a liability, but I do agree with some, maybe not to that extent mind. I don't think all managers are good time managers, better managers would identify and fix glaring issues quicker, I don't believe how we played at times earlier this season was just injuries, he had us playing terrible football, and didn't make any tactical changes to improve things for way too long.


Right now he's doing alright, the team are playing well and the morale seems good, but this took new signings (which we admittedly should have had over the summer).


The problem is there's no way he's going to lose his job any time soon, we'll have him next season, and there are positives to that, for instance his good relationship with some of our stars may convince them to stay (maybe getting too hopeful with this). Equally we can have a good next season under Pardew if we're not too injury hurt and get some momentum going. Big ifs maybe.


His failure to motivate team for domestic cups (suspect he kinda wanted to throw them tbh) was pathetic mind.

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Pardew is to blame for Williamson being awful? FFS man.


I said not many of them have been dealt with. My point being when a team has so many problems, there's something the manager isn't doing right.


Williamson and Perch were very good during the spring of last season. Williamson's shitness has coincided with several other players losing form.


Who was the manager in the spring of last season?


In no way is that an argument to support his handling of this campaign. He was very good last season. He deserves criticism for this season.


I'm not out to judge him permanentley. Just saying, with all the problems we've had this season, in so different areas of our play, the manager has to take blame. He should have been able to identify and correct more of them.

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Guest icemanblue

Look at the team that got us 5th last year.


Who gets the credit there?


The players, of course. However, they are not to blame for their poor form this season.


You can work this any way you like. It's quite flexible.

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Explain things whatever way you want. For me Pardew plays a big role in our demise.


Cabaye's s*** corners, Tioté's poor form, Jonas' decline, our lack of movement, our inability to create anything resembling a chance from set plays (300 corners in a row ffs), our inability to deal with set plays, us being Europe's number one long-ball side, Cissé losing his confidence in front of goal, Williamson suddenly turning into a complete liability.


You name whatever reasons, the manager's role is to prevent them and deal with them. Not many of the above problems have been dealt with particularly well this season.


I blame Pardew.


We're dead now?  :'(


Williamson was always a liability, but I do agree with some, maybe not to that extent mind. I don't think all managers are good time managers, better managers would identify and fix glaring issues quicker, I don't believe how we played at times earlier this season was just injuries, he had us playing terrible football, and didn't make any tactical changes to improve things for way too long.


Right now he's doing alright, the team are playing well and the morale seems good, but this took new signings (which we admittedly should have had over the summer).


The problem is there's no way he's going to lose his job any time soon, we'll have him next season, and there are positives to that, for instance his good relationship with some of our stars may convince them to stay (maybe getting too hopeful with this). Equally we can have a good next season under Pardew if we're not too injury hurt and get some momentum going. Big ifs maybe.


His failure to motivate team for domestic cups (suspect he kinda wanted to throw them tbh) was pathetic mind.


Don't know if you watched the games you mention but effort and motivation was not the issue, as it hasn't been in any game when Pardew was our manager.

Against Brighton we were awful, inadequate and lacking quality. Against Man U we were weakened, but a tad unlucky. In neither game could effort or motivation be questioned.

As I said a couple of posts ago, there must be enough valid criticisms to satisfy those with an anti-Pardew agenda without having to make stuff up as you go along.

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He should have been able to identify and correct more of them.


Especially our poor starts.


I laughed the other day when after the Southampton match a few were saying that he didn't do much wrong. Yeah, apart from starting badly again and conceding at the start of each half. :thup:

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He should have been able to identify and correct more of them.


Especially our poor starts.


I laughed the other day when after the Southampton match a few were saying that he didn't do much wrong. Yeah, apart from starting badly again and conceding at the start of each half. :thup:


I don't disagree with any of that really, there are a few faults that he definitely needs to work on. It's just pointless to talk about sacking him, because it won't happen.

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