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Alan Pardew


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I'm going for Blackburn, Stoke and Liverpool only. Honourable mention for Man United.

norwich, wigan, fulham, QPR........we saw out easily but every time they got the ball the crowd dropped its arse.
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NUFC wins 2011/12


Comfortable (dominant, didn't feel in a great deal of danger): Blackburn (h) 3-1; Stoke (a) 3-1; Man Utd (h) 3-0; WBA (a) 3-1; Liverpool (h) 2-0; Stoke (h) 3-0


Total: 6


Uncomfortable (was shitting it at various times or in a couple of cases just thinking we wouldn't get the win): Wolves (a) 2-1; Wigan (h) 1-0; Everton (h) 2-1; QPR (h) 1-0; Blackburn (A) 2-0; Aston Villa (h) 2-1; Norwich (h) 1-0


Total: 7


Neither here nor there (certainly unconvincing at best, bit harsh to class as uncomfortable): mackems (a) 1-0; Fulham (h) 2-1; Bolton (a) 2-0; Swansea (a) 2-0; Bolton (h) 2-0; Chelsea (a) 2-0


Total: 6


There you go.

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Guest bimpy474

Blackburn at home yes, away was the biggest 2-0 mugging i've ever seen.


I thought QPR away was the biggest mugging even if we only drew, they pissed all over us.


Oh yeah 0-0......that was a bit..... :scared:

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NUFC wins 2011/12


Comfortable (dominant, didn't feel in a great deal of danger): Blackburn (h) 3-1; Stoke (a) 3-1; Man Utd (h) 3-0; WBA (h) 3-1; Liverpool (h) 2-0; Stoke (h) 3-0


Total: 6


Uncomfortable (was shitting it at various times or in a couple of cases just thinking we wouldn't get the win): Wolves (a) 2-1; Wigan (h) 1-0; Everton (h) 2-1; QPR (h) 1-0; Blackburn (A) 2-0; Aston Villa (h) 2-1; Norwich (h) 1-0


Total: 7


Neither here nor there (certainly unconvincing at best, bit harsh to class as uncomfortable): mackems (a) 1-0; Fulham (h) 2-1; Bolton (a) 2-0; Swansea (a) 2-0; Bolton (h) 2-0; Chelsea (a) 2-0


Total: 6


There you go.

so the big wins kept you happy, the smaller wins were less so (of those I'd say wigan,everton, QPR,Villa and Blackburn )at home  were deserved wins out of the uncormfotable list, i'd throw fulham in there.



going away in a derby winning, away desarvedly at chelsea, away at a wanked over swansea , neither her nor there?



fair enough if thats the way you want it, night now.


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:lol: Fucking hell man, you're just unbelievable.


so the big wins kept you happy, the smaller wins were less so


I almost stopped reading there.  I spent about half an hour doing that shite and you're that much of a knob about it?


No, it's not just that the wins by bigger margins kept me happy, I recalled how I felt during each game and categorised them accordingly. You know, like I said I would.


Worst poster on the forum, night night.

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The problem is it's no longer possible to take him seriously anymore. He doesn't know what to do with the players at his disposal; he doesn't know how to stop this decline. He has the waffly, self-contradictory air of a man who has been found out.

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:lol: f***ing hell man, you're just unbelievable.


so the big wins kept you happy, the smaller wins were less so


I almost stopped reading there.  I spent about half an hour doing that s**** and you're that much of a knob about it?


No, it's not just that the wins by bigger margins kept me happy, I recalled how I felt during each game and categorised them accordingly. You know, like I said I would.

Worst poster on the forum, night night.

as did I.


worst poster on the forum  ? boo hoo, you don't like me, I don't care.

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so the big wins kept you happy, the smaller wins were less so (of those I'd say wigan,everton, QPR,Villa and Blackburn )at home  were deserved wins out of the uncormfotable list, i'd throw fulham in there.



going away in a derby winning, away desarvedly at chelsea, away at a wanked over swansea , neither her nor there?



fair enough if thats the way you want it, night now.



I can't remember everything that happened in every game last season but didn't we score in the last 10 minutes against Wigan?  If my memory is correct then that's far from a comfortable win.


I didn't feel comfortable away to Chelsea either until we got the 2nd well into injury time even though Chelsea were playing as if the season had already finished.

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:lol: f***ing hell man, you're just unbelievable.


so the big wins kept you happy, the smaller wins were less so


I almost stopped reading there.  I spent about half an hour doing that s**** and you're that much of a knob about it?


No, it's not just that the wins by bigger margins kept me happy, I recalled how I felt during each game and categorised them accordingly. You know, like I said I would.

Worst poster on the forum, night night.

as did I.


worst poster on the forum  ? boo hoo, you don't like me, I don't care.


You're terrible, I find it amazing that you'll see I've stupidly went to so much effort to have an actual conversation about something and you'll be so dismissive and arrogant as to say I just look for big margins as indicators of being comfortable winning a football match. 


If you can't see why that kind of thing pisses people off then you're just a total idiot.

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I feel pretty conflicted. Part of me likes him, appreciates his tenacity and the way he conducts himself and wants him to get another season - especially when considering a replacement would possibly/probably make things worse. A bigger part of me thinks he's just never going to be up to it tactically. He gets far too much criticism on here, mind, a lot of which is due to the nasty habit we have as NUFC supporters of overrating our players.



This is exactly what I thought, especially about the replacement part.  Look at the past managers we have hired under Ashley - I simply cant understand why people can be optimistic for that.  "Working under Ashely", "No say on transfer", "Balanced Budget" - Is that really that attractive? Or you've forgot what state we had been before relegation?


but then, anyway, just get rid, sack him now, at all cost. i am serious. I have fed up with all the arguments for and against Pardew and lets just move on, no matter who the new manager is. Just move on please.

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wow, just waded through 10 pages since i last looked at this thread :lol:


as regards the canning him in the summer (if we stay up) unfortunately i think he's done a very good job indeed of convincing everyone that this season is down to injuries and the europa league, and i think that includes ashley & dekka


even after january he'll be able to spin that he started to turn it around then started to lose players again, plus the europa league games, and results dipped accordingly


so i think we're stuck with him

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That's too personal, IP.


:lol: What the f***?


towards Madras i mean.


I'd gathered that, what are you on about?


I don't see how what I said is personal when he sees fit to go around the forum trashing people's opinions without even giving them a second thought.


I think he's a poor poster and I'm not surprised that he doesn't care, his one and only reason for being on here is to be contrary to make himself feel clever.

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I'm new here, but isn't it traditional to wait untill we actually lose before before these arguments begin again?

We lost 2 days ago.


We lost 2 days ago against a very good side, away from home, largely due to individual errors, in the first leg of the QF of a major european competition, whilst creating some very good chances which we were unfortunate not to convert, without a number of important players. I don't see how it's relevant to the "this team should be challenging for 4th and it's all Pardew's fault we're not" argument.


So you think we should forget about all the other defeats we have had this season,,?

Remind me how many PL away games we have won..??

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a club that should be battling for the top 4 every season.

And before anyone says anything here, a couple of years ago this was different as it appeared that we were an unattractive club who players didn't want to be 100 miles of with an owner who was unwilling invest/was just going to pocket the cash etc. That simply isn't the case at all now.

bit of a way to go before you can call us a club that should be battling for the top 4 every season with the sides all battling for it atm

Yeah, because they all have top managers.

Chelsea fans would disagree, but they have other advantages Chelsea can buy their way into the top 4, Arsenal are staying in on sheer inertia at this stage, Liverpools history and profile allows them to have an easier job of attracting better players like Suarez to the club who would never come here even if we were in the identical position to Liverpool when trying to sign him from Ajax. Arguably the ones who don't have a significant advantage over us are Everton who can barely be called in the cl race any year but could be said to be challenging for it and they stuck with Moyes even after a relegation battle after a good season and Spurs who have a similar enough methodology to us in how they work but are a few years further down the line.

A few years ago they were still challenging for the top 4, as they have been for donkeys because they've had good managers.


Moyes is a better manager than Pardew too, just because they stuck with him and it worked doesn't mean it's the same with every manager. It's the same with Fergie "What if Man U sacked him back in 93!" or whenever it was, well yeah, but what if they stuck with Alan Pardew in 93?  :lol:


Also, Moyes was a damn site younger than Pardew is now when Everton stuck with him...he also had very little to spend then and Kenwright admitted that - they knew he was decent because of his past record and they had no alternative.

Pardew has had the luxury of millions being spent on the side 3 months ago on order to help him keep us up...we are still threatened by relegation and if he has had injuries, some of this may be down to the players not being properly fit/trained.

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I've been relatively supportive of Pardew this season, admittedly based on what we did last season. I have even been p*ssed off many times when seeing this thread shoot to the top of the board as soon as we concede a goal (let alone get beat) when the same didn't happen when we got a good win.


Mick (as much as I like you mick!) has driven me mad at times this season (and last at times) with his views, but he's been right all along.


For us to be in a relegation battle in April with the squad we have is absolutely indefensible. We cannot keep on basing arguments in support of Pardew on last season (i include myself in that btw). Southampton are a recent example of a team who have binned a manager (who did a superb job for them, far better than Pardew has for us) and replaced him and have improved. Their chairman simply felt they had outgrown Adkins, time will tell, but he seems to have made the correct decision so far (he made the right decision getting rid of our current manager too btw).


I feel the same has happened with us, we've got to replace him with someone who takes us to the next level. We are in a very fortunate position in that we have a very good squad of players (imo obviously), we are a back up striker and a winger/fit ben arfa away from having the strongest squad we've had in many years and we are deep in a relegation battle, how can this be ok? he simply has to go.


I'm at the point where I believe that it doesn't matter which team we are facing, if their manager has an ounce of tactical awareness Pardew is f***ed and we are beat.


We are an attractive proposition now for both players and a manager, far more attractive than when Pardew arrived, he deserves credit for this but that shouldn't mean he is bullet proof, he needs to be replaced, that's for certain. If he doesnt go, we'll face an exodus of our top players (undoing some superb work to get them in the first place) and will go backwards yet again.


Get rid.




A very good and sensible post - well done.

A pity others cannot take off the blinkers...

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Surely it'll be more like...


Pardew: Here, good players, play shit - it's OK you won't be too blame, I'll shoulder that. Just remember to play as shit as possible, that's the key. Yohan, Yohan, be as invisible as possible like the last 2, fans love you so they won't care but don't forget to knack one of theres for no reason - you're probably tired and need a rest despite being injured loads already. Danny? Hoof it all the time, they fucking hate you anyway so you might as well take the piss out of the daft Geordie cunts. Davide, oh Davide my bella brusco, remember not too worry about your position, stand wherever when defending and try not too pay to much attention, you don't want to get brain strain. Etc, etc.


:lol: :)

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There's 2 things that prevent a side from challenging at the top of the table, the first is a lack of investment, the 2nd is a shit manager (comparatively).


Pretty sure we were all crying out at the lack of investment up until that week in January. 2-3mths isn't a long time

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