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Alan Pardew


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Sounds not too dissimilar to how we managed 5th last year (good start, kept it tight, poor competition, even got hammered a few times!). Amazing what you think Moyes could have done this season with this group of players.


Pardew isn't Moyes, get used to it and get over it.

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I find it amazing that some people still want to keep him and the only reasons they can come up with is stability or him being somebody else.  :lol:


They can't say keep him because he's tactically astute, they can't say keep him because we're good at anything as a football team, they can't say keep him because he improves any area of our play and they can't say keep him because he's improving our players.  Na, keep him because we need stability or keep him because he might be David Moyes.


Is that the sound of the bottom of the barrel being scraped I hear?

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We don't have many 'big men' in our ranks, so maybe, Alan- just maybe- we shouldn't pile the whole team into the penalty area when we get a free kick on the halfway line and instead, get the ball down and play? No? Ok, we'll just send Mike Williamson up there who cant even head the ball himself. He's a 'Premier League manager' and he cant even realise that a floated delivery (from so far out) is the easiest ball to defend. Pathetic.


And as for everyone saying we cant attract a good manager- of course we could! With the players we have now, if you took a manager for a tour of St. James', the training ground etc. there's a great chance we could get a competent manager in who could allow us to compete. It's such a shame that Ashley (and Pardew) have over the years ground peoples ambition and pride of this club into the ground.

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I find it amazing that some people still want to keep him and the only reasons they can come up with is stability or him being somebody else.  :lol:


They can't say keep him because he's tactically astute, they can't say keep him because we're good at anything as a football team, they can't say keep him because he improves any area of our play and they can't say keep him because he's improving our players.  Na, keep him because we need stability or keep him because he might be David Moyes.


Is that the sound of the bottom of the barrel being scraped I hear?


So who do we get? Names please, not a Pardew fan or hater to be honest, genuine question.  Which manager comes in does better and works within the framework setup by MA/DL?

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Sounds not too dissimilar to how we managed 5th last year (good start, kept it tight, poor competition, even got hammered a few times!). Amazing what you think Moyes could have done this season with this group of players.


Pardew isn't Moyes, get used to it and get over it.


Eh? You've spent the last 5months wishing we had another manager in charge of this group of players.

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I find it amazing that some people still want to keep him and the only reasons they can come up with is stability or him being somebody else.  :lol:


They can't say keep him because he's tactically astute, they can't say keep him because we're good at anything as a football team, they can't say keep him because he improves any area of our play and they can't say keep him because he's improving our players.  Na, keep him because we need stability or keep him because he might be David Moyes.


Is that the sound of the bottom of the barrel being scraped I hear?


So who do we get? Names please, not a Pardew fan or hater to be honest, genuine question.  Which manager comes in does better and works within the framework setup by MA/DL?

Nobody is my honest opinion and stability, along with a settled team free of injuries is what we need to be succesful and was why we did well last season.
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Eh? You've spent the last 5months wishing we had another manager in charge of this group of players.


I've spent longer than 5 months wanting a batter manager than Pardew.

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Eh? You've spent the last 5months wishing we had another manager in charge of this group of players.


I've spent longer than 5 months wanting a batter manager than Pardew.


Please name who you think is better and more importantly realistic

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So who do we get? Names please, not a Pardew fan or hater to be honest, genuine question.  Which manager comes in does better and works within the framework setup by MA/DL?


That old chestnut again.  :lol:

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I find it amazing that some people still want to keep him and the only reasons they can come up with is stability or him being somebody else.  :lol:


They can't say keep him because he's tactically astute, they can't say keep him because we're good at anything as a football team, they can't say keep him because he improves any area of our play and they can't say keep him because he's improving our players.  Na, keep him because we need stability or keep him because he might be David Moyes.


Is that the sound of the bottom of the barrel being scraped I hear?


So who do we get? Names please, not a Pardew fan or hater to be honest, genuine question.  Which manager comes in does better and works within the framework setup by MA/DL?

Seriously cannot understand questions like this at all. As fans we have no idea how much Ashley is willing to fork out or who he is willing to work with so any names mentioned would just be a fans personal preference, which someone then turns around and says "we'll never get him" :lol:


If Ashley wanted to replace Pardew there are dozens of managers out there who could do a better job with our squad.

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Eh? You've spent the last 5months wishing we had another manager in charge of this group of players.


I've spent longer than 5 months wanting a batter manager than Pardew.


Point still stands: why are you belittling a comment that follows exactly your stance? (I.e. we'd be in a better position with someone else in charge) :lol: desperate for an argument man, you're arguing against your own stance.


Goes back to that earlier post when IP was melting down; becoming the SMB on here

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Nobody is my honest opinion and stability, along with a settled team free of injuries is what we need to be succesful and was why we did well last season.


In your honest opinion we can't get a batter manager, give your head a shake.  As for stability, it's bollocks, you don't get stability with a poor manager.  The managers who have stability didn't become good managers because of stability, they have stability because they are good managers.

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FWIW, Moyes never has had the access to players like HBA, Marveaux, Cabaye, Coloccini, Ba/Cisse etc. Albeit he's had some good players over the years, a lot of his squads have been assembled by small purchases from the lower leagues/free agents/'written-off' players i.e Phil Neville.


Such a ludicrous comparison to make; comparing Pardew and Moyes as managers.

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Whichever side you're on, not that I believe in sides, the standard of this thread is absolutely rank. Probably the worst I've seen on here.


You've contributed to it so that's a bit rich.

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Todays Journal    " this year we've hardly had a settled back four, that's the problem"  Alan Pardew.




I remember we had numerous back lines last season. Colo, Saylor, Raylor, Perch, Santon, Simpson and Williamson all featuring. Such an awful excuse, simply because he's messed up he's scrambling together the oldest excuse in the book. This reminds me of the Souness days- missing our 'proper players'  :hunter:

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