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Newcastle United 3 - 0 Wigan - 03/12/12 - post-match reaction from page 41


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Observation: why is Tiote trying to make so many creative passes in the final third? So many of them go straight to the opposition. His role should involve winning the ball and playing simple short passes, that's it. In the same vein, why is he shooting so much more than the rest of the team put together? I would much rather see Marveux or Anita take the shots from that position.

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:clap: Very good half. Both strikers have looked decent, as have the midfield three. Santon has been excellent, while Simpson has quietly had a very good game so far. More of the same and more goals please.
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Well that went about as well as could be possibly hoped. Nobody will convince me the penalty/red card was the right decision; I'd be fucking livid if that happened to us. But we need a few lucky breaks like that in our position, and from then on we put together a few nice attacking moves in the space created.


As posted before, I hope we don't come out looking to preserve energy now. These are there for the taking and we can get some goals if we really want to.

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Well that went about as well as could be possibly hoped. Nobody will convince me the penalty/red card was the right decision; I'd be fucking livid if that happened to us. But we need a few lucky breaks like that in our position, and from then on we put together a few nice attacking moves in the space created.


As posted before, I hope we don't come out looking to preserve energy now. These are there for the taking and we can really get some goals if we really want to.


+1 Daveed.


If we got that decision against us I'd be livid. Surely the pen should be seen as punishment enough?


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Tbh I don't mind Tiote trying to make something happen, the riskier the pass the more likely it won't come off, obviously, but we don't have much else in midfield trying to make things happen, and he's still performing his defensive duties well enough. A hell of a lot is coming through him.

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Foot off the pedal.



That was driving me f***ing mental. We're up two, with a man advantage, and yet we're inviting them to put the pressure on for the last ten minutes of the half. What the f***.



I'm seriously surprised we didn't go in at 2-1...

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