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Who would you go for?


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Guest reefatoon

From the options above, I'd go for one of: Neil Buchanan, Jeremy Beadle or Aaron Hughes.


What's your take on Fred Dineage?


Not arty, small handed or Irish enough.

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reading the palace forums, Pulis has palace playing some decent stuff.


the football we were playing in the second half at Cardiff and during the Chelsea game shows his perceived 'anti football' style is nonsense.


we were playing short crisp passing, going from one end to another very quickly and getting down the wings. Take the move against Chelsea, with Ward breaking down the left, feeding it into Jerome (?) who slots it over to Puncheon, who produces superb skill to beat his man and fire in a shot. Did the ball go in the air once? Yes, but only because JP used some supreme tekkers to beat the left back.


people got whipped up in the media conjecture and also the stuff arm chair fans spout about Pulis, for those of us that go to the games, I've found the football ten times more satisfying to watch than the opening 10 games (regardless of results). Finally we are not naive, we try to take every advantage we can get and play as a team.

Spot on, and bar one or two exceptions we haven't played any more long balls under Pulis than we did under IH or under Dougie before 'that 8 game run'.


I've been impressed with just how effective our play has been at times and the counter attacking style has been fast and purposeful.


Whilst Dougie may have been reading books on 'how to control the game without the ball' - we might just have a manager who wrote the bloody thing!

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It's fine playing that way with Palace when there is no pressure to go after teams really but playing that style here wouldn't work, particularly at home when we already struggle to take the game to teams.

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Allardyce's approach is pretty limited but he'd have done much better if he'd been given time to get this methods working. A year to do what he does isn't really enough.


Should have recruited better in the first place, obviously. But if you're going the Allardyce route you have to give him the time to do what he does.

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Allardyce's approach is pretty limited but he'd have done much better if he'd been given time to get this methods working. A year to do what he does isn't really enough.


Should have recruited better in the first place, obviously. But if you're going the Allardyce route you have to give him the time to do what he does.


Like at West Ham? Where he's about to be sacked?

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Allardyce's approach is pretty limited but he'd have done much better if he'd been given time to get this methods working. A year to do what he does isn't really enough.


Should have recruited better in the first place, obviously. But if you're going the Allardyce route you have to give him the time to do what he does.


He might have done but it still would've been dire to watch and he'd have been hounded out.


As you say his recruitment was absymal, if it wasn't for him wasting money left, right, and centre Ashley might have kept being a little more free the cash. Alan Smith FFS, didn't need him and shoehorned him in to any position to warrant buying him. I still have nightmares of him lining up on the right wing for us.

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Allardyce will get the Barcelona job in the summer imo. Then who'll be laughing?


if his name was 'Allardici' he'd have already had it, twice.




According to him anyway, the fat fucking mess.

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Allardyce's approach is pretty limited but he'd have done much better if he'd been given time to get this methods working. A year to do what he does isn't really enough.


Should have recruited better in the first place, obviously. But if you're going the Allardyce route you have to give him the time to do what he does.


Like at West Ham? Where he's about to be sacked?


:lol: He took over a relegated team. Got them back up at the first attempt and kept them up since. If West Ham think he should be doing better then fair enough but it's still not really the same set of circumstances as him taking over Newcastle.

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In contrast, a good few stoke fans on the forum appear to absolutely despise Pulis.


so, in short, i've spent an hour on other forums and discovered sweet fuck all of any note.

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Why am I being forced into defending Allardyce, FFS?  :lol:


Didn't want him, didn't enjoy the football, don't think he's among the elite managers, but he was capable of getting more out of our Newcastle team given a bit longer. Hardly controversial.

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Redknapp? he could well leave QPR this season, is well known to/mates with Graham Carr and MA has gone for him before?


Ashley wouldn't touch Redknapp.

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Guest chopey

I would take Rednapp for the simple reason that he has nothing to prove anymore, he's not a young upcoming manager making a name for himself that is prepared to compromise. Rednapp would need money to spend and power to bring in who he wants.


Thats the reason I would take him, however its also the reason Ashley would not.

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In contrast, a good few stoke fans on the forum appear to absolutely despise Pulis.


so, in short, i've spent an hour on other forums and discovered sweet fuck all of any note.


I don't know why you need to go looking through other fan forums when you must have watched enough Stoke games to realise what Pulis is about. He's like Pardew, trying to re-invent himself as a modern manager, but the hideous style he constructed at Stoke can't be swept under the carpet. Like Pardew, when he comes under pressure he'll revert to type.

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