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In an ideal world Thomas Tuchel. :(


@honigstein  4m

Mainz gen manager Heidel: Tuchel wants to resign but we won't release him (contract runs until 2015) (Sky D)

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Sherwood and Sir Les to be released this week? Usual Levy c**tishness expected.

Is Ferdinhand wanting to get into management or is he sticking to coaching? I wouldn't mind him here as a coach.
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Sherwood and Sir Les to be released this week? Usual Levy c**tishness expected.

Is Ferdinhand wanting to get into management or is he sticking to coaching? I wouldn't mind him here as a coach.


A Ferdinhand is worth two in the bush.

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Guest chopey

Sherwood and Sir Les to be released this week? Usual Levy c**tishness expected.

Is Ferdinhand wanting to get into management or is he sticking to coaching? I wouldn't mind him here as a coach.


A Ferdinhand is worth two in the bush.



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Guest TruToon94

As long as Ashley is here, I have little doubt Moyes would be the best option. Sure he might be crap for big teams but fact is that he can work with no money and has a proven track record at Everton.


If Ashley goes then we should be aiming big. De Boer big. Never happen though.

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Semi-seriously... I'm surprised nobody has said Gattuso yet.


I don't think he'd be afraid of the challenge (or anything for that matter) and he's already building up a history of working for shit owners/chairmen.


He might even bring a few of his old lot with him. You have to imagine Maldini or Nesta would be a massive step up on what we have coaching the defence now.


Can Probably do without getting Inzaghi and Cisse in the same room though...

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can you imagine if this pardew staying shit was just an enormous smokescreen by notoriously fickle ashley who invites alan along to the 2014 planning meeting and oscar garcia is sitting there next to alan carr when he comes through the door


MA: "live by the sword die by the sword al, bye now"


not enough :sweetjesus: in the world


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reading the palace forums, Pulis has palace playing some decent stuff.


the football we were playing in the second half at Cardiff and during the Chelsea game shows his perceived 'anti football' style is nonsense.


we were playing short crisp passing, going from one end to another very quickly and getting down the wings. Take the move against Chelsea, with Ward breaking down the left, feeding it into Jerome (?) who slots it over to Puncheon, who produces superb skill to beat his man and fire in a shot. Did the ball go in the air once? Yes, but only because JP used some supreme tekkers to beat the left back.


people got whipped up in the media conjecture and also the stuff arm chair fans spout about Pulis, for those of us that go to the games, I've found the football ten times more satisfying to watch than the opening 10 games (regardless of results). Finally we are not naive, we try to take every advantage we can get and play as a team.

Spot on, and bar one or two exceptions we haven't played any more long balls under Pulis than we did under IH or under Dougie before 'that 8 game run'.


I've been impressed with just how effective our play has been at times and the counter attacking style has been fast and purposeful.


Whilst Dougie may have been reading books on 'how to control the game without the ball' - we might just have a manager who wrote the bloody thing!


They don't have the personnel to play the Stoke way. Puncheon & Bolasie are very different to the old Stoke wingers too.



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Guest antz1uk

can you imagine if this pardew staying s*** was just an enormous smokescreen by notoriously fickle ashley who invites alan along to the 2014 planning meeting and oscar garcia is sitting there next to alan carr when he comes through the door


MA: "live by the sword die by the sword al, bye now"


not enough :sweetjesus: in the world


Is it gonna be on channel 4 like?  :lol:

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can you imagine if this pardew staying s*** was just an enormous smokescreen by notoriously fickle ashley who invites alan along to the 2014 planning meeting and oscar garcia is sitting there next to alan carr when he comes through the door


MA: "live by the sword die by the sword al, bye now"


not enough :sweetjesus: in the world


Is it gonna be on channel 4 like?  :lol:


what's our carr called again? :lol:

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@OLNews_eng: Aulas kicks off the conference with a straight face. 'Rémi will not extend his contract despite multiple proposals on our side'


Criminal how many good managers are potentially available and we are stuck with Pardew


Wants a break from management apparently

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